Can drooping be due to small pot?


Active Member
Hey all,

I'm DEF not overwatering my ladies, but the bigger 2 are drooping. I gave them a water today and it only seemed to make the prob worse. They are 6 weeks and are in 6" pots. The roots are coming through the bottom of the pot as well.

Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
whats the nutes, ph ,and temp,. yes u could go with a bigger pot it will hold more water for the plant. and put some plastic underneat them. whats the floor? it thinks its a medium and is looking for water.


Active Member
The floor is hydroton (thin layer of clay balls). ph was very low, added some lime a while back and the run-off is slowly increasing. today was at 6.1 (water going in was 7). Nutes today were half strength 20-20-20. Previously watering was first full strength. Now I water once every 3/4 days when the soil is very dry. And temps are high, about 27C (81F).

I thought they were drooping today cause I let them dry out, but after watering they look like they are drooping even more.

Any ideas?


Active Member
Yeah its been a struggle getting the ph right. Its my first go at soil and its full of probs for me (although 1st time in any medium would be I suppose). Taking a 2nd look, all plants are drooping now and they weren't before I watered them. Surely I can't still be overwatering? the little guys get once a week maybe twice. The bigger 2 (which are much bigger) get 2-3 times a week.

I water until I get run-off. Is this right?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Also this is 4 hours after watering.... they seem to be getting worse by the hour
not to bad. whats you temp, and humidity when lights are on. i see a bit of nute burn on the one but nothing to be worryed about.


Active Member
temps are at 80F and humidity I have no idea (no rh meter). But I'm in a pretty humid area, the light would dry it out some.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
how close is your lights to the plants. that fan what seting is it on N M or L. and is the fan going off when lights are whant the fan off when lights out.


Well-Known Member
and as for those small seedlings thatve only been up a week or two, i would be using like a 4in pot, unitl the roots fill it out then go for a bigger pot, much easier that way. they dont need huge pots like that intially and itll save u floor space:joint: wish i could help with the droopiness but i dont know

not to bad. whats you temp, and humidity when lights are on. i see a bit of nute burn on the one but nothing to be worryed about.


Active Member
plants were 10" away (400HPS) but just moved em down a little bit more. That fan is pretty weak, and is on all the time. i'll hook it onto the timer. At the mo I'm veg'ing under the hps at 18/6. Was going to re-pot tomorrow, u think that's not necessary?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i always say the bigger the better in pot size. thats up to you and what you whanting out of it. shut that fan down with the lights and see how they look. they really don't look that bad, nice green color to them.


Active Member
and as for those small seedlings thatve only been up a week or two, i would be using like a 4in pot, unitl the roots fill it out then go for a bigger pot, much easier that way. they dont need huge pots like that intially and itll save u floor space:joint: wish i could help with the droopiness but i dont know

Haha... actually they're all exactly the same age... same strain, same everything. Obviously had some issues.

MyGirl.... thanks for everything.... funny that fan... it just broke, right now. piece of shit. They gonna have to do without till tomorrow.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Haha... actually they're all exactly the same age... same strain, same everything. Obviously had some issues.

MyGirl.... thanks for everything.... funny that fan... it just broke, right now. piece of shit. They gonna have to do without till tomorrow.
as long as it don't get to hot in their.good luck


Well-Known Member
really mygirls?
thought u wanted smaller pots to fill out with solid brick style root balls, then transplant in2 3.5gall/5gal/10-12in containers when they get bigger. just wuts worked for me. for space and growth.

as long as it don't get to hot in their.good luck


Well-Known Member
They look like you've got a PH problem and underwatered/overwatered. I'd first check you ph, including your meter. Then I would probably pull them out of there pots and see what the soils like. Is it too damp in the bottom of your pot or is it too dry. If its too damp, put it on some paper towels till the bottom soaks up some of the water. If its too dry, your going to have to break up the root ball a little and replant and water. I'd probably take this time to replant anyway and put a nice fresh layer of clean soil on the bottom for the roots to grow into. Break up the bottom of it a little and replant. This will hopefully solve the watering problem. As for something to put on the bottom of the pots so the dirt doesn't just fall out. Just put a few pieces of newspaper and forget the hydrotron. I don't know if that is a problem or not but I've never used it and I've never had any problems with newspaper.