Single plant cupboard op.


I think the clone was probably a week into veg when I got it, and that was about a week ago. It's growing like a savage and today I transplanted it into a new pot; which you'll see in the pics. I dont know what kind of mix the clone was in when I got it, but I was giving it minor doses of nutes.

My concern is I've just transplanted it into miracle grow enriched potting mix..(yeah yeah I've heard it's garbage, I don't really care cause it was free:P )
Anyways should I lay off on the nutes now that I'm using the enriched miracle grow potting mix?

Thanks, I'll keep ya updated


Well-Known Member
Anyways should I lay off on the nutes now that I'm using the enriched miracle grow potting mix?
Most definitely. You might even get a bit of burn. If you do, do NOT try to flush as this will only release more nutes from the soil.