What's a good nutient??

frank shamrock

Active Member
Ok, i've read posts about nutrients. Someone was saying AN sensi grow was amazing but he seamed like a sales rep. Another posted an anecdote about him proving that the labels were misleading and crops died. What's a straight forward pref eco fiendly/organic formula plant food?


Well-Known Member
Do you want some additives or something like a 3 step process/ store bought nutrients?

If you just want additives then stuff like guano, fish emulsion, seeweed extract, etc. work.

And if you want a 3 step, check out Fox Farm nutes, Technaflora, Humboldt Nutrients, etc.


Well-Known Member
Do you want some additives or something like a 3 step process/ store bought nutrients?

If you just want additives then stuff like guano, fish emulsion, seeweed extract, etc. work.

And if you want a 3 step, check out Fox Farm nutes, Technaflora, Humboldt Nutrients, etc.
BMO ( Blue Mountain Organics) ebay only 35$ shipped and they are wonderful. You dont have to pay a fortune for chemical or so called organic nutes. BMO, search on here for others opinions on BMO and ebay "Super Plant Tonic" will get you to their page. Concentrated teas that are perfect for every phase of growth. I did a comparison FF to BMO and I will never use anything other than BMO Here on out. Way better tasting buds, no insect probs, no nute burn probs, no yield probs, and again, 100% organic!!!! TRY THEM :peace:


frank shamrock

Active Member
I'm in the UK so some of that stuff isn't available. I'm just interested in something which is good, easy to use and won't break the bank.

frank shamrock

Active Member
BMO ( Blue Mountain Organics) ebay only 35$ shipped and they are wonderful. You dont have to pay a fortune for chemical or so called organic nutes. BMO, search on here for others opinions on BMO and ebay "Super Plant Tonic" will get you to their page. Concentrated teas that are perfect for every phase of growth. I did a comparison FF to BMO and I will never use anything other than BMO Here on out. Way better tasting buds, no insect probs, no nute burn probs, no yield probs, and again, 100% organic!!!! TRY THEM :peace:

sound like what i'm after, organic, easy.


Well-Known Member
For 6+ years I used basic 20-20-20/10-52-10.. works well if your careful, but can burn easy.. Now I'm using Canna Nutes 3-1-3/2-2-4... great nute... not ONE brown spot anywhere...............


Well-Known Member
Use this for veg:
Botanicare Nutrients:

  1. 126ML Cal-Mag Plus
  2. 180ML Liquid Karma
  3. 540ML Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula
  4. 450ml Sweet

Use this for flower:

Botanicare Nutrients:

  1. 126ML Cal-Mag Plus
  2. 180ML Liquid Karma
  3. 540ML Pure Bend Pro flower Formula
  4. 450ml Sweet
1 week before harvest, flush for 24 hours with Clearex and then use 450ml of Sweet only for the rest of the flush.

These formulas will give the best tasting buds you could ever imagine! Organic is the only way to go for taste...


Well-Known Member
It will take time but everyone will find there own prefered nutrient,some snsi grow there are thousands all realy depends on the way that you want to grow organic,hydrophonic.soil but with nutrients.i use vitalink a and b for both stages.i even feed my hydro feed to my soil plants they love the stuff.


Well-Known Member
if u got the $$ go with advanced nutrients..i use Foxfarms soil and the Flora series nutrients with advanced nutrients..the advanced nutrients i use are the shit Bud Blood a week b4 flower and a week into flower then switch to Big Budz advanced week 2 of flower and use till week 6 then switch to Overdrive advanced..it works hella good for me and i went full strength a few times with no burns


Well-Known Member
if u got the $$ go with advanced nutrients..i use Foxfarms soil and the Flora series nutrients with advanced nutrients..the advanced nutrients i use are the shit Bud Blood a week b4 flower and a week into flower then switch to Big Budz advanced week 2 of flower and use till week 6 then switch to Overdrive advanced..it works hella good for me and i went full strength a few times with no burns
yeah this stuff works great. I wouldn't say any better than my organic goodies, plus with the money you will spend on all these "top of the line nutes" u could buy a brand new 600 watt MH/hps light.. Foxfarms is great but not organic(although they pretend to be), advanced kicks ass but is a fortune. Pretty labels and expensive price tags are for some, just not me. Organic is the next Larry Bird... A BadAsss!!! lol. to each is own?
