Legalize Bud Now!!!!! No Joke!!!!!

honestly ethanol being made from corn is fucking redic...jacked the price of corn somn lik 300% and now we have a shortage compared to past years, make sense? Not at all...
I live down under and where I am it is not decriminalized, my family has a bad deal with cancer (my mum has breast cancer and her sister died from it over a decade ago) the male side is blessed with prostate cancer (one of my grandpa's the other didn't and my dad hasn't gotten it yet and hopefully won't). For me to reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer I need to smoke as it is proven to fight certain types of cancer (prostate cancer and breast cancer being some of those) and some months of the year I have insomnia (no idea why but exactly in summer and winter never the three months in between). Even if Med MJ came out I don't think I will ever see a doctor prescribe a prevention so legalize and let the people decide. This doesn't concern the Australian Gov't and won't until the US legalizes so hop to it!

Right Loud Blunts? The amount of green that could be grown on one industrial farm would probably be 3 to 4 times more efficient that about 3-4 of those damn ethanol only corn grows and cheaper...especially from the amount that could be taken from that crop alone has got to beat those damn corn fields ha that also be a sweet ass job to work at lol

& Hydro i'm right there with you on that insomnia i have that same problem usually around april ta june, im actually at the moment dealing with it haha worst part about it is I gotta be clean for the next couple weeks so looks like I'mma have some long nights on riu fer a while ha
Right Loud Blunts? The amount of green that could be grown on one industrial farm would probably be 3 to 4 times more efficient that about 3-4 of those damn ethanol only corn grows and cheaper...especially from the amount that could be taken from that crop alone has got to beat those damn corn fields ha that also be a sweet ass job to work at lol

most definitely!!!
Yeah insomnia is shit, if I have a J I will sleep like a baby, I was on and off RUI for about 2 weeks straight just reading all the posts.
thats exactly what I'm doing right now and have been doin all night luckily its almost 8 on my side of the coast so i can start/continue ha my day
true...... if the us set up a legal system just as alcohol the govt./country would make a arse load of money.
and you can kinda tell its fake also because it said a million pretty sure this number gets like a million calls a day. theres alot of potsmokers out there.
US wouldnt know what ta do with the amount of money they'd earn from it...there's no possible way they couldnt earn a profit from legalization along with alot of happy american citizens lol
i read that thing on loudblunts quote thing(i got a couple clones saved up and i want to try to germinate them any suggestions?) hahahahahahahahaha wtf and dannyking is also a dumbass but so funny hahaha man that was sum funny shit yo how can u be that stupid ahh allgood atleast sum good comedy
I don't want marijuana to be legal. I'd like to see it used for medical reasons but not legalised. Have you seen the Scum it attracts in places like amsterdam. I love where I live and don't want it ruined by gangsters and scumbags.

First of Shitidiot if marijuana was legal there wouldn't be any gangsters and scum as you say becasue it would be legal. Who the fuck needs a gangster when you got walmart.
The fact is we spend to much damn money in court costs and everything else, and tearing down forest for paper, and drilling for oil, when we have a renewable resource right infront of our faces. We can make paper, plastics, oils. Alot of shit from hemp, but big corporations don't want to take a hit from the sells they would loose from the leagalization of marijuana. Anyone that associates hemp with racism or thugs and gangsters is just narrow minded and doesn't know the full use and potential of this product. Fords first Model-T was built from hemp, ran on hemp oil, and was 10 times stronger than steel. Now tell me why the Fu%k arent we useing this shit????? Doesn't make any damn since to me.
First of Shitidiot if marijuana was legal there wouldn't be any gangsters and scum as you say becasue it would be legal. Who the fuck needs a gangster when you got walmart.

Have you been to Amsterdam???
Drug Tourism is not a good thing in my opinion.
I don't mean to offend you guys. And I think that medical marijuana is a fantastic thing. I'd support it 100 percent. But totally legal, I don't think America or anywhere else in the world is ready for that.
I do think that semi-small personal grows should be given a break
and that laws, especially those of the American governments are quite extreme. I know it would generate an abundance of jobs and an unimaginable amount of money but at what cost?? How would the industry be regulated??
Quite impossible if you ask me.
Again, sorry for any offence caused.
Have you been to Amsterdam???
Drug Tourism is not a good thing in my opinion.
I don't mean to offend you guys. And I think that medical marijuana is a fantastic thing. I'd support it 100 percent. But totally legal, I don't think America or anywhere else in the world is ready for that.
I do think that semi-small personal grows should be given a break
and that laws, especially those of the American governments are quite extreme. I know it would generate an abundance of jobs and an unimaginable amount of money but at what cost?? How would the industry be regulated??
Quite impossible if you ask me.
Again, sorry for any offence caused.

If there was more tolerance like amsterdam then there would be no need for drug tourism.

Its just like if alcohol was illegal and only one country had it. Would you be saying alcohol shouldnt be legalized becasue everyone goes to country-x and gets drunk and fights and drink and drives and does all the other bad things associated with drinking? What im saying is that if it were legal/tolerated more then it would cause less problems than if it were completely illegal. Think Prohibition...

The industry can be regulated just like any other industry. Why would it be so hard? Tobacco seems to be regulated fine and its the same damn thing practically. I can grow my own tobacco too so why cant i grow my own weed? How could anything be any worse if it was legalized?
lmao you guys these days...hemp is basiaclly legal cant get flippin high off hemp..theres 0% thc...and fuk legalize weed..that wud cause way more problems..half the reason why people do it and grow it is cause its some states provinces countrys weed is the number 1 inport/export and thats only because its illegal...yes its a plant that grows naturally but the chemicals in are pretty bad...same with cocaine it comes from coco leaves which is a natural plant...fuk leagilizing weed..its fun hidin from the cops..theres so many other points im just wyy too stoned to mention them...if ur so worried about it..move to fuckin amsterdam where u can toke up nd shit...even tohugh my picture sais legalize it..i just think its a cool pic so fack off :D
lmao you guys these days...hemp is basiaclly legal cant get flippin high off hemp..theres 0% thc...and fuk legalize weed..that wud cause way more problems..half the reason why people do it and grow it is cause its some states provinces countrys weed is the number 1 inport/export and thats only because its illegal...yes its a plant that grows naturally but the chemicals in are pretty bad...same with cocaine it comes from coco leaves which is a natural plant...fuk leagilizing weed..its fun hidin from the cops..theres so many other points im just wyy too stoned to mention them...if ur so worried about it..move to fuckin amsterdam where u can toke up nd shit...even tohugh my picture sais legalize it..i just think its a cool pic so fack off :D


so hows it going to cause more problems?

"fuk leagilizing weed..its fun hidin from the cops"

yeah im sure youll be saying that when you get busted one day