Horse Poo Tea


Active Member
I have read a bit about using horse manure for my little babies, but I figure I should contribute a little to the topic and post some of my finding.

I have far more experience growing mushrooms than marijuana, but I have grown it in the past. Once, after pasteurizing some horse manure, I used the horse poo tea on a plant I had and it seemed like it enjoyed it.

Fast forward a few years... I have some old horse manure (maybe 6 months old) and wanted to use it. I have heard that unless it is composted, it will be too strong and burn my plants. I currently have 13 little seedlings, about a week and a half old. I am using Jiffy Mix Seed Starter, and growth has slowed down a lot. I believe the slow down is from the lack of nutrients in the mix, as it is only peat moss, vermiculite, and lime.

I took one cup of manure, let it sit in 1 liter of water, strained out most of the solid matter, now I have the tea. I think this would be too strong for my seedlings so I might dilute it to 25% strength and then feed it.

I am currently letting the tea sit, uncovered, for 24 hours before my next watering. I will give it a go and post my results.

I hope this could help any one that is considering using horse poo or has had troubles with Jiffy Mix Seed Starter.


Active Member
I have given my 13 little babies a nice bath in tea last night.

The Peat Moss / Vermiculite mix looks very spongy and is very absorbent. I don't think I would use it again in this way, perhaps only for the first few days and then transplant. Since there is no nutrition in it, I am surprised my plants grew as much as they did before they had a dramatic slow down in growth. I have decided to give a thorough watering every other day, with diluted ferts in the water at every feeding.

I used 2 parts water (with 1/6 strength MG tomato food) and 1 part Horse Poo tea plus the normal dosage of superthrive. I fed them until the water started to come through the bottom holes.

And the results.... No Burns! That was my main concern, my babies handled it well and over the course of 10 hours I noticed growth, on some plants I can see the fourth set of leaves forming and the third set of leaves are significantly larger.

Tonight I will redo my lighting, I can see that as they grow, what I currently have will not be sufficient.

I will use a similar mixture tomorrow for my next feeding, hopefully it will not burn the plants. If it does well, I will strength the concentration of the MG and the Poo Tea.

It appears like this method is working very well, I would recommend some Poo Tea to those that have some old, but not composted, horse manure around as a supplement to a basic macro fert like MG.


Well-Known Member
Most disgusting tea I ever heard of lol.
thats cool dude i had goats and now have geese i collected all the dry manuere from the goats and geese guano .. i also collected sandy dirt i have ( i live in the desert) im mixing it with compost builder and i practically trow my kitchen trash in the pile i coverd the pile with a plastic bag and water it every so often..anyways i herd the hotter it gets the better for the compost and faster it will finish.. anyways i will be collecting tea from it rite before i start flowering