Like my box? How im doin?

how am i doing, and what combo do u think i can improve with,? can i start flowering? will it work in this box..right now my guy on the right is about 10"

i have a 400w scared 2 use it time ya know..scared 2 see my electrical bill..
parts list..
1. 2 -4' 5000k 32w tubes
2. 2 -4' 3000k 32w tubes
3. 2 -4' 4100k 32w tubes
(i can only use 4 tubes at once)
4. 1-100w/hps(dont know the Ks)
5. 1-400w/hps (which im too scared 2 use./lol)(dont know the Ks)
6. 2-23w=100w spiral 2700k

the veg box right now how the 100w hps, and the 2-23w=100w cfls..



Active Member
will there be enough place for future weeks??

someone advised me around never to use aluminium foil, i use reflective gift wrappings instead.


Active Member
will there be enough place for future weeks??

someone advised me around never to use aluminium foil, i use reflective gift wrappings instead.
nice gonna have 2 grab, future weeks? u mean wen it blows up, hopefully, i dont know, this is my 1st time...kinda just wingin it...


Well-Known Member
how am i doing, and what combo do u think i can improve with,? can i start flowering? will it work in this box..right now my guy on the right is about 10"

i have a 400w scared 2 use it time ya know..scared 2 see my electrical bill..
parts list..
1. 2 -4' 5000k 32w tubes
2. 2 -4' 3000k 32w tubes
3. 2 -4' 4100k 32w tubes
(i can only use 4 tubes at once)
4. 1-100w/hps(dont know the Ks)
5. 1-400w/hps (which im too scared 2 use./lol)(dont know the Ks)
6. 2-23w=100w spiral 2700k

the veg box right now how the 100w hps, and the 2-23w=100w cfls..

No chance that box is going to sustain those plants during flowering. They're going to triple or quadruple in height when you switch to flowering. In my latest grow I switched to 12/12 when my plant was 4" high and it grew to 4 feet tall in a matter of weeks.

I'm not saying you can't grow plants that small, just if you do you'll need to LST early on and if the growth is still too much then you let it get rootbound to prevent future growth (though I wouldn't recommend that).
? confused,,LST? ive seen but dnt quite understand..its 2 big 2 flower now? i shud have flowered @ 4"s? ohh wwat..


Well-Known Member
Build a new flower box, or convert something lying around the house into a flowering chamber imo. I'm flowering 4 girls at the moment in DIY cab and have to check them daily due to space, light burn etc. A pain in the ass.

I cannot stress this part enough. PUT THAT 400 HPS TO USE. I'm running a complete CFL light system but Im looking forward to a 400 or 600 hps for future grows. If I were you I would use the box ya have now for vegging w/ the cfls and for flowering put the 400hps in diy cab with 2 nutone bathroom fans and 1 oscilating fan, flat white paint on the walls... all done for under well under 100 bucks at almost any hardware store. Plan, Plan, Plan is the best advice I can give ya, or like me you will be checking for light burn daily and having to re-tie them.


Well-Known Member
? confused,,LST? ive seen but dnt quite understand..
LST is low stress training and its a technique where you train the plant to grow in a circular pattern so you can fit a lot of plant in a small space. Do a search for LST on this site, there are some great guides.

its 2 big 2 flower now? i shud have flowered @ 4"s? ohh wwat..
Sorry to confuse you. It's too big to flower in that box you have now. Also as a general rule of thumb, if you're going to flower with CFLs you want to aim for a maximum height of around 20 inches since CFLs don't have very much lumen penetrating power. You have an HPS, so you should use it.

As zoobear recommends, build a new box for flowering cause that box aint gonna get her done.
In an attempt to try n correct the problems that ppl are telling me im havn i took some step to correct a few things.. up on sum LST methods, and start'd tieing..good response so far, the heads have already turned up.
2. put a hood on my 100w hps.
3. got 4x 105w cfls comn 2morrow.. = 500w incnd. each one..NICE!!

shud i get some MG bloom anything?

*note: to the guy who called my abrvtd writing hip hop shit or whatever he said.."i am not hihp hip, nor am i ignorant,or stupid, or speaking of shit. i am simply trying to get my thoughts on the screen faster then my fingers can type them. Maybe were not all typists such as yourself, so if you dnt like it, i apologize, but dnt know wat 2 tellya..thanks for the help, and if it bothers ya that , mch dnt read hard feelings..thx again...."


Well-Known Member
shud i get some MG bloom anything?
That depends on your soil base. If you're using time release soil like Miracle Gro or Scotts, then no you don't need any ferts until after 90 days but if you're using a custom mix like peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, etc, then you can use any bloom you want. A lot of folks here like Tiger Bloom and Fox Farm