Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!


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[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+2]The 100-day assault on America[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+1]Larry Elder on president's performance to date: 'At least he looks good'[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE][FONT=Palatino,]By Larry Elder

Has it really been 100 days?

Aided by an eagerly compliant Democratic-controlled Congress, a sycophantic media and a bunch of squishy Republicans, President Obama has taken the country on a radical, mind-boggling leap into collectivism.

Obama – to use one of his favorite expressions – doubled down, no, tripled and quadrupled down on Bush's "stimulus" and "rescue" packages, spending trillions of dollars to "bail out" financial institutions, too-big-to-fail businesses and even deficit-running states. Obama promises to use taxpayer money to rescue "responsible homeowners" – whatever that means – from foreclosure, thus artificially propping up prices that shut out renters who would love to buy now-much-cheaper houses.

Obama proposes spending billions (or trillions?) more on "creating or saving" – whatever that means – 4 million, 3.5 million or 2.5 million jobs. Pick a number. Given the government's vast business expertise, Obama proposes spending gobs of money to "invest" in green jobs.
And he's just warming up. He wants taxpayers to guarantee, presumably to all who request it, a "world-class education" – whatever that means.

Firmly in charge of much of the domestic car industry, Obama effectively fired the CEO of General Motors. He threatens to fire still more executives in the parts of the financial services industry currently under the management, direction or control of Uncle Sam – that eminent, well-regarded banker.
Obama blames the financial crisis on "greed" and the "lack of regulatory oversight." Funny thing about greed.

Celebrated investor-turned-Obama-supporter/adviser Warren Buffett says, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful." Apparently, some practice good greed, while others engage in greedy greed.

As for regulation, the SEC already heavily regulates most of the troubled financial institutions. The world's largest insurer, AIG, operated under heavy regulation. The government-sponsored entities Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae – blamed for irresponsibly buying, packaging and selling bad mortgages – are regulated by a government agency called the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. Its sole responsibility is to oversee those two agencies. OFHEO, shortly before the government takeover of Freddie and Fannie, gave them two thumbs up.

Did the president, after campaigning against pork and earmarks, really sign bills that include both? Yes. Will the president's new budget really triple and quadruple the annual deficit? Yes. Will the president's budget really double the national debt within a few years and then increase still more beyond that? Yes. Do the president and members of Congress, many of whom never operated so much as a T-shirt concession booth, really believe that they can "modernize" health care, thus "saving" taxpayers buckets of money? Yes.

America traditionally represents the greatest possibility of someone's going from nothing to something. Why? In theory, if not practice, the government stays out of the way and lets individuals take risks and reap rewards or accept the consequences of failure. We call this capitalism – or, at least, we used to.

Today's global downturn reflects too much borrowing and too much lending. But would borrowers and lenders – at least in America – have engaged in the same kind of behavior but for artificially low interest rates under the Federal Reserve system? Would borrowers and lenders have acted as precipitously but for the existence of Fannie and Freddie, which bought up their mortgages?
Would banks have so readily lent money to those who clearly could not repay it but for the Community Reinvestment Act? That law pressured banks into relaxing their normal lending standards to help low-income borrowers.

Now let's turn to Job No. 1 – national security. We no longer call the War on Terror the "War on Terror." We no longer call Islamofascist enemy detainees "enemy detainees." The president embarked on an I'm-not-Bush and we're-sorry-for-being-arrogant international tour. To the receptive, admiring G-20 nations, the president flogged America, calling us domineering and overbearing. What did the swooning leaders give in return? Virtually nothing. He wanted more assistance in fighting the war in Afghanistan. The NATO members offered more advisers and trainers, all, mind you, out of harm's way and only on a temporary basis.

The president offered a new relationship with Iran, provided Iranians "unclenched their fist." The president even sent a shout-out video to the Iranians on one of their holidays. What did he get in return? Iran promised to continue its march toward the development of a nuclear weapon and called Israel the "most cruel and racist regime."

Obama offered North Korea a kinder, gentler foreign policy. What did he get in return? The North Koreans, in violation of a United Nations resolution, attempted to launch a long-range missile. The president condemned the act. The United Nations Security Council convened an emergency session. What happened? Nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. North Korea kicked out the U.N.'s nuclear inspectors and announced the resumption of its nuclear weapons program. And North Korea, along with Iran, arrested and imprisoned American journalists.

On the other hand, Washingtonian magazine graced us with a spiffy, Photoshopped cover of a fit and toned swimsuit-wearing President Obama. So all is not lost.

At least he looks good.
I understand you think he is doing a great job but that does not answer the question of WHAT good he is actually doing? I dont think enough time has passed to lean in either direction and btw posting a poll is the most retarded way possible to get your point across I bet I could find a poll showing he has a larger disapproval rate but that doesnt make it soo.
I understand you think he is doing a great job but that does not answer the question of WHAT good he is actually doing? I dont think enough time has passed to lean in either direction and btw posting a poll is the most retarded way possible to get your point across I bet I could find a poll showing he has a larger disapproval rate but that doesnt make it soo.
OMG, finally somebody with some common sense. Great question but I wouldn't expect too much in the form of a response in that would actually take some thought (other than an opinion) and some facts to back them up. I will ALWAYS remain open to any well reasoned argument, but opinion IS, and always will be, nothing more than unsubstantiated fact!
OMG, finally somebody with some common sense. Great question but I wouldn't expect too much in the form of a response in that would actually take some thought (other than an opinion) and some facts to back them up. I will ALWAYS remain open to any well reasoned argument, but opinion IS, and always will be, nothing more than unsubstantiated fact!

