C02 Calculator ~ Calculate How Long to Run your CO2 Tank

I picked up The Control Wizard for under $160.00
It turns your Co2 on only when the fan is off.
It turns on the fans on by temp or humid settings by you.
You can add a timer to turn Co2 off when lights are off.
Great unit
my grow cabinet has a problem with heat, somtimes gets 107. think if i put some dry ice along the sides it will both lower the temp and increase the co2 level?
my grow cabinet has a problem with heat, somtimes gets 107. think if i put some dry ice along the sides it will both lower the temp and increase the co2 level?

How much do you pay for dry ice though? It seems like a great idea in theory, It would just depend how much money the dry ice would cost.

I was given a miwaukee ma957 rugulator with bubble counter - anyone know how to use this calculator with one of these? Or is it junk for growing.
alright, well i just got myself a cap air 4, controls co2, temps, humid
there are dials on it so that i can set the on and off intervals, with the calculator, i can more or less fill it up to the desired level.
but approxitemly how often does it need to be fired up?
im sure it depends on many things, but is there a rule of thumb or can anyone suggest a cycle time
i found a "youtube video" of a kid that made a co2 out of 2 LITRE BOTTLE, yeast, sugar water.
my thoughts are/were, any added co2 would help, i am about day 30 of flower cycle, and just built my 2nd bottle
(read/watched) they only last 2weeks.
any "real" growers, have any thoughts on this.
my whole cash out lay, couldnt have been more then 2 american dollars,
is there any argument,, that "something" is better then nothing"?
any feedback would be great,
Ok, I may come off as a retard, but why can't you just blow on your plants to administer Co2?

It's FREE and easy :mrgreen:

My babies are sitting in their own 5 gallon bucket of water w/nutes, there is an airstone in each bucket giving them all the oxygen they need and I visit them throughout the day... blowing on them, talking to them, etc etc.

They're just over 3 weeks old and they look great!

The more I read about hydro growing, the more involved it gets and from what I have experienced in my own grow room, lots of you guys are doing waaaaaay too much work.

Yes, I'm new at this but I was taught by a guy who has done this many times, and from what I've seen so far, it's so much easier than what most of you are doing... and way less money.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it :lol:
no one with a few plants is going to bother with co2 injection, it is for large rooms with large number of plants.

if you are in the room with your plants most the time you are putting co2 in the room, i dont know how much tho
hey guys i'm a total noob at this, i'm wondering how much of a difference will co2 usually make ?? assuming i'm running a 4x2 area with 70-100 plants... what are your experiences with co2 and yield?
will co2 work if you fill the room at night when lights are off?

No. You want fresh are when the lights go out.

hey guys i'm a total noob at this, i'm wondering how much of a difference will co2 usually make ?? assuming i'm running a 4x2 area with 70-100 plants... what are your experiences with co2 and yield?

4 x 2 what? Feet? How you gonna flower 70-100 plants in 2x4 foot grow space?

Theres no set rule for how much it will help, adding c02 just helps you give your plants more "optimal" conditions, and healthier plants grow faster, and grow bigger, and grow stronger.

yeah im with logansmith i get that plants requrie co2 but what are the optimal levels for herb

1500 PPM is the optimum level for weed. Only during light cycles. Photosynthesis stops during dark periods and plants stop using C02. This is when you want to run your exhaust fans and air out the room to get some fresh air in. Nothing worse than old stale air that will just cause mold/mildew growth.

Also dont forget that c02 is Heavier than Air, so it will settle on the ground if you dont have enough circulation fans.

befor man walked the earth ext... plant ruled the earth co2 was very high in short yes even if you have 1 or 2 plants if you have the money get co2 if you get a tank run it just like bctrippin said 1500ppm turn off at night if no tank some shops sell palls of compost that let out co2,when I started growing the first 4 times I didnt use co2 try number 6 I did with clones from the same batch and got 20% more bud
1500 PPM is the optimum level for weed. Only during light cycles. Photosynthesis stops during dark periods and plants stop using C02. This is when you want to run your exhaust fans and air out the room to get some fresh air in. Nothing worse than old stale air that will just cause mold/mildew growth.

Also dont forget that c02 is Heavier than Air, so it will settle on the ground if you dont have enough circulation fans.


ah thank you for all your answers. I am planning to do an SoG grow inside an enclosed 4x2 ft area, running around 70-100 plants on an aero system with each plant around 1ft high.
quick question, if you are running a co2 tank, i understand that you only run it during light hours. do you only run your exhaust fans when it is dark?? because i see a lot of ppl who run their exhaust non-stop, but not sure if they are using co2.
ah thank you for all your answers. I am planning to do an SoG grow inside an enclosed 4x2 ft area, running around 70-100 plants on an aero system with each plant around 1ft high.
quick question, if you are running a co2 tank, i understand that you only run it during light hours. do you only run your exhaust fans when it is dark?? because i see a lot of ppl who run their exhaust non-stop, but not sure if they are using co2.


Buy yourself one of these. Best investment Ever. They are fairly cheap too. Its a cooling thermostat. You plug your fan into the thermostat, and set the thermo to the temp you want. When it reaches that temp, the thermostat kicks in power and your exhaust fans turn on.

Seeing that you would be paying for c02, your not going to want to run your exhaust all day and lose the c02. Set up your exhaust on a cooling thermometer and it will only kick it when it gets too hot.


Buy yourself one of these. Best investment Ever. They are fairly cheap too. Its a cooling thermostat. You plug your fan into the thermostat, and set the thermo to the temp you want. When it reaches that temp, the thermostat kicks in power and your exhaust fans turn on.

Seeing that you would be paying for c02, your not going to want to run your exhaust all day and lose the c02. Set up your exhaust on a cooling thermometer and it will only kick it when it gets too hot.


GREAT! Thanks for recommending that. I will definitely look into it. This absolutely looks like a worthwhile investment.