1000w BarneysFarm Red Diesel


Well-Known Member
First: I can see an A/C vent in the second picture... you should hook up your incoming air to that, so any time your house/apts A/C comes on it blows that cold air directly into your growing environment. Right now you are exhausting all your hot air into the outer room which is forming a blanket of warm insulation for your growing tent.

Second: If you the blower fan right next to your light blowing the hot air through the ventilation and right out the window, it would be a lot more effective for removing the hot air, and would be replaced by air coming in via A/C intake ventilation (regardless of whether the A/C is on or not), I'll post some pics of what I'm talik about.......

having the light right next to the fan allows the hot air to be immediately and powerfully sucked away, it goes out the window the window A/C unit is in just above the A/C unit. the second pic shows the ventilation intake from the house A/C vent (15 minutes on reduces temperature in the 7x7x8 room by 5 degrees). The window A/C is on for about fifteen minutes an hour. I am going to move the fan so the ventilation doesn't have to bend so much to go out the window, because that reduces the effectiveness by about 15-25%. I am also going to put in a 4" circular fan to draw air in through the A/C ventilation making it more effective. My temps stay perfectly at whatever I set the house thermostat to.

I took those pics while deconstructing an old flowering tent, and reconstructing a new one.

That's true about the A/C unit i have that setup with mine in my room.


Well-Known Member
alright that makes some sence to me(not to bright:eyesmoke:), so you have your house A/C vent ducted into the grow area, and your blower fan pulling air out, so there is always a vacume like effect sucking from ur houce A/C?and you have the window unit in the growroom for whenever the houce A/C isnt on? but how does the room your grow room is in cool off if that rooms a/c vent is going into the growroom?please try to help explain this to my simple ass cause i think you onto somehting big here...
its 6 inch diameter ventilation. The house A/C unit vent is 8 inches by 14 inches. The ventilation doesn't suck up all of the cool air coming into it. If your tent is well constructed, you should be able to seal it. Once you seal it, the vaccum sucks the cool air from the outer room in combination with the smaller A/C (which doesn't really run that much) it cools the room temperature as it heats and rises to be sucked out of the room by the exhaust fan.
If you have slightly more intake that is cool, than you do hot exhuast, a slight amount of the hot air will build towards the top, but the cool air will last longer in the room so you don't have to run your A/C's quite as much.


Well-Known Member
alright so i gotta get my intake connected to my A/C vent, and have my blower pulling threw my reflector straight out the window..?but i do have to make a filter first tho...you guys know any idiot proof ways or good links for a DIY filter?



Well-Known Member
well i just changed around my gear for shits and giggles, got 1 blower fan pulling 2150 CMF threw the reflector and just right into the room(so much air movement its not even that hot), while the other is attached to the A/C vent pulling air...and jesus a/c went on and temps dropd to 72! so no doubt in my mind when i get the hot air pushed out the window to keep strain off the A/C this will work like a motherfucker, im pretty sure you just made my shit like 100x mor efficent, thanks man...oh here are pics of how its set up(hella ghetto 4 now i know) first 2 pics is air commin out, and others are air intake.



Well-Known Member
now, how about cloning or increasing your plant numbers to make the pge that much more worth it, you should be able to pack in three or four more.


Well-Known Member
things are lookin up today, got my DIYCarbonFilter hooked up and i was suprised how well it worked NO SMELL, but well see how well it works when there are some phat buddz in there...temps are at 78-82, still haven got my exhaust set up outside but i will do that today and that should also help my temps, and i was thinkin could the backpressure from the filter overheat my fan? cause i got the intake fan on speedlevel 1 and the exhaust fan on level 3 and there is still more intake than exhaust...dunno maybe just being a nub, so here are the pics of how i got the filter just laying around, and the girls:joint:



Well-Known Member
air pressure is not usually an issue that nubes take up... so don't feel bad. Slightly more intake than outtake is desired, because the plants use the fresh air. If your exhaust was faster than your intake, the air would come in and leave so fast it would make it difficult for the plants to breathe... it sounds like your fine, and those are good temps for the most part (especially if your low of 72 is during lights out time). With the exhaust going out the window you'll have no problem over the summer ;).


Well-Known Member
I would put some more charcoal filter pads on the interior of your DIY charcoal filter.... Otherwise ur setup is lookin great u will learn so much from this forum the experience here is amazing.


Well-Known Member
air pressure is not usually an issue that nubes take up... so don't feel bad. Slightly more intake than outtake is desired, because the plants use the fresh air. If your exhaust was faster than your intake, the air would come in and leave so fast it would make it difficult for the plants to breathe... it sounds like your fine, and those are good temps for the most part (especially if your low of 72 is during lights out time). With the exhaust going out the window you'll have no problem over the summer ;).
Urm isn't it the complete opposite. I thought you needed negative pressure in the room so that no smells escaped.

If the intake is higher than the out take then air is being forced out of the room from places other than your exhaust fan.

It defeats the point of the carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
Urm isn't it the complete opposite. I thought you needed negative pressure in the room so that no smells escaped.

If the intake is higher than the out take then air is being forced out of the room from places other than your exhaust fan.

It defeats the point of the carbon filter.
Yeah.... but once again.... I don't worry about smell.... your right about smell..... its just never an issue for me....

and if its just slightly more in than out all its really going to do is push it out a tiny bit faster, or seep through the cracks a tiny bit more, and his room is in a room, so it wouldn't matter a whole lot anyways...


Well-Known Member
Urm isn't it the complete opposite. I thought you needed negative pressure in the room so that no smells escaped.

If the intake is higher than the out take then air is being forced out of the room from places other than your exhaust fan.

It defeats the point of the carbon filter.
well its not like my tent is ballooned out or anything, just befor the walls were sucked in, now they just hang around almost the same as when all fans are off, but i hear what ya sayin DP, oh yea just got my exhaust set up to go outside:hump: i think im finally done fuckin with shit and the room is good to grow:joint::?


Well-Known Member
well its not like my tent is ballooned out or anything, just befor the walls were sucked in, now they just hang around almost the same as when all fans are off, but i hear what ya sayin DP, oh yea just got my exhaust set up to go outside:hump: i think im finally done fuckin with shit and the room is good to grow:joint::?

thats right, now pack that bitch with some more plants :hump::joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Bubloni,

Plants are looking great.
When you get the time, and if you can be bothered, start to tie out one of the topped ones.
Find each branch and tie them out toward the edge of the pot. Use wire or string.
Open those bushy girls up. Just do one so we can see the difference.
Your topped plants will shit all over the one you left grow natural in terms of yield.
Are you keen?


Well-Known Member
i would love to pack that bitch FULL, but i am a medi card holder and they can be pretty harsh on haveing more plants than allowed in my state...but im tryin to talk my bro into gettin a card so...well see if i can get 3 more.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bubloni,

Plants are looking great.
When you get the time, and if you can be bothered, start to tie out one of the topped ones.
Find each branch and tie them out toward the edge of the pot. Use wire or string.
Open those bushy girls up. Just do one so we can see the difference.
Your topped plants will shit all over the one you left grow natural in terms of yield.
Are you keen?
i was thinkin of tiein em out in a couple days or so, let em get a little bigger.