Stunded growth, leaves turning yellow..HELP!

So my friend planted 3 alaskin ices and 3 hymalaya gold (both from greenhouse seeds) about 5 weeks ago. He had been growing them in two different boxes, each with 400W lamps and all the nesseary components for a succesful growth. After about 2/3 weeks, one of his alaskin ices stoped growing, leaves started to turn yellow and curl downwards.

I have now transplated this poor plant to my outdoor spot in my garden 2 days ago. I gave her a BIG trimming and cut off alot of the yellow areas that were present. It has been two days now since she has been outside, and if anything she has gotten worse. More and more of the leaves are turning yellow and they are continuously curling towards the ground. I know this cant be an over feeding problem because we havent given her any ferts in ages (at first we thought that the ferts had gone off), but she has been reacting the same with only being watered.

Im thinking that this could either be a nitrogen deficiency, sulfur deficiency ...or maybe even something do to with the pH levels?

I have uploaded some pics from 2 days ago (when she had just been transplanted). These pics were taken after I had done alot of trimming and also had cut off alot of the infected areas, but you can still get the general idea. Ill have some new pics uploaded later on today to give you a better incication of whats goin on.

ANY help would be MUCH appreciated, as I dont want to let such a great plant go to waste.

Thanks everyone.



Yes but mine is still only in vegitation :(

I have just gone out to take some more new pics, its a nice sunny day here in switzerland (around 25 degrees C)...but as you can see from the pics, the plants really are not doing well at all. Doesnt look like they have much more time!

Here are today's pics (2 days after the transplant):



Active Member
They now look like my damage plant I had. It was 1 week old, had some root damage (my fault) and stopped growing. Then started to get the yellow dry leaves on the eges. I put it in a humidity doom just to see if I can bring it back. 1-2 weeks later she got new roots and a new growing shoot started, and left the old leave behind nd was on a upwered growth to make up for lost time lol.

the roots have no foot hold in the soil and can't uptake water They are drying out. Maybe spray them when the sun goes down, to keep them alive till the root take hold. Better yet, put them in someind of humidity dome?

my main thing is hydro, Hope this helps
well I dont think it is a problem due to pH levels, seeing as this is the only plant to become affected (all the others were grown exactly the same way, and they are now roughly 1 meter tall, whereas this little guy is only 40 cm. I know the soil in this spot is great for gowing because i have harvested many successful grows on there.

Could you maybe explain to me more about this root problem? When i transplated her from the pot to outside she seemed to be very well rooted (for such a small plant). She is infact a VERY sturdy plant, but as you can tell is just not growing. Surely now that she is outside and her roots have plenty of space to expand into she should get better rather than worse?!?!

I will have to get a pH reader just incase it is that, howver i dont think so.

Thankx for the quick replies! Keep them commin :P


Active Member
maybe its just a weaker plant. all the same species? if so, my just be bad gens. a runt. medical problems :-) if the other plants all doing good in the same growing medium, then I'll have to say, kill it. unless this is the only plant you have. but that's me.

unless the plant sustained some physical damage to it to have started this problem.

So, you said this plant was different from the others from birth?
The plant only started showing problems at around 3 weeks into the grow. It was left growing in the box for a good 2 more weeks (but no care was really put into it) until i decided to take it from my friend and put it my outdoor spot (in hopes of it doing better). But as you can see, if anything its getting worse.

I have recently found out that the Greenhouse Seed Banks "Alaskan Ice" seems to be a very unstable strain. Many peoples peoples plants seem to be turning into hermies and also the consistency of the plants (height, yield etc...) is very different between plants. So yes, it could very well be simply poor genetics or a bad seed or something, but at this moment in time, this is the only outdoor i have planted so far this season, and for that reason i am still going to continue to try and revive it.

Thanks for the interest!


Well-Known Member
So my friend planted 3 alaskin ices and 3 hymalaya gold (both from greenhouse seeds) about 5 weeks ago. He had been growing them in two different boxes, each with 400W lamps and all the nesseary components for a succesful growth. After about 2/3 weeks, one of his alaskin ices stoped growing, leaves started to turn yellow and curl downwards.

I have now transplated this poor plant to my outdoor spot in my garden 2 days ago. I gave her a BIG trimming and cut off alot of the yellow areas that were present. It has been two days now since she has been outside, and if anything she has gotten worse. More and more of the leaves are turning yellow and they are continuously curling towards the ground. I know this cant be an over feeding problem because we havent given her any ferts in ages (at first we thought that the ferts had gone off), but she has been reacting the same with only being watered.

