First timer...some general questions.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I've been reading these forums for a few days now, and have read through Widow Maker's guide a several times. I have a few questions still...

My setup is very small and simple, and I intend to keep it as such. More of a test to see if I can get something simple going, then on a future attempt get concerned about yield.

I may have just 1 seed germenate. So I will be focusing on just one little guy. I set it up in a small clear plastic cup. I am looking to avoid, or at least simplify, the fertilization end of this project (both to keep things generally simple, and generally inexpensive). I planted in organic Miracle Grow, as I think I read somewhere on here that it is better than the regular Miracle Grow. It seemed to be the most neutral thing I could find. I also recall reading that the time release fertilizer is not suited for this type of plant, so it may not ideally help it, but could it hurt it in any way? If I were to supplement it at some point, what is a singular product I can use? I know what is needed for growing, and for flowering are two different things, but I'd prefer not to be dealing with many more products than two or three things.

I was also wondering, at what point would you go from growing to flowering? When you feel the plant is large enough, or is there other indicators?

As for lighting, I have a single CLF (this one here: - Always Low Prices! - GE CFL Light Bulb: 42 Watt (150W Equiv) 2-Pk ) about an inch away, and will be going 16/8 for now, then I plan on going to 12/12 with this - Always Low Prices! - GE CFL Daylight Light Bulb: 26 Watt (100W Equiv), 6-Pk It seems like that would be better for flowering, as it say it is "daylight", but it is also a lot less watts. Is that better?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
ok well number one the more lights the better it will help it grow faster/bigger as for your soil problem i would prolly take a look at the 101 questions thread it will prolly give u some alternative's which are used by someone more experienced then you and as for the flowering time.... u can pretty much flower whenever u like.. as long as ur happy with the size can actully once u get the first plant on the way take clones and root them and once there rooted u can put them right into flowering
( i am about as experienced as you so dont take my word for fact.. just sharing what ive seen)


Well-Known Member
Will a single CLF light be enough for starters? hmm
I have a 2nd bulb, but the base of them is larger than what fits in most of my lamps. As it is, I have this bulb directly above the cup, not much room for another bulb anyway. Plus, that would entail having an surge protector on the end of a long (heavy duty) extension cord. I think I recall hearing that isn't a good idea.


Well-Known Member you all really think that one bulb might not be enough for one plant? I planned on doing it w/ two bulbs later, once there is some size, so I can have it up and to the sides a bit (to perhaps make it a bit wide, and not too tall).


Well-Known Member
I'm just starting the first grow myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but where I live, ProMix soil-less mix is all the rage. It's what the bikers use too. From what I read it's really good for beginners because you don't have to worry about PH levels (the mix is self-adjusting to sit between 5.3-5.8 or something close) so you can water with tap water (and nutes, of course) without too much worry. Also, it's about a third vermiculite if I'm not mistaken, so good ventilation.