is this true??

it all depends what stage your in. in flower the leafs yellow off and die. and its normal...but not in veg
its brand new, got it yesterday, its in veg.. do you think its heat stress since it was under lamp all nite, and its only the upper leafs? its only a 23 watt cfl about 3-4 inches away from the plant. its not bad yet, but id like to stop it before it does.


Well-Known Member
you might just have diseased clones.

they might been affected during cloning them or the genentics are weak.

its just seems like a weak plant.
yeah cuz i looked at a pic when i got it and now, and the leafs look they came like that.

my last clone from this club was way worse, every leaf was affected. didnt survive, so i purchased this one yesterday. my last one i was not using miracle grow, just sum random soil. this one has miracle grow. i dont get it, i dont do anything to it, except soak up sun, and its still messing up.

heres some pics, tell me if im just trippin to much off it and should let it do its thing.

sum leaf shot


Well-Known Member
should i put it outside since its already rooted and has been inside all day under the lamp?
too late now by the looks of it. You can't put an indoor grown plant outside all day, it has to be hardened off to withstand the powerful UV rays from the sun, basically you've sunburned the crap out of it (maybe that's all that happened to the first one too)


Well-Known Member
personally i dont like miracle grow potting soil... it chalked full of nutes and shit that make your plant grow faster than it should.. if you just got the clone and planted it in miracle grow soil you have 2 problems.. one the clone is stressed already and needs to just be left alone.. plus you have a sick amount of nutes (not your fault)... imo i think its still just nute overdose.. i would take the clone and put it in some plain potting soil and just water it.. no nutes.. no nothing.. just water.. for a week or so.. until you can see some new growth starting.. then start adding your nutes at 1/4 strength until you starting seeing good growth.. OR mix the miracle grow soil with plain soil in a 50/50 ratio.. are you using any perlite or anything in the soil of aireation and water retention?? and i doubt its heat stress... if you can a pocket fan blowing on it, it would be enough to keep it cool from the light.. CFLs dont put off enough heat to typically worry about that..
personally i dont like miracle grow potting soil... it chalked full of nutes and shit that make your plant grow faster than it should.. if you just got the clone and planted it in miracle grow soil you have 2 problems.. one the clone is stressed already and needs to just be left alone.. plus you have a sick amount of nutes (not your fault)... imo i think its still just nute overdose.. i would take the clone and put it in some plain potting soil and just water it.. no nutes.. no nothing.. just water.. for a week or so.. until you can see some new growth starting.. then start adding your nutes at 1/4 strength until you starting seeing good growth.. OR mix the miracle grow soil with plain soil in a 50/50 ratio.. are you using any perlite or anything in the soil of aireation and water retention?? and i doubt its heat stress... if you can a pocket fan blowing on it, it would be enough to keep it cool from the light.. CFLs dont put off enough heat to typically worry about that..
okay thanks man, i dont have any other soil though. why cant i just put it outside if its rooted already? i got sum nutes right now, but im not planning on using them till next week or so.

i think maybe im just overeacting to it, its only one day old. well not technically since its been at the club for who knows how long?


Well-Known Member
outdoor strains are, for lack of better words, "stronger" than indoor strains because outdoor strains can take the stress of uv rays.. since indoors we dont use uv, indoor strains cant be placed outside WITHOUT toughing them up to the uv first... the easiest way i would imagine is putting it in the window during the day so it can get used to that kind of light.. for a week or so... and then transplanting it outdoors.. if you have an outdoor strain already then it could just be weak clones or a genetic problem.. nothing you can do about that.. i would agree your stressin a little much for it being so young.. but i did that the first few times i had grown... just give it time...

i can prolly give you a little better advice if i new wether it was indoor/outdoor strain..
outdoor strains are, for lack of better words, "stronger" than indoor strains because outdoor strains can take the stress of uv rays.. since indoors we dont use uv, indoor strains cant be placed outside WITHOUT toughing them up to the uv first... the easiest way i would imagine is putting it in the window during the day so it can get used to that kind of light.. for a week or so... and then transplanting it outdoors.. if you have an outdoor strain already then it could just be weak clones or a genetic problem.. nothing you can do about that.. i would agree your stressin a little much for it being so young.. but i did that the first few times i had grown... just give it time...

i can prolly give you a little better advice if i new wether it was indoor/outdoor strain..
yeah, i get what your saying. im not sure, its strawberry kush. its definatly sativa. the guy said its the easiest to grow, it was between this or sum og. but ive heard from many og is tough to grow. its already outside, what should i do? its been out for about 6 hours now.. its not droopy at all, looks strong, except the tips of those leafs. i live in southern cali, its about 88 degrees right now, 75-80 is average temp. idk if this will help you..