Im thinking that this could either be a nitrogen deficiency, sulfur deficiency ...or maybe even something do to with the pH levels?

I have uploaded some pics from 2 days ago (when she had just been transplanted). These pics were taken after I had done alot of trimming and also had cut off alot of the infected areas, but you can still get the general idea. Ill have some new pics uploaded later on today to give you a better incication of whats goin on.

ANY help would be MUCH appreciated, as I dont want to let such a great plant go to waste.

Thanks everyone.

She needs some food especially since she has not been fed. She is under nourished. Give her some veg food something with an npk similar to 4-2-3. Also that ground you have her in looks like plain ol hard dirt which at this point probablty has no nutritional value to it. Other plants have sucked that dirt dry.

If you loosen the dirt around her and add/mix in some nice fluffy potting soil, then feed and water she should pick up the pace and turn more lush. Good luck
Well when i transplanted her outside i had pre-dug underneath her to break up the soil and also mixed some potting soil in with it, I dont really wanna go start digging up more soil and chance putting the roots in shock. Also, i have grown many plants in the same spot and they have all thrived! (the soil may not look rich ontop but it is nice and rich underneath!!).

I dont think its an issue of being under-fed either because as i said before, the other plants werent being fed for the exact same amount of time as her (and still arent) and they are at least twice her size, with MUCH more growth. I did however find some "bio-granuel" things lying around. They are primarly used for fruit and vegetables however they essentialy do the same thing. So i have now scattered some of those around the base of the plant and sprinkled some water over in hopes that they will dissolve and seep down to the roots!

The only other thing i can think of which may be causeing her to yellow even faster is that there are quite a few ants crawling around. I dont think this should be a problem though, cause surely they would help bring oxygen to the soil and help with drainage. Also, none of my plants in previous years have ever been affected by them!! Just a thought though..

Thankx for the replies!

Thanx for the reply!


Well-Known Member
It is hard to see from the pics that you already mixed in some good soil, sorry about that. With the food that you sprinkled that should help the plant out.

She just needs some time now. Good luck
this is not good news for me, i just ordered Alaskan Ice. has everyone had problems with this strain? have u ever smoked it?

Well, there are ALOT of posts on various other websites/forums in which people have been complaining about Greenhouses new "Alaskan Ice".

What i can tell you is, alot of people's plants seem to turn into hermaphrodites a couple weeks before havest (resulting in them having to pull their crop early). Also people are reporting that the strain has no in, one plant could be over 2 meters, and another could be barley over a meter.

I have not yet smoked any Alaskin Ice, but as it is said to have the highest thc count available, i cant wait!! :P

All in all, it seems like it could be a great plant....if stable. As you can see already from my post my plant is barely hanging on, but the others that are in my friends boxes are doing AMAZING (we're talkin possibly a kilo per plant once we stick them outdoor).

If in doubt, check out the "review" tab on the greenhouse website (each strain has its own page, as you probably know, but then if you scroll down there is a section where users review the product.

Hope this helps!
It is hard to see from the pics that you already mixed in some good soil, sorry about that. With the food that you sprinkled that should help the plant out.

She just needs some time now. Good luck

Oh no dont worry i knew you didnt mean it in that way!!

But yes...hopefully those little granule things will help, although i dont have alot of faith in them lol.

Thanks for the help once again.
I have also just noticed that wherever i cut leaves off a couple of days ago, the area where it was cut off has turned into a very dark purple/brownish colour and becomes very hard to touch, but its only where the cut was made. This doesn't seem normal to me, because in the past the tip of a cut branch would usually stay green. Also i want to point out the fact that the whole plant in general is still VERY just seems to be the leaves which are dying.


New Member
give it a bit to get situated in its new environment and dont cut off any leaves until they are totally dead.. if she is doing ok otherwise lets just see if she improves in a few days time
well...shes not dead yet hehe

unfortunately the weather is starting to take a turn for the worse....forecasting rain all next week :(

but she seems to be still hanging on in there today :) Ill post some more pics soon.
Hi everyone, ive just gone out and taken some new pics. The weather is wet and cloudy :( But she still seems yo be hanging on....well at least she doesnt seem to be gettin any worse..but its hard to tell now hehe. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!

If you look carefully at the top right of the leaf on the 2nd picture there is a little ant just chillin there. They havent seemed to touch the plant itself, but they could very well be eatin away at the roots or somethin. If anyone could identify that ant as maybe a harmful one that would be helpful! Thanx

