Canna Cogr Drip w/ Bloombastic

Ok gents. This post is for people who have only used the Canna line of Cogr nutes, bloombastic and big bud. I am looking for experienced growers opinions to help me better my grow. Please chime in on this plan of attack. I am vegging for another week or two, but this is what I plan to do. This schedule has been recommened to me by a very experienced grower.

First week of flower continue MH's under 12/12, continue veg line of cogr A,B, Rhizo, Cannazym,superthrive.

Second week continue MH's under 12/12 (this will be the last week under MH until the stretch is done) Continue previous nutes, add 2ML/gal bloombastic.

Third week. The stretch has ended and flowers have appeared. Switch to 1000k HPS. Begin flowering nutes (flores A,B Big Bud, Boost) @ 1/2 dose w/ Bloombastic 4ml per gal.

Forth - Sixth Week. Continue the same schedule adding Pk 13/14. 4-6ML/Gal Bloombastic.

Seveth-Eighth Week. Continue Boost only up until the end while flushing.

Please comment. Thank you. Should have some really juicy tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
Third week. The stretch has ended and flowers have appeared. Switch to 1000k HPS. Begin flowering nutes (flores A,B Big Bud, Boost) @ 1/2 dose w/ Bloombastic 4ml per gal.

Forth - Sixth Week. Continue the same schedule adding Pk 13/14. 4-6ML/Gal Bloombastic.

Seveth-Eighth Week. Continue Boost only up until the end while flushing.

Please comment. Thank you. Should have some really juicy tomatoes.
Just a note: The plants will stretch aggressively for about 40% of the budding cycle, they don't automatically stop stretching after a couple weeks.

A lot of strains start showing pistils at about ten days. May wish to begin giving them them a taste of flowering solution starting at about that time. One way to transition them at this point is to begin topping off your reservoir with half strength budding solution a week or ten days in, then go full budding solution at next reservoir change out.

You do have the right idea for getting a nice stretch, extra nitrogen the first couple weeks makes them stretch a lot more.

PS. We LOVE pictures! Keep us posted!