Lighting Question * please help quick *


Well-Known Member
k so tonight i decided i wanted to add in another fluorescent light ... so i went with a 24" tube ..... the setup i got is the fixture and tube and the light is glued to the fixture .. so i cant pull it out but i didnt know that till i got home and opened the package .... i bought a cool white 24" bulb to put in place of the current warm white 24" bulb ........the cool white puts out around 400 more lumens and has about 400 more k ( cool white 4100k ........ warm white 3600k ) would it be fine to use the warm white tube on my setup i currently have .... there 1 month into vegging from germination .... and the lighting conditions are with 4 CFL spiral bulbs ...... if i add the warm white ... will it ruin the plants ?


Well-Known Member
thanks major toke ... reason for my asking is because in a thread i read yesturday ... it said something bout cool white for vegging and warm white for flowering ...and like blue spectrum and red spectrum ....... but ya .. thats sweet cause my plants like i said are a month and there startin to grow decent but im thinkin i need more light to help the growth .... 4 cfl's was fine for the first month .... i defintely think this 24" flourescent will help ..... i turned it on and wow was it ever bright lol ... ill post pics of the two - 1 month old babies in like 10 minutes or so


Well-Known Member
it said something bout cool white for vegging and warm white for flowering ...and like blue spectrum and red spectrum
Yep, you got it. But the rule is the more light the better. Plus plants still need both spectrum's to some degree.


Well-Known Member
nice thanks bigbud ed ...... here are pics of the two

these next two are of my healthier plant



Well-Known Member
why are my plants so small looking .... its jus around or jus after a month since germination ... and the plants are like 4 inches tall or so .... but the marijuana leafs seem smaller then they should be ... is it just the strain im working with ?


Active Member
A month since germination? Wow those are severely stunted. Mine looked like that 4 days after germination.


Well-Known Member
stunted being a bad thing right ? im not 100 % sure why but id like to know..... i mean upon reading other ppls grows ..who use CFL's theres are a damn decent size after a month .... mine are pin .... is it cause of my way of growing ? this is my 2nd time around .... and since i joined this site ... ive spent weeks upon weeks and endless nites researching .... theres no problems with my grow i jus wanna know why there so small at 1 month time .... they each have 4 levels .... growing on the 5th level .... but shouldnt they be like atleast a foot high by now ?


Well-Known Member
i agree my plants under floro lighting looks like that generally after about 3 days. You should keep your lights within a few inches of the plants.


Too many brownies
dude when my plants are 1 month they are 2 ft tall and have 7 and 9 point leaves. Those are VERY VERY severely stunted. Can you please take a picture of the whole grow setup and the lighting so we can see what the hell is wrong because those things honestly dont look good at all. :peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
oh but see one does look good ... it looks mint .... the other one is turning yellow because i have the lights to close .... im pretty positive i found the problem why there stunted ..... I NEED MORE LIGHT!!! LOL ....i got eff all goin to em right now ..... my 4 CFLs put out like 2500 lumens ..... and my one 24" tube puts out like 800 lumens ...... im under the knowledge and understanding that i neeed 5k + lumens for what im doin ..... id like to find a few CFL bulbs that are 100 watters and put out 2 - 4000 lumens ..... those would be ideal ....