Cloning, need help please


Well-Known Member
ok so am told cloning the way to go....SO FAR out of 12-clones taken i have 100% success with rooting :hump:
i have less than 10% success with planting them! :-?
i have two survivors, and cant figure it out

cut clones and rooting them in peat pucks under humidome with heat mat....about 75-80degrees F. Within 10-days i have lots of roots out of the pucks.....SO after that i i water some soil and plant it! they keep dying.

i am using a T5 fixture.....for light, the room is 60% humidity almost constant....goes up to 80% at times. Unless i keep a dome over the clones they die! the temps are 75 to 80 at the hottest part of the day.

any ideas?

peace :peace:


Well-Known Member

rooting is the hard part, the shit your planting them in is killing the new roots, theres your problem

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
everything sounds good man .. may be packing too tight in soil or burning them with light, otherwise you do it the same as me, except I dont use the propagator once rooted, but its good for them, so?
Only give them really weak rooting nutes at first and keep them away from the light until new growth is present


Well-Known Member
everything sounds good man .. may be packing too tight in soil or burning them with light, otherwise you do it the same as me, except I dont use the propagator once rooted, but its good for them, so?
Only give them really weak rooting nutes at first and keep them away from the light until new growth is present
so thinking maybe lighting is too strong? i have them about 2-foot from the light....i can push it up more if ya think its a good idea?

think i might have a better chance if AFTER i put cuttings into the peat pucks NOT to put the dome on?



Well-Known Member

rooting is the hard part, the shit your planting them in is killing the new roots, theres your problem
they are put into fox farm "happy frog"
the clones that finally died, i pulled them out of soil and roots were growing and were white...nice looking actually I am now thinking its too strong of lighting to quick:confused: what soil should i be using?



Well-Known Member
Put the plants in the main grow area for harf hour then one hour and so on.takeing them out after every change back to the prpagation area.this will get the plants used of the change with out haveing a big shock all at once.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I use t5s for cloning and it works fine. Mine are much closer than yours, an inch over the top of the dome. After 7 days I start opening the vents on the dome and continue to expose them to the grow room a little more each day. After 2 weeks they are ready to plant in soil mixture.


Well-Known Member
I use t5s for cloning and it works fine. Mine are much closer than yours, an inch over the top of the dome. After 7 days I start opening the vents on the dome and continue to expose them to the grow room a little more each day. After 2 weeks they are ready to plant in soil mixture.
this might be the key right here......i have no exhaust on my ill try to acclimate them this way...



Active Member
hmm.i use 400 watts of t5...its the shizzle...wont burn unless the light is touchin...has to be that either u suffocated roots with bad soil-not good aeration or that u added nutes


Well-Known Member
Yeah Its the shock. I had a 100 percent root rate cloning in soil. had individual domes. removed domes and 4 of 8 died. I cut 4 more cuttings this time I did not put them in a dome. Just misted 3 or 4 times a day. 100 percent rooting and cloning. No deaths.

So I will no longer put them in a humidity dome. I will straight cut, dip, put in soil and add to the veg room. Mist 3 or 4 times a day and be done with it.

The Kush Guy

Active Member
I am no expert but here is what I can suggest after lots of fighting with a difficult to clone strain (4-6 weeks to get roots).

Rooting is definitely the hard part. Dont pack the dirt around the peat puck too hard, keep the soil loose, be sure to water the soil after you put the clone in, but not too much (200ml in a 16OZ beer cup), I generally transplant from peat to 16OZ beer cups (with holes punched in teh bottom for drainage), you will have to water them every day or two as they dry out but they seem to grow well because they get a good mix of air and water. IMHO.

I go from a T5 for the clones to 3 150 Watt Daylight CFLs for Veg. I generally dont move them into a bigger light until you see substantial growth, say twice the size of the original clone.

Every strain is different but I go from a 90% in a humidome to 20% RH with a 100% survival rate as long as they are rooted.

What nutes are you using on teh newly rooted clones once they are in soil? Use water for a couple days then very light nutes, I have found they respond better than full strength nutes until they double is size.

Also what is your PH on the water? Around 5.5 is what you are aiming for.

