Midwest grow op


Well-Known Member
Ok so this will be my second grow and first outdoor grow as of 04/21/09 (Which also happens to be the day the senate went back into session debating legalizing medical marijuana for Chronic conditions ) Any way germinated 300+ MIds bag seeds With 120 or so with taproots right off the bat the rest were almost spilt or bad seeds im guessing so i want to ask questions how is the life cycle of outdoor marujauna different or is it all is the showing sex like 3-4 weeks and in two weeks would it be tall enuf to beable to c it because the're random plants over a stretch of about 1,1/2 acre i guessing its a indica stavia mix but i guessing it indica dominate and planting in late april does that mean that the plant will get about 15 weeks of veg and then just harvest 8-12 weeks after that. Im growing in marshes. any one with experance with growing on flood planes please share your info to better my WEED


Well-Known Member
15 weeks of vegging seems a little to long doesnt it? 15 weeks your plants from seed to harvest should be done.. Hopefully, n planting in Flood Planes would scare the shit outta me. If its flooded there before in the last couple years you should have really good ferted soil.


Well-Known Member
But see Plant won't start budding until the days become shorter and the plants realize that its getting close to winter so you don't harvest until late October early November because the Autumn Equinox don't start till September so that leaves May June July August so that is 4x4 weeks 15-16 weeks for veg and then about 12 weeks for flowering harvest when you see fit


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm could didn't get hit But i been watching the Water LOL pic of what sprouted in about two weeks and you have to think about this if some marijuana get 20 feet talk so this has to happen in nature sometime its the 3 to four months of veg depending on how early you plant


Well-Known Member
So update went to the GREENS ground and found something. Good news, bad news. Good news first, then i destroy yours and my great white Dope hope. So it been five days with decent weather between. I found seedlings but not all about three with just a single sweep, I don't expect to find them all, the wind was blowing shit on my patches ETC., so i don't expect to see them all. Now the bad news look like FAGGOT BIRDS being eating my seeds this may seem weird but i remember my friend say the birds are laughing at us (bird were watching us plant seeds they have excellent eye sight)and the reason birds are suspect are because the seed shells have little hole pecked through them has anyone dealt with this while seeding ??????


New Member
dude or dudette, I'd love to help you....or at least understand what you are talking about...punctuation is your friend.

So update went to the GREENS ground and found something good new bad news Good news first then destroy yours and my great white Dope hope So it been five days with decent weather between in them i found seedlings but not all about three with just a single sweep don't expect to find them all the wind was blowing shit on my patches ETC so i don't expect to see them all Now the bad news look like FAGGOT BIRDS being eating my seeds this may seem weird but i remember my friend say the birds are laughing at us and the reason birds are suspect are because the seed shells have little hole pecked through them has anyone dealt with this while seeding ??????


Well-Known Member
is there something wrong you grammar Nazis this isn't a book or a paper? im sorry your douche bags and can't do anything else but bitch about punctuation wtf is wrong with you? Does the question mark clarify idea for you or do you want me to draw a pretty picture for asshole. Does the pot i grow care about the . ? ! FUCK NO Dumb Assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW KISS My ass kiss-ass



it's not only punctuation man.. it seriously hurts my brain to try and read/comprehend that shithole of a paragraph, i had to quit halfway through... just saying


New Member
since you don't know WTF you are doing, and your message is indecipherable, you won't get much help. not really bitchin' just sayin'...moron:dunce:

Also notice in your post below: you used punctuation so your point could be understood. I knew you could do it! you get a smiley face AND a sticker! :) :hump:

is there something wrong you grammar Nazis this isn't a book or a paper? im sorry your douche bags and can't do anything else but bitch about punctuation wtf is wrong with you? Does the question mark clarify idea for you or do you want me to draw a pretty picture for asshole. Does the pot i grow care about the . ? ! FUCK NO Dumb Assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW KISS My ass kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
is there something wrong you grammar Nazis this isn't a book or a paper? im sorry your douche bags and can't do anything else but bitch about punctuation wtf is wrong with you? Does the question mark clarify idea for you or do you want me to draw a pretty picture for asshole. Does the pot i grow care about the . ? ! FUCK NO Dumb Assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW KISS My ass kiss-ass
Buddy, get the fuck off this site, nobody here wants to help people like you. You are an impatient dipshit child of a man, or just that a child, who thinks everything should go your way, YOU CANNOT EVEN PRODUCE ONE SPIT SPOT OF GRAMMATICAL PUNCTUATION OR ANYTHING. It is quite apparent you dropped out on highschol, and not the type that did it because it was a joke, but because you actually couldnt handle it. Your punctuation and grammar reflect that of a 8-11 year old, you use words like suspect and assume the 40+ year olds here that are VETERAN GROWERS to understand your stupid ass wigger lingo, dumbass. You never separated one sentence with a period or any commas or speech breaks, its just a run on sentence that should be about 7-8 forming a paragraph.
This is a website full of generally sane minded and logical human beings who expect to be treated with the same respect and compassion. Some of us actually continuously use what we learned in school to better our lives, and not just become a degenerate. Get the fuck off this site, your pathetic. Nobody here wants to listen to a bunch of wigger jargle and rambling and then to top it off some smirky response calling people douches when they correct your coherent stupidity. I fucking hate people like you, and you are the reason the world it is like it is, self centered egotistical faggots like you, you dumbass. I hope you get robbed and gagged and beaten for your plants for how much a fuckup you have projected yourself to be in just one post. Idiot.
Kiss my ass you stupid grade 9 droout.kiss-ass
And :peace: to anyone that aagrees with me.


its also hilarious that while you debunk your need for punctuation and grammar, you are trying your best to use it in your response, fool.

