just might be the coolest things happend to me while stoned


Active Member
this is kinda long, but bare with me

so on sunday morning my mom got ready with my little brother and went to church, and my dead went off to work. Their commotion of getting ready woke me a little, but i wasnt about to get up at 8:00 AM on my first day off from work in a few weeks. so as soon as they left i packed the bong and had a quick smoke, and went back to bed. I woke an up at like 11:30 and smoked again then had some breakfast and got dressed etc, and smoked once more, knowing my mom and brother ould be home soon, and its a lot harder to smoke when they are home, but i can be as high as i want around them, cause they never know im stoned. Anyway, its about 1 oclock and i had smoked a lot already and i was in the front yard playing hackey-sack(why yes, i do smoke pot) and my mom pull up into the driveway, and my brother is sitting in the front seat with a kitten in his lap!!!!
now let me tell you i am a dog person 100% but dam this little thing is sooooo cute. it loves to play and explore, and it is a total spaz (which is hilarious after a bong sesh) it will just run form room to room like its on a mission then completely forget what its doing and decide it need to lick its feet or something stupid.
maybe its cause i have never had a cat before or because i was so stoned, but randomly getting a kitten was just coolest thing!:peace:


Active Member
Get a laser pointer. Get stoned. Make the kitten chase the laser. It's HILARIOUS. Mine runs in circles. haha.


Well-Known Member
I love cats, haha... here's my gang. The white one on the tub is my oldest, I've had him since just before my 7th birthday, I'm going on 23 now. The one on the toilet is only about a year old, he and the black one love playing together (you can see him getting ready to pounce the black one) and the black one is about 2 years old I'd say.



Well-Known Member
I never got the cat thing. My buddy has some that look like little leopards - thay are badass - but I would never want one.


Well-Known Member
I love cats, always have. And DO get that laser pointer! The kitten will love it and it'll provide HOURS upon HOURS of entertainment for the both of you. What does the lil' fella look like? Are you able to take a picture of him? And have you chosen a name??? :D THE PEOPLE WANNA KNOW!


Active Member
Just make sure it's older before you get it high, Also i heard somewhere that the whole blowing smoke into dogs and cats cars can get them high..... but DEAD


Active Member
he is such a chill cat, and such a total spaz at the same time, he is hilarious, we have a 2 year old puppy of a dog and the to of them play together and nap together, after only a week! and we didnt have to train the cat at all, its a baby, but it just prefers to do its business in the litterbox, it has never not gone in it.
o and his name; EDDIE!


Well-Known Member
Just make sure it's older before you get it high, Also i heard somewhere that the whole blowing smoke into dogs and cats cars can get them high..... but DEAD
I love how people spread heresay science.

cats, dogs, all animals, have a cannabinoid system, basically ours evolved from it. they can get high without negative side effects as well. at any age I suspect.

just don't hotbox them in smoke . . . . I'd recommend blowing vapor into their little faces instead of smoke ;). :blsmoke:


Active Member
i'd say that's based on the dog breed personally. i have miniature pinschers and they act like a dog and cat combined and are fucking hyper and hilarious as hell.


Well-Known Member
I've known more stoner cats than stoner dogs... although I've met plenty of both. I had a German Shepherd when I was young... and I found out from my older brother that he used to sniff out and eat his stash.


Well-Known Member
Cats are the bestest, they should make it illegal for kittens to be so goddamn cute.


Well-Known Member
my mum had 2 pregnant cats then we has 8 kittens and 3 cats , the mom of 5 of the litter was patch , because she had a tumour under her eye and one eye was taken out .!


Well-Known Member
LOL! That's terrible and I shouldn't laugh at it... but I'm laughing anyway. And I agree, kittens are too cute for their own good.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
My cat drops everything and comes up on my lap when I light a bowl and I get him stoned then he falls asleep right there. Then he wakes up, takes a piss, eats sum food, and falls back asleep. He's a bigger stoner than me...that's sayin sumthin


Well-Known Member
this is kinda long, but bare with me

so on sunday morning my mom got ready with my little brother and went to church, and my dead went off to work. Their commotion of getting ready woke me a little, but i wasnt about to get up at 8:00 AM on my first day off from work in a few weeks. so as soon as they left i packed the bong and had a quick smoke, and went back to bed. I woke an up at like 11:30 and smoked again then had some breakfast and got dressed etc, and smoked once more, knowing my mom and brother ould be home soon, and its a lot harder to smoke when they are home, but i can be as high as i want around them, cause they never know im stoned. Anyway, its about 1 oclock and i had smoked a lot already and i was in the front yard playing hackey-sack(why yes, i do smoke pot) and my mom pull up into the driveway, and my brother is sitting in the front seat with a kitten in his lap!!!!
now let me tell you i am a dog person 100% but dam this little thing is sooooo cute. it loves to play and explore, and it is a total spaz (which is hilarious after a bong sesh) it will just run form room to room like its on a mission then completely forget what its doing and decide it need to lick its feet or something stupid.
maybe its cause i have never had a cat before or because i was so stoned, but randomly getting a kitten was just coolest thing!:peace:

Duude, cats are teh BEST stoner pets ever. They are soo funny. Cats have so much personality and they are always up to something, just doing their own thing.

Hahaha, its soo funny to just sit and watch a cat when your stoned.

Break the kitty in now while its young. Get it really used to being picked up and held a lot and rub your fingers between the cats tows. Trust me, the cat might think its awkward at first, but if you get your cat used to being held and prodded(gently of course...lol) at a young age then they will be MUCH calmer when they get older.

My cat is 2 years old and hes the bigges fucking baby, you couldnt make him scratch you if you tried. He wouldnt hurt a fly. Even if you try to get him to scratch you he pulls in his claws.

And as far as rubbing between the paws and tows, get him used to that, trust me, lol, if you get your cat used to it now it will make it a LOT easier to file/clip claws. My cat loves getting his claws clipped now, he just lays on his back and sticks his paws out....its so funny.

Haha, Im way to baked...Enjoy the kitten. :mrgreen:
