just sprouted..........problem already?


Active Member
im not sure of any of you saw my thread in the newbies area but i just started smoking again and have been doing alot of reading on here to try to grow some nice crops:weed: i can't get pictures for a short time because i have no camera.........but to basically sum it up i planted 4 seeds in seperate styrofoam cups in my closet (so my 10 year old son doesn't find them) i have them on a light for about 10 hours a day and about 14 hours of complete darkness or 12-12 it it all depends, today i noticed 2 of them started to sprout in the morning, i go to to turn the light on again just now and they all seem to be just sprouting but seem to be a yellowish in color?:cry:...i know im a newb but any help would be greatly aprreciated..........oh by the way, im watering about everday with a tablespoon of water


Well-Known Member
okay what light s are you using first of all...and the light cycle should be 18/6 on/off....and only water when soil is dry...did u germante you seed or just put it in the soil...and what soil you using?


Active Member
okay what light s are you using first of all...and the light cycle should be 18/6 on/off....and only water when soil is dry...did u germante you seed or just put it in the soil...and what soil you using?
im not 100% sure on the lights as of i haven't had enough time to get the proper 1's i need but it is a 100w im pretty sure, i just put it in the soil and the soil is just potting soil i believe, not sure the brand my wife had it in our hotbed


Well-Known Member
okay well if its a normal bulb then that wont work..u will need a cfl..but 100w is a good wattage...u can try it ...only water when the soil begins to get a bit dry..dont use nutes or any plant food u wont need it for 3-4 weeks and put light cylce on 18-6...u mayb will need a fan...any more q feel free to ask


Active Member
okay well if its a normal bulb then that wont work..u will need a cfl..but 100w is a good wattage...u can try it ...only water when the soil begins to get a bit dry..dont use nutes or any plant food u wont need it for 3-4 weeks and put light cylce on 18-6...u mayb will need a fan...any more q feel free to ask
alright man thanks alot, much appreciated....what size bulb should i get? and would it affect the plants at all by switching it right now?


Active Member
forgot to add.......i plan on transferring these outside once they get a nice descent size or so. about 10 inches or around there


Well-Known Member
well bro im actually doing the same thing..ironic:P...but uh right now im using a 100watt cfl until it gets about a foot tall then im guna bring er outside...also using tinfoil as a reflector and a fan for stem strength and water evry 2 days if needed...id recomend u put it in a decent size container..i put mine in a water bottle bottom and i had to transplant it within a week so iuno up to u


Active Member
well bro im actually doing the same thing..ironic:P...but uh right now im using a 100watt cfl until it gets about a foot tall then im guna bring er outside...also using tinfoil as a reflector and a fan for stem strength and water evry 2 days if needed...id recomend u put it in a decent size container..i put mine in a water bottle bottom and i had to transplant it within a week so iuno up to u
oh ok sweet stuff man:weed:..when i set up my tin foil should i set it up like cube almost to say? with the plants in the middles and 4 walls around them? or....and how much do the 100w cfls cost?...and i imagine i can get them at home depot/lowes


Well-Known Member
i got mine from my hydroponics store..i was at wall mart today the highest wattage was 42 watts and that aint relli enough it wud start it off..i payed 50 buks for my 100 watt cfl mayb urs will be more or cheaper i dont know..and with tinfoil put it on all sides of ur grow spot even on the roof if u want to...also recomend a small fan to blow on the plant so the stem stregthens...i think u shud set this all up nd then germanate nd sprout ur seeds...good luck bro..always have the set up ready before the plant


Active Member
i got mine from my hydroponics store..i was at wall mart today the highest wattage was 42 watts and that aint relli enough it wud start it off..i payed 50 buks for my 100 watt cfl mayb urs will be more or cheaper i dont know..and with tinfoil put it on all sides of ur grow spot even on the roof if u want to...also recomend a small fan to blow on the plant so the stem stregthens...i think u shud set this all up nd then germanate nd sprout ur seeds...good luck bro..always have the set up ready before the plant
wife just got a 60w cfl for me:hump::DD this should do it for a little while now.just looked at them and even though its only been a few hours they seem to have atleast 3x's as much green on them as before which is a relief...but they already have about an inch of stem on them?..should i lower my light so they open up more and grow lower?..its about a foot and a hald directly above them now


Well-Known Member
yes man cfls create very little heat so u can put them very close..put it 2 inches away for now..its streching for light if u have it that far away...uve got a pretty good wife bro i must admit...put up some tinfoil..get some distilled or bottled water dont use tap water..nd ur set budday got luck any more Q's jsut ask ..


Active Member
yes man cfls create very little heat so u can put them very close..put it 2 inches away for now..its streching for light if u have it that far away...uve got a pretty good wife bro i must admit...put up some tinfoil..get some distilled or bottled water dont use tap water..nd ur set budday got luck any more Q's jsut ask ..
oh ok i was going to do that but wasn't sure..yeah i gotta love her for that lol


Well-Known Member
your ph is most likely off in the soil,they not gettin vital nutes they need for growth,u need to check that ph.


Well-Known Member
its not ph they just srpouted its deffientely lights..mayb if they grow a bit more nd turn yellow...unless ur using dirt from the ground it aint the ph no offense..good luck


Active Member
its not ph they just srpouted its deffientely lights..mayb if they grow a bit more nd turn yellow...unless ur using dirt from the ground it aint the ph no offense..good luck
ya there all green now thankfully.moved the light about 8 inches or so away from it and they seem to be doin good.1 has bent stem?.. but others ok


Well-Known Member
its not ph they just srpouted its deffientely lights..mayb if they grow a bit more nd turn yellow...unless ur using dirt from the ground it aint the ph no offense..good luck
could be a combination of both,,although i am a strictly hydro grower,soil as the medium takes too long for me and yellowing leaves is either nutes,(too strong, or PH,way off) you can go by the colors the leaves change,texture feeling to really know the prob!


Well-Known Member
lower you cfl to within 2inches of the light, cfls only work well when there clsoe to the plant


Active Member
well as of right now i lowered the light o about 3 inches away from them and all have about a 2-3 inch stem with about 4 leaves and the 6th set is growing in.....how do i make this start flowering now if i wanted it to?.i tried searching in the forum but i couldn't find it..i'd like them to start flowering as soon as possible


Active Member
im a newbie to but im pretty sure Seedling stage takes about a month, then 2 weeks of veg and you can flower. I can tell you with one cfl u wont get much though. You should do a lot of reading in the newbie section very helpfull.