I do not engage with people who do not respect the legitimately elected President of The United States.
I do not engage with people who do not respect the legitimately elected President of The United States.
You must not have engaged with a lot of people over the last 8 years then. Undoubtedly, based on your standards, you must've kept yourself out of innumerable conversations. Somehow, I think you're not quite as honest as you claim. Maybe I'm wrong, but every time I throw fact up in the face of some lib, instead of an argument,(WITH FACTS TO BACK IT UP) all they LEAVE the argument with, is a bunch of opinions identical to the one's they're trying to disprove. I'm cool with stories, but they need to be factual no matter who they're from.
I can tell you what he did in 100 days. He spent enough tax payer money to keep my grandkids kids in debt to the feds. bailed out all kinds of of banks and other big businesses that didn't need bailed out. For what. The first big step to share the wealth. Didn't take long for the cattle sorry people in the U.S to bow to the goverment again. Our legitimate pos president has turned the screw a full turn. Before his term is up Amarica will feel the pinch.
Fact, Obama is the most popular president since Ronnie Reagan. Unless of course you happen to be of the "right" persuasion.
Republicans largely oppose Mr. Obama's tax and spending plan to jump-start the economy.
Of course, the republicans are so far out of touch with the average American it is actually funny. I almost feel pity for them, wait, thats not pity, thats gross dislike. They are the party of no. They have no viable plans for recovery, just this: "If Obama does it, it must be wrong", how fucking retarded is that?

That's my opinion and I'm stickin to it.
I do not engage with people who do not respect the legitimately elected President of The United States.

Well, seeings as how you haven't committed suicide, and thus ceasing engaging in yourself for disrespecting Bush, perhaps you'd care to enlighten us how that hypocrisy is working out for you.

As far as respecting the President, the Office does not Sanctify the Holder of it, and thus piss on Obama, and piss on his family, and piss on his supporters. May they all die of a bloody flux.
im siding w/ medicine man...fact, I have watched countless youtube videos of Obamas stance on MMJ. would you rather the BUSH ADMIN, and his attorney general kept fighting the MMJ war, and had MCain Take it over?

Heres a good question, if the car companies had not been bailed out, how many would lose there jobs...wut about the suppliers for all the car companies (they do get there material somewhere) lets not bail any1 out and leave hundreds of more thousands out of work.

Its very easy to critizise ..........Obama is a brilliant speaker, innovative, and obviuously the majority choice.......ha
im siding w/ medicine man...fact, I have watched countless youtube videos of Obamas stance on MMJ. would you rather the BUSH ADMIN, and his attorney general kept fighting the MMJ war, and had MCain Take it over?

Heres a good question, if the car companies had not been bailed out, how many would lose there jobs...wut about the suppliers for all the car companies (they do get there material somewhere) lets not bail any1 out and leave hundreds of more thousands out of work.

Its very easy to critizise ..........Obama is a brilliant speaker, innovative, and obviuously the majority choice.......ha

Obama's skills at oratory are over-rated, and he's about as innovative as a C&Per. Or some one like you that can just repeat the same senseless BS that the media has repeated over and over again.

As far as being the choice of the majority. Big Fucking Whoop, the choice was between him and McCain, neither of them were actually Presidential Material.

One resembled a puppy that hadn't been potty trained, and the other an old dog that had been left alone outside chained too often.
Fact, Obama is the most popular president since Ronnie Reagan. Unless of course you happen to be of the "right" persuasion.
Republicans largely oppose Mr. Obama's tax and spending plan to jump-start the economy.
Of course, the republicans are so far out of touch with the average American it is actually funny. I almost feel pity for them, wait, thats not pity, thats gross dislike. They are the party of no. They have no viable plans for recovery, just this: "If Obama does it, it must be wrong", how fucking retarded is that?

That's my opinion and I'm stickin to it.

1. Obama is in fact a very popular President. Doesn't mean he's doing a good job.
2. Republicans and many Dems disagree with the spending plan to jump the economy. it's just not republicans.
3. If Obama is doing well, i will let it be known. I am Not a Republican. I am Not a Democrat. I am an AMERICAN !
well im proud to have Obama as a president...our economy was already in the shits 100 days ago. im hightly doubful people will ever agree on broad polititical stances...wut i do know is that no matter wut happens people will always be cinical, (spell) , and argue over current politics . just ignorant rambling, usually with no basis... My girl waitresses at a local diner in hick ville.....and for the last 2 months all she has heard is fat ass customers bickering about Obama. Its just a waste of time and a negitive mind set. Im sure he has at least 20 advisors creating over 120 years of culmulitive college graduate experience.

Look at how negitive a thread like this can turn when political issues are mashed around.

Obama's skills at oratory are over-rated, and he's about as innovative as a C&Per. Or some one like you that can just repeat the same senseless BS that the media has repeated over and over again.

As far as being the choice of the majority. Big Fucking Whoop, the choice was between him and McCain, neither of them were actually Presidential Material.

One resembled a puppy that hadn't been potty trained, and the other an old dog that had been left alone outside chained too often.