HTB's lowryder 2 grow!


Well-Known Member
yeah im not feeding her anything. I just have soil that i mixed with worm castings, fish emulsion, bone meal, and perlite. the pots i have are about 2 gallons. i thought they were going to be large enough but i guess bigger is always better. ive got her under a lot of light hoping to get a high yield that way... my only concern is that maybe it will not streach enough to allow room for the bud??? should this be a problem?


Well-Known Member
sorry i havent posted anything in a while... she has got a lot bigger and a LOT bushier... the buds are just starting to form. i will post new pics maybe tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
sorry, didnt know anybody was watching... But upon your request here are some new pics of my LR2... And some exciting news she has a new friend. today we picked up an "Alaskan thunderfuck" clone from our club. I followed the instructions on some vitiman B-1... 1 tbsp to a gallon of water, then i saturated the clones new soil. im excited to have a couple plants going now. we are planning on getting some BLUE DREAM clones ASAP.

Does anybody have any idea how old this clone might be??? it had big healthy rooots. im just wondering how much sooner a clone is ready than starting from seed.



Well-Known Member
Looking good man looking real good. We're still with ya. Alaskan thunderfuck. LOL. Good band name. Can't wait to get the smoke report on that one.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man looking real good. We're still with ya. Alaskan thunderfuck. LOL. Good band name. Can't wait to get the smoke report on that one.
... yeah dude its a wierd name. i guess it is actually a strain from alaska, it is supposed to be good shit. It is a hybrid mostly indica, not sure what it is a cross of...


Well-Known Member
so the clone still hasnt changed much since i planted it in to my soil... its been like 5 days i think. It was taken from a flowering plant. so i think it is going to have to switch back to veg. i think it should start growing pretty well in a few days. shes probably growing some good roots now as well. as for the lowryder 2 she is starting to flower pretty well... kinda slowly. but the pistils are there.. ive got them on 20Light/4Dark using a 150W HPS, and 5 27 watt CFL's 3 6500K, and 2 2700K.


Well-Known Member
How old are your LRs now? I would have thought they would be pretty close to finishing now wouldnt they? I hope they are going well. I 've got my autos under 20/4 lights aswell, they are loving it. Lets see some pics :)


Well-Known Member
How old are your LRs now? I would have thought they would be pretty close to finishing now wouldnt they? I hope they are going well. I 've got my autos under 20/4 lights aswell, they are loving it. Lets see some pics :)
she is at 38 days now and theres only one LR2. Its kind of strange whats happening. i saw the first signs of pistils about 2 weeks ago. the pistils have got a little bigger but i cant really see anybud yet. i would have thought by now id see some bud forming, but it is going slowly. She looks real healthy... And yeah i think that the 20 on 4 off shedule is a good one for the LR, and now that i have some clones i have to have atleast a small dark period.

On another note i have some good news... My one little clone was lonely in there so we got her 2 new friends, a sour diesel, and a skunk 1 strain, called "cheese." I will add pictures later today of all four of them.

i have a couple questions that i would love an answer too.

1- Do you think there might be too much Nitrogen in the soil and it is stalling the flowering of the LR2 at day 38??? it is all organic, for nitrogen in the soil i used 1 part worm castings to 3 parts soil, and i added a a cup of fish emulsion. i also added bone meal for phosphorus. id did one of those rapitest soil tests and is said i had HIGH N, HIGH P, and HIgh K.

2- how long should i veg my clones to get a good about of bud off them...or how tall should i grow them? and how long do you think it would take.

Thanks everyone for your input!


Active Member
she is at 38 days now and theres only one LR2. Its kind of strange whats happening. i saw the first signs of pistils about 2 weeks ago. the pistils have got a little bigger but i cant really see anybud yet. i would have thought by now id see some bud forming, but it is going slowly. She looks real healthy... And yeah i think that the 20 on 4 off shedule is a good one for the LR, and now that i have some clones i have to have atleast a small dark period.

