
Well-Known Member
Way too much time on his hands.... excuse me toes....... :o
LOL LOL. Morning Twisty!:hug:

Hey, can I ask you something? I was told yesterday that I am intimidating...Do you think I am? I try not to be, I am just passionate about certain things....My realtor told me I am very intimidating with some of the things that come out of my yap...:(
I am a lot of things, but, I never thought intimidating was one of them. And, really, how can a 5'2", 90 pound woman be intimidating????

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its the boss subordinate thing the realtor doesn't want to be told how to do there job and you expect things to be done in a timely manor


Well-Known Member
its the boss subordinate thing the realtor doesn't want to be told how to do there job and you expect things to be done in a timely manor
That is probably it, I was telling him how he needs to represent my home....I guess I was telling him how to do his job...That must be it. I just don't want to be a bossy bitch....but, I guess it is what it is. :?


Well-Known Member
Strong will can appear intimidating to some.

I rather like it. Cut to the chase and tell me what you want... :-D

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
why do we feel like we owe the realtor something before the house is sold ,they are paid at the end with commission yet we are made to feel like we have to tip toe around them and if the house doesn't sell its our fault some how