

hi i`am about to flower do i have to keep gh nutes program like 2tsp gro 2 tsp micro 2tsp bloom per gal. to transfer fro veg to flower,or i can just switch 3bloom 2mic 1gro full nutes stage. would that shook the plant?


Well-Known Member
When you transfer to bloom, you might want to use veg nutes for one more week. Then switch to just bloom nutes. The ladies will stop taking up nitrogen (veg nutes).


so first one week 12/12 period i still use veg. nutes and after that i switch to full bloom nutes do i understand that correct? i just dont want fuck this up.thank you
yea ya got it, it shouldnt be any shock to the plant after that, even gradually lower the veg nutes while up-ing the bloom during that week is probably the best solution


Well-Known Member
what about leafs .shot i clip any big leafs? they taking light to branches!
Don't ever remove fan leaves before harvest for several reasons.:evil:

1. The fan leaves convert and store more energy for the plant than any other leaf. The more energy the plant generates the healthier the buds that is just millions of years of genetics at work.

2. Even if the fan leaves are yellowing in late bloom I do not remove them until they are almost ready to fall off. The yellowing in the fan leaves at late harvest is the plants metabolism at work. She is transferring all stored energy in the fan leaf to bud production. It is the easiest source of energy she has late in life. Once again millions of years of genetics can't be wrong or we wouldn't have weeds to grow now.


thanks for info i`am kind of new in to this. but i already clip 4 of them lowest once. i not cliping any more. i was wonder why i had kind small buds last time and process toke 3 monts. this time i grow in 5 gal. dwc bucked i know its very small but i have 7 gal bucked as well so i can switch. i hope i get it this time. if is that female. what are you think about florescens i have closed 30inch.x45inchx7ft. i have 6 - 2ft sunblaze florescent on the celing and 2 - 4ftrs on the walls and 2 spiral florescens on the celing as well. 24000 luments per sqf. so i thing its planty light plant look beatiful . so


my plant is 30 days old from seed. 8' inch tall but it has 4 pars of branches do you think its good time to start flower? its very dent plant


Well-Known Member
No I do not. Give it another 30 days so it can mature. Watch then how nice and full it gets and if you need to in flower you can always pull the branches out so light gets all around. When it flowers those branches will grow up so no worrys about how dense it is. Besides the more nodes the more bud sites.


i guess florescents keeping plants small and cost to slow growing. but i`am happy what i have. i will wait no hurry. thank you!!


its getting creasy . but its dos not smell at all. dos it means something? maybe mail? anyway i flower next week. 16 inch tall and almost 24 inch wide. so


Well-Known Member
By next week it will have grown 2 more inches at least. Good for you to wait until you have something to flower! The smell will come on in 12/12. after about a week in there you will start to see sex. first 2 weeks no flowers so give her veg nutes, then the flowers will come in, give her bloom nutes.


full bloom nutes? after 2 weeks veg nutes 12/12? or any transform to bloom. like 2gro 2 micro 2 bloom .


Well-Known Member
Veg nutes in veg and first 2 weeks in 12/12 then Just bloom until 2 weeks from harvest. then if you have been useing molases, keep useing until the end (harvest).


i don t know what molases means. i use gh standart nutes only. well. .... i learn. so.... bloom nutes to the end.


Well-Known Member
Molases is at the Grocery store, look over by Syrup and there you will find Grandmas, or Brer Rabbit Molases. And over by the hippie foods you will find Black Strap Molases.