On another note i have some good news... My one little clone was lonely in there so we got her 2 new friends, a sour diesel, and a skunk 1 strain, called "cheese." I will add pictures later today of all four of them.

i have a couple questions that i would love an answer too.

1- Do you think there might be too much Nitrogen in the soil and it is stalling the flowering of the LR2 at day 38??? it is all organic, for nitrogen in the soil i used 1 part worm castings to 3 parts soil, and i added a a cup of fish emulsion. i also added bone meal for phosphorus. id did one of those rapitest soil tests and is said i had HIGH N, HIGH P, and HIgh K.

2- how long should i veg my clones to get a good about of bud off them...or how tall should i grow them? and how long do you think it would take.

Thanks everyone for your input!

As for the age, I'd put that clone around maybe 3 weeks. You should let them fill out a bit before you flower, get some more nodes and leaves built up. Really, you could flower now but its best to wait a few weeks. As for your LR, you should go with more of the 2700k CFL's and the HPS for flowering. Your nutrients shouldn't be a problem I don't think, have you added any nutes to it? I have my Diesel Ryder in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil, which is full of worm castings and guano, and I also feed them PuraVida Organics Grow/Boom nutes. I'm a big fan of the diesel lines, you'll have a lot of fun with that SD!


Well-Known Member
As for the age, I'd put that clone around maybe 3 weeks. You should let them fill out a bit before you flower, get some more nodes and leaves built up. Really, you could flower now but its best to wait a few weeks. As for your LR, you should go with more of the 2700k CFL's and the HPS for flowering. Your nutrients shouldn't be a problem I don't think, have you added any nutes to it? I have my Diesel Ryder in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil, which is full of worm castings and guano, and I also feed them PuraVida Organics Grow/Boom nutes. I'm a big fan of the diesel lines, you'll have a lot of fun with that SD!
thanks a lot, three weeks reallly!, im definately going to let the thunderfuck clone grow a lot more before flowering, i only picked it up a week or so ago from a club here in SO CAL. as for the newest clones... the ones you havent seen yet they are kinda funny looking.
I have the HPS pretty much right on the LR2 and the 3, 6500K bulbs are right over each one of the clones. ya i didnt think the soil would be a problem, she started to smell pretty good i noticed today. i wish i could have got the diesel ryder, but nobody had them or any other crosses, they only had LR2. ive heard good things about the lr2 though.

I WILL MAKE FOUR POSTS,THE FIRST post is pics of the Lr2, the second post is of the Alaskan thunderfuck(ATF). The third post is of the Cheese, and the fourth is of the sour diesel.(the sour diesel is kind of wierd looking.)


Active Member
I lied about the clone's age. I was thinking from seed that would be about right size at 3 weeks. I don't have a lot of experience with clones so I don't know. Also, LR is looking lovely, but the clones look a little wilty? How often are you watering? You should let the soil dry out real good between feedings.


Well-Known Member
I lied about the clone's age. I was thinking from seed that would be about right size at 3 weeks. I don't have a lot of experience with clones so I don't know. Also, LR is looking lovely, but the clones look a little wilty? How often are you watering? You should let the soil dry out real good between feedings.
yeah, ive got no idea about the ATF clones age either... i think 3 weeks sounds about right though... The cheese, and sour diesel clones have only been with me for a day now, so they are wilty because of how they were treated at the club i plan on bringing them right back to life. And i will be sure to allow the soil to dry between waterings... I lost 2 seedlings due to overwatering not too long ago, and i would hate for that to happen again..
Thanks for the comment BugOnAWire


Well-Known Member
Lookn good man...on ur way.

thought id give u some be4 and after pics of some clones im runnin right now. Here they are lookng scragel on the 18th of March, when i took them home w/ me in a water cup (came out of a bubbler cloner), and I transplanted them to soil.

6 weeks later and 2 weeks in2 12 12. ur clones look fine, they will prosper!

