im not sure of any of you saw my thread in the newbies area but i just started smoking again and have been doing alot of reading on here to try to grow some nice crops i can't get pictures for a short time because i have no camera.........but to basically sum it up i planted 4 seeds in seperate styrofoam cups in my closet (so my 10 year old son doesn't find them) i have them on a light for about 10 hours a day and about 14 hours of complete darkness or 12-12 it it all depends, today i noticed 2 of them started to sprout in the morning, i go to to turn the light on again just now and they all seem to be just sprouting but seem to be a yellowish in color?...i know im a newb but any help would be greatly aprreciated..........oh by the way, im watering about everday with a tablespoon of water