Active Member
honestly ethanol being made from corn is fucking redic...jacked the price of corn somn lik 300% and now we have a shortage compared to past years, make sense? Not at all...
ay yo dannyking if weed was legal that would get rid of the scumbags or drug dealers u talkin bout, if its legal then they got no buisness so wtf are you on about?
honestly ethanol being made from corn is fucking redic...jacked the price of corn somn lik 300% and now we have a shortage compared to past years, make sense? Not at all...
Right Loud Blunts? The amount of green that could be grown on one industrial farm would probably be 3 to 4 times more efficient that about 3-4 of those damn ethanol only corn grows and cheaper...especially from the amount that could be taken from that crop alone has got to beat those damn corn fields ha that also be a sweet ass job to work at lol
I don't want marijuana to be legal. I'd like to see it used for medical reasons but not legalised. Have you seen the Scum it attracts in places like amsterdam. I love where I live and don't want it ruined by gangsters and scumbags.
we also wont mention how hemp can be used for fuel
First of Shitidiot if marijuana was legal there wouldn't be any gangsters and scum as you say becasue it would be legal. Who the fuck needs a gangster when you got walmart.
Have you been to Amsterdam???
Drug Tourism is not a good thing in my opinion.
I don't mean to offend you guys. And I think that medical marijuana is a fantastic thing. I'd support it 100 percent. But totally legal, I don't think America or anywhere else in the world is ready for that.
I do think that semi-small personal grows should be given a break
and that laws, especially those of the American governments are quite extreme. I know it would generate an abundance of jobs and an unimaginable amount of money but at what cost?? How would the industry be regulated??
Quite impossible if you ask me.
Again, sorry for any offence caused.
lmao you guys these days...hemp is basiaclly legal cant get flippin high off hemp..theres 0% thc...and fuk legalize weed..that wud cause way more problems..half the reason why people do it and grow it is cause its some states provinces countrys weed is the number 1 inport/export and thats only because its illegal...yes its a plant that grows naturally but the chemicals in are pretty bad...same with cocaine it comes from coco leaves which is a natural plant...fuk leagilizing weed..its fun hidin from the cops..theres so many other points im just wyy too stoned to mention them...if ur so worried about it..move to fuckin amsterdam where u can toke up nd shit...even tohugh my picture sais legalize it..i just think its a cool pic so fack off![]()