Sparat1k--thanks for taking an interest in my LED shit! I plan on starting my own thread soon for easier viewing. I post here often enough, but I'm guessing it's too hard to remember the specifics of what all is going on in my neck of the woods. I just need time... In the meantime here is an update.
Pics are mainly of the LED. Some with the other light off, some not. White balance is impossible to adjust with both lights on. I rarely take pictures with the 1000w HPS off, but here are some with just the 350w LED panel gowing. It can give you an idea on the amount of penetration this light puts out. Obviously not as penetrating as traditional HID.
However, incoporating a light mover is most essential with LED and I plan on doing so this week... this should easily triple the growth. This allows me to lower the LED (less coverage, better intensity) and still cover more area.... duh

I am very excited for this.
Basic info: utilizing 4 stinkbud flower systems on 2 week rotations. Flower units start on the right, under the LED, and transition left, finishing under the HPS. The 3rd unit, currently, is the first unit to have gotten full LED treatment (meaning 4 weeks under the LED in flower room) and it looks amazing.. Scrog with LED.... super sweet. Lots of bud sites... hope they finish up nicely under the HPS
Don't pay attention to unit 4.. it had an accident and I'm just seeing what develops. Unit 1 was just placed and unit 2 is starting week 3 under the LED.
Finally... I know I showed off this UFO pic before, but seriously. If this doesn't prove what LEDs are capable of (at least in vegetative)... now wait till I show you what they can do for flower. Too bad there isn't a marijuana scientific journal to submit this research too hehe oh and a little more trivia the plants in unit 1 are the same plants from the UFO pic (the last pic with the vegetative unit under the 90w UFO led) but were under the UFO for 2 weeks.
ps - the new stinkbud flush using sweet is most excellent!