I almost feel pity for you, but then realise the world would be a better place if you got hit by a semi tonight.

Please dont respond you will end up like whulkamania or any of the other clown ass bitches on this site, you will get ripped a new asshole. Take your lesson and go, onto this life with a better perspective on how you should approac situations, especially those when you are asking for help from the ones you are conversating with, dipshit. Read a book, and stop watchin MTV and BET all day you drone.


Well-Known Member
Its sad i only seem to post nowadays when i feel someone is so unfuckingbelievably stupid they must be told so. Seems that event is starting to occur more and more often. I cant even believe i waste my time talking to you, you wont listen even if you read the post, you will take it as a reason to become even more and more ignorant and stupid.

Looking at your pic makes me laugh more than anything today, so for that i thank you reifizzle, you clown.


Well-Known Member
it's not only punctuation man.. it seriously hurts my brain to try and read/comprehend that shithole of a paragraph, i had to quit halfway through... just saying
well if your brain was larger then a walnut or if your I.Q. was higher then a soap dish maybe just maybe you could grasp something other then a bowl you fucking burnout. Smoking pot is great but not for you find i new hobby Suicide maybe?


Well-Known Member
Its sad i only seem to post nowadays when i feel someone is so unfuckingbelievably stupid they must be told so. Seems that event is starting to occur more and more often. I cant even believe i waste my time talking to you, you wont listen even if you read the post, you will take it as a reason to become even more and more ignorant and stupid.

Looking at your pic makes me laugh more than anything today, so for that i thank you reifizzle, you clown.
hahahahahhahhahahahahahhhahahahahaha clown we can pick apart just about anything ass like Un-fucking-believable has no y but you clearly have never passed anything but a joint and mostlikly some VD's It a Joker or a court jester not a clown only ignorant fools and to be clear ignorant means you don't know "or uneduated in this matter sorry your uncle touched you as a child and that high school was really tough. And they best part is that you all follow someone elses thoughts or ideas like puppets


Well-Known Member
it's not only punctuation man.. it seriously hurts my brain to try and read/comprehend that shithole of a paragraph, i had to quit halfway through... just saying
what it took you longer then a minute to read that LOLOLOLOLOLOL


Well-Known Member
Buddy, get the fuck off this site, nobody here wants to help people like you. You are an impatient dipshit child of a man, or just that a child, who thinks everything should go your way, YOU CANNOT EVEN PRODUCE ONE SPIT SPOT OF GRAMMATICAL PUNCTUATION OR ANYTHING. It is quite apparent you dropped out on highschol, and not the type that did it because it was a joke, but because you actually couldnt handle it. Your punctuation and grammar reflect that of a 8-11 year old, you use words like suspect and assume the 40+ year olds here that are VETERAN GROWERS to understand your stupid ass wigger lingo, dumbass. You never separated one sentence with a period or any commas or speech breaks, its just a run on sentence that should be about 7-8 forming a paragraph.
This is a website full of generally sane minded and logical human beings who expect to be treated with the same respect and compassion. Some of us actually continuously use what we learned in school to better our lives, and not just become a degenerate. Get the fuck off this site, your pathetic. Nobody here wants to listen to a bunch of wigger jargle and rambling and then to top it off some smirky response calling people douches when they correct your coherent stupidity. I fucking hate people like you, and you are the reason the world it is like it is, self centered egotistical faggots like you, you dumbass. I hope you get robbed and gagged and beaten for your plants for how much a fuckup you have projected yourself to be in just one post. Idiot.
Kiss my ass you stupid grade 9 droout.kiss-ass
And :peace: to anyone that aagrees with me.


its also hilarious that while you debunk your need for punctuation and grammar, you are trying your best to use it in your response, fool.

I almost feel pity for you, but then realise the world would be a better place if you got hit by a semi tonight.

Please dont respond you will end up like whulkamania or any of the other clown ass bitches on this site, you will get ripped a new asshole. Take your lesson and go, onto this life with a better perspective on how you should approac situations, especially those when you are asking for help from the ones you are conversating with, dipshit. Read a book, and stop watchin MTV and BET all day you drone.
The best part of this is that you wasted time to BITCH so this proves much more then i can ever say I like making you mad it give me the tingles and it allows me to look at the mistakes you make while typing away furiously "JEWELS IN BANDANAS" Wtf no bandannas and what your computer has no spell check noob. Why is wearing flashy clothing automatically make me a wigger. Do choices i make about what i wear put me in a category of who i am trying to be or act ? Do you make all of you own clothing what do you wear what others do. You way too simple of a creature to deal with like others you are The Many, The Stupid, The weak. Watch the Retards respond they have to get the last word in for they are simple and by getting the last word in they feel validated like they won So post away slow folks Spend more of you short useless life to Bitch about who i am and i what i should do cause like it matters you going to do something about it and i still going to do what i want and how dare you wish anything on me you hate people like me what you said is evil and get off this site hardly like i going to leave because some noob has learn a few bigwords like " self centered egotistical faggots" While watching movies and tv have taught you big word they do not tell the meaning a "self centered egotistical faggot " is a double negative like if you were to say not not because being self centered is being egotistical, With that said i am the opposite of these because you used a double negative. Im Knowledgable and intellgent i just don't see the need for everything to be so professinal its a internet post with no meaning or no relavance to proper things. Like proper information is not always found here

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
are because the seed shells have little hole pecked through them has anyone dealt with this while seeding ??????
It isn't birds poking holes in your seeds. This is caused by seed maggots. Seed maggots are a fairly common problem in some fields (google "seed corn maggot") I've battled these beggars in my old day job.


Well-Known Member
+rep for you thanks for the info so do you have any home remedy or is going to be a chemical thing im trying to stay organic trying not off set the natural ecosystem with chemical run off