Do you have any pics of the dead or dying clones in soil? That may help identify the problem.

I am no expert but I have read and encylopedia worth of RIU material, update the thread and I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can give you an idea where the problem is. Trust me, be patient and dilligent, you will figure out what your strain needs to clone and you will be off to the races.



Well-Known Member
I am no expert but here is what I can suggest after lots of fighting with a difficult to clone strain (4-6 weeks to get roots).

Rooting is definitely the hard part. Dont pack the dirt around the peat puck too hard, keep the soil loose, be sure to water the soil after you put the clone in, but not too much (200ml in a 16OZ beer cup), I generally transplant from peat to 16OZ beer cups (with holes punched in teh bottom for drainage), you will have to water them every day or two as they dry out but they seem to grow well because they get a good mix of air and water. IMHO.

I go from a T5 for the clones to 3 150 Watt Daylight CFLs for Veg. I generally dont move them into a bigger light until you see substantial growth, say twice the size of the original clone.

Every strain is different but I go from a 90% in a humidome to 20% RH with a 100% survival rate as long as they are rooted.

What nutes are you using on teh newly rooted clones once they are in soil? Use water for a couple days then very light nutes, I have found they respond better than full strength nutes until they double is size.

Also what is your PH on the water? Around 5.5 is what you are aiming for.

Do you have any pics of the dead or dying clones in soil? That may help identify the problem.

I am no expert but I have read and encylopedia worth of RIU material, update the thread and I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can give you an idea where the problem is. Trust me, be patient and dilligent, you will figure out what your strain needs to clone and you will be off to the races.

thanks for taking time to PH water is balanced at 5.5 bottled water.....i am using a home product label from my local hydro shop for nutes its a 3-step solution grow base, grow grow, and grow bloom...i use a few drops of base and grow grow, along with a drop of SP in a bottled water that i spray the plants with....i dont dose nutes when watering the are the dead clones, one surviver clone and my 4-newly rooted clones under plastic...last picture is mom



The Kush Guy

Active Member
Make sure you are PHing your water AFTER adding nutes, nutes can change the PH. The nutes you are using, do they have instructions on how much to use per gallon etc? If you dont know, ask the hydro shop guy, they'll have the formula you should use for Veg, Flower, cuttings etc. Its usually and exacting formula, too much of one nutrient can cause lots of problems.

Generally with cuttings like this, mild nutes are the way to go, they seem to do better for the first weeks with mild nutes or just water.

I wouldnt folar spray with nutes, I use only water and SuperThrive.

I'm not completely sure what is happening to your rooted plants, are you over watering? Nute burn is usually a discoloration of the leaves, its almost like they are over watered.

You might also want to get those plastic bags off the leaves, leaves need air and light, you might be suffocating them with the bags. Did the one that survived come from under the glass thing you have there?

Also it could be too hot with those bags/humidome, I leave mine out in the air 20% RH and they do ok, they need watering every day or two but they are ok once they root.

Its a game of experimentation as each strain and growing condition is different.

Keep me posted, I'll offer what advise I have.



Well-Known Member
The nutes you are using, do they have instructions on how much to use per gallon etc?

Yes, i was also told it was more than ok and i should use at every water. its 1-tbls per gallon of grow base and grow grow. During flower its 1/2 strength on grow grow and full on grow bloom:-|

Generally with cuttings like this, mild nutes are the way to go, they seem to do better for the first weeks with mild nutes or just water.

ILL start to lightly nute them instead of spray on?

I'm not completely sure what is happening to your rooted plants, are you over watering?

Before planting them i water the soil NOT soaking but moist. I never make it to the next watering:cry:

Nute burn is usually a discoloration of the leaves, its almost like they are over watered.

this could be i never done clones before, any advise here? :-?

You might also want to get those plastic bags off the leaves, leaves need air and light, you might be suffocating them with the bags. Did the one that survived come from under the glass thing you have there?

yes the ONLY one that survived was by putting it under the 2-ltr bottle i lift it up and spray it down now and then...never did the plastic thing before BUT i did not have any more 2-ltr bottles to cut up...there is a spot on the side that is open...i looked in on them after 11hrs under their and they look nice and cozy. I am taking 4-6 more clones from mom next week and think this time ill NOT use the dome over them....and just the heat pad right?