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
personally i dont like miracle grow potting soil... it chalked full of nutes and shit that make your plant grow faster than it should.. if you just got the clone and planted it in miracle grow soil you have 2 problems.. one the clone is stressed already and needs to just be left alone.. plus you have a sick amount of nutes (not your fault)... imo i think its still just nute overdose.. i would take the clone and put it in some plain potting soil and just water it.. no nutes.. no nothing.. just water.. for a week or so.. until you can see some new growth starting.. then start adding your nutes at 1/4 strength until you starting seeing good growth.. OR mix the miracle grow soil with plain soil in a 50/50 ratio.. are you using any perlite or anything in the soil of aireation and water retention?? and i doubt its heat stress... if you can a pocket fan blowing on it, it would be enough to keep it cool from the light.. CFLs dont put off enough heat to typically worry about that..
What he said. Try to use a soil that has no nutes in it. Sounds like you're clones aren't ready for the amount of nutes they are getting.


Well-Known Member
best thing you can do is just let it go.. maybe get some sort of root stimulator and use it as a foliage spray once the sun starts setting a little bit... a good root system is your best chance at a strong plant... make sure the soil stays moist around it so the roots stay moist... if you have anything that will help with transplant shock thatll help also... since it just got planted it basically isnt growing at all due to the shock... that can make for a scary few days... but something that helps with that and something to stimulate root growth (there is some stuff will help with both in one product) will help it survive and get strong enough... otherwise its just a waiting and watching game...

if you do use a foliage spray use like 1/4 strength (since its a young plant).. spray in the morning and at night when the suns the least intense.. and give it a week or so and see how it turns out
best thing you can do is just let it go.. maybe get some sort of root stimulator and use it as a foliage spray once the sun starts setting a little bit... a good root system is your best chance at a strong plant... make sure the soil stays moist around it so the roots stay moist... if you have anything that will help with transplant shock thatll help also... since it just got planted it basically isnt growing at all due to the shock... that can make for a scary few days... but something that helps with that and something to stimulate root growth (there is some stuff will help with both in one product) will help it survive and get strong enough... otherwise its just a waiting and watching game...

if you do use a foliage spray use like 1/4 strength (since its a young plant).. spray in the morning and at night when the suns the least intense.. and give it a week or so and see how it turns out

alright, thanks alot man for the help. also whats the name of that product? can i purchase it from a hydroponics shop. if i take a visit there today, what do you reccomend getting? also when the sun sets, should i continue bringing it inside for the extra 4 hours of light, or should i just always leave it outside nite n day? cuz a buddy of mine that grows, leaves his indica plants out all day and nite, never takes it inside to sit under a lamp. and his plants look extremely healthy.


Well-Known Member
i recommened the BC line of products.. they have everything you would need for nutes and micronutes.. they have a product called root 66 that is a root stimulator and a stress reducer... plus a few other things.. you can get it at any hydroponics store... they also have a product called thrive alive that helps over all strengthening of your plants.. which being an outside grow i would recommend to.. youll have a LOT more stressors outside than inside.. so you want to make sure your plant is strong and ready for them... for a full list of what BC products there are check out TECHNAFLORA.COM (i sound like a mini infomertial.. lol)

also i would just leave it outside... moving it in and outside can stress it.. plus its getting 2 different kinds of light... the sun and then a CFL... thats what you said you were using inside right?? even if it is an mh or hps, its still not the same light as the sun... the best thing for it is to stay in the enviroment it will be in so it can become accustomed to it... itll get plenty big as the summer progresses... i would think maybe 6 or 7 feet outside... maybe more... ive never grown outside because.. well.. indiana sucks that way...
i recommened the BC line of products.. they have everything you would need for nutes and micronutes.. they have a product called root 66 that is a root stimulator and a stress reducer... plus a few other things.. you can get it at any hydroponics store... they also have a product called thrive alive that helps over all strengthening of your plants.. which being an outside grow i would recommend to.. youll have a LOT more stressors outside than inside.. so you want to make sure your plant is strong and ready for them... for a full list of what BC products there are check out TECHNAFLORA.COM (i sound like a mini infomertial.. lol)

