nutrient levels


Active Member
need help again... am about to flower.. growing in coco...using ferro products and getting perfect EC. as soon as i add piranha(nutrient) it jumps to 2.3.. is this ok:confused:


Well-Known Member
if you think its to high just add water to water down the solution... my guess is piranha is super concentrated... so either add more water or cut back on the piranha... 2.3 might be too high.. but if your plants seem ok with it then its fine... it really just depends on how your plants react to it...


Active Member
if you think its to high just add water to water down the solution... my guess is piranha is super concentrated... so either add more water or cut back on the piranha... 2.3 might be too high.. but if your plants seem ok with it then its fine... it really just depends on how your plants react to it...
yeah..ill have to cut back on the piranha cos otherwise ill be diluteing the other nutients. thanks.