Also it could be too hot with those bags/humidome, I leave mine out in the air 20% RH and they do ok, they need watering every day or two but they are ok once they root.

its about 80degrees F at the hottest

Keep me posted, I'll offer what advise I have. Thanks

The Kush Guy

Active Member
Ok, if it were me, I would use the humidome and heat pad when they are in the peat pads rooting. I do this now, I am currently trying rockwool cubes intead of peat, but both work for me.

Once you start to see a dozen or two dozen roots poking out of the netting on the peat pads, very carefully remove the netting and plant them in something small, like a beer cup or slurpee cup, bottom half of a litre bottle, something smaller, that way you can control the watering better. Make sure you poke holes in the bottom for drainage or they will suffocate if you overwater.

I put dry soil in the new pot, dig out a hole for the peat pad and put it in and fill the dirt up around it. Then I water them together.

I find that newly rooted clones in a 16 OZ beer cup require about 200ml of water every 36-48 hours, you can feel the weight and get a sense of how dry the dirt is. You can tell how the root system is growing because they will eventually need 200ml every 24 hours as it will be bone dry. That is when I usually transplant to a larger pot.

Dont use the plastic or humidome once they are transplanted to dirt. Mist them with straight PHd water, if you wish, just keep an eye on them.

Always be sure to PH your water/nutes to around 5.5, anywhere between 5.0-6.0 is usually good enough from what I have been told.

Your mother looks healthy, which is good, it means you can keep a plant alive. lol. Cloning can be rough, rooting the clones is the hard part, we'll figure out what you are missing and you'll be all set.

You may also want to try taking slightly larger clones, I pull 4"-6"clones, it just gives them more leaf matter to live off of while they are rooting.

I have included two pics of my setup, the clones are about 4 days old (its 100F and 90% RH in the humidome) and the kids are below them in a cabinet, they are about 2 weeks since transplant. Its 80+ in there and 20% RH and they do fine with the sudden change, but remember, ever strain is different.

Keep me updated, we'll figure this thing out.




Well-Known Member
Ok, if it were me, I would use the humidome and heat pad when they are in the peat pads rooting. I do this now, I am currently trying rockwool cubes intead of peat, but both work for me.

Once you start to see a dozen or two dozen roots poking out of the netting on the peat pads, very carefully remove the netting and plant them in something small, like a beer cup or slurpee cup, bottom half of a litre bottle, something smaller, that way you can control the watering better. Make sure you poke holes in the bottom for drainage or they will suffocate if you overwater.

I put dry soil in the new pot, dig out a hole for the peat pad and put it in and fill the dirt up around it. Then I water them together.

I find that newly rooted clones in a 16 OZ beer cup require about 200ml of water every 36-48 hours, you can feel the weight and get a sense of how dry the dirt is. You can tell how the root system is growing because they will eventually need 200ml every 24 hours as it will be bone dry. That is when I usually transplant to a larger pot.

Dont use the plastic or humidome once they are transplanted to dirt. Mist them with straight PHd water, if you wish, just keep an eye on them.

Always be sure to PH your water/nutes to around 5.5, anywhere between 5.0-6.0 is usually good enough from what I have been told.

Your mother looks healthy, which is good, it means you can keep a plant alive. lol. Cloning can be rough, rooting the clones is the hard part, we'll figure out what you are missing and you'll be all set.

You may also want to try taking slightly larger clones, I pull 4"-6"clones, it just gives them more leaf matter to live off of while they are rooting.

I have included two pics of my setup, the clones are about 4 days old (its 100F and 90% RH in the humidome) and the kids are below them in a cabinet, they are about 2 weeks since transplant. Its 80+ in there and 20% RH and they do fine with the sudden change, but remember, ever strain is different.

Keep me updated, we'll figure this thing out.

makes sense! thanks man! ill cut some new clones this weekend and ill let ya know how it goes. wow 100F! nice