also i would just leave it outside... moving it in and outside can stress it.. plus its getting 2 different kinds of light... the sun and then a CFL... thats what you said you were using inside right?? even if it is an mh or hps, its still not the same light as the sun... the best thing for it is to stay in the enviroment it will be in so it can become accustomed to it... itll get plenty big as the summer progresses... i would think maybe 6 or 7 feet outside... maybe more... ive never grown outside because.. well.. indiana sucks that way...
alright iam gonna check that out. hahaha

okay, yea its a cfl. so it doesnt necessarily need the 18 hours of light to veg? i just dont really get what to do haha. i think i have it figured out, then i dont. lol
doesnt it need the 18/6 cycle to veg, the 12/12 to flower?


Well-Known Member
ive been using fox farm grow big in veg and tiger bloom in flower, and they are working awsome....also superthrive helps stressed plants amazingly



Well-Known Member
ok... let me try to explain this without getting tooo confusing...

plants need a steady 18hrs or more of light to veg grow... yes thats true... but thats for consitant steady growth.. more for indoor use than outdoors... like a guide line for indoor growers.. since there is still more light than dark right now your plant will grow... even if it isnt 18 hours of light... this is because your plant will need an equal amount of dark and light for the hormones to start changing to begin the flowering... but since days are longer than the nights at this point.. and the days will continue to get longer... your plant will keep growing and not think its time to flower....

now it wont grow near as quickly with 16 hours of light as when it gets 18-20 hours... but it will grow... slowly.. and increase in rate as the light increases...
ok... let me try to explain this without getting tooo confusing...

plants need a steady 18hrs or more of light to veg grow... yes thats true... but thats for consitant steady growth.. more for indoor use than outdoors... like a guide line for indoor growers.. since there is still more light than dark right now your plant will grow... even if it isnt 18 hours of light... this is because your plant will need an equal amount of dark and light for the hormones to start changing to begin the flowering... but since days are longer than the nights at this point.. and the days will continue to get longer... your plant will keep growing and not think its time to flower....

now it wont grow near as quickly with 16 hours of light as when it gets 18-20 hours... but it will grow... slowly.. and increase in rate as the light increases...
okay yeah, perfect man not too confusing at all. okay so let me give you an overview of what im gonna continue to do, let me know if im on a good track... starting today im gonna leave it outside day and nite, water it every other day, let it do its thing.. when do you think i should give it nutes, i have sum already, i dont know the company a buddy gave a water bottle of it to me. its see-thru blueish, and when it comes time should i give it this whole half waterbottle?


Well-Known Member
your on the right track... as far as the nutes go.. i would wait until you start seeing new growth before you give it anything... that way you know it is past shock and returning to normal growth.. as far as the nutes your friend gave you... thats a tough one.. not knowing the brand or anything is the biggest thing..

some nutes have only a 2 part system.. a grow and a bloom formula...

some nutes have a 3 part system... a grow.. a bloom.. and a suplament used throughout... such as BC system...

if what he gave you is from a 3 part system it wont do much since its missing at least one other part...

if its a general formula (for all stages) i would say.... well i wouldnt... honestly.. i would either talk to your friend and find out from him.. or just dump it and get your own stuff... its varies so much from company to company and product to product i would hate to give you bad advice about it that and be responsible for killing your baby...
alright forsure, when i talked to him he said somthing about there being three parts, and that the one he gave me was the first. this was my first plant though. now he gave me another bottle of what seems to be the same.. im not planning on using it anytime soon anyways... so i guess its all good.


Well-Known Member
im guessing he gave you the supplement part of the 3 part... or the grow part of it... honestly your better off getting something with a label on the front and directions for application... your first grow is the best time for learning... make sure you get every bit of information you can from it... what to do/not to do next time...
im guessing he gave you the supplement part of the 3 part... or the grow part of it... honestly your better off getting something with a label on the front and directions for application... your first grow is the best time for learning... make sure you get every bit of information you can from it... what to do/not to do next time...
yeah that was my guess too. thats true, ive learned already a lot of what not to do, im just afraid im gonna keep hitting mistakes in the next two months or whatever. i know for a fact im gonna be on here every week asking questions. haha i just really want this thing to be healthy and grow properly, so i dont waste time and money.