Strange Mystery Drug


Well-Known Member
yesterday as i was walking by a somewhat seedy part of town, i noticed a nickle bag type bag with a white powder in it, i grabbed it up and kept walking. upon further inspection i realized that it was not coke, becuause of the crystalline structure. it looked just like sugar. i tasted a tiny bit and it tastes sour and chemy like battery acid or something, i found myself a guinie pig and gave him a good sized bump that he snorted, he said he didnt feel much but wasnt sure since he soon after took some speed. any thoughts on what this could be. i might try smoking it soon.:confused::shock::confused:


Well-Known Member
Well....that's not really smart at all. For all you know that could be a bag of Acetone Peroxide just waiting to explode or something dangerous. Yu wouldn't pick up random pieces of gun around your city/town/village and eat them? That same mentality should be equal for anything you've found outside your own house. Giving some to someone as a test is also fucked up.

Perform drug tests on it. That would of been the safest way.


chop it up into a few lines and snort it lol j/k. coke in its purest form is crystaly, and meth is even moreso i would just throw it away. it could be alot of things, or it could be nothing


Well-Known Member
chop it up into a few lines and snort it lol j/k. coke in its purest form is crystaly, and meth is even moreso i would just throw it away. it could be alot of things, or it could be nothing
yeah iswim had a big chunk off a brick and it is very crystally hard. damn that was the best coke back in the days.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
jesus christ man.. I don't mean to be rude, but picking up some random shit in a bag and not thinking to test it with anything, but to just throw it in your nose is borderline retarded.


Active Member
Ive been thinking about this thread for almost an hour now and im still undecided. On one hand, Shit! you just found some free drugs... Score!!! Then on the other, there is some sketchy bastads out there, how are we to know its not someones powdered rash medication??? Hmmmm maybe give it a burn test to see if it sizzles, melts or blackens also what it might smell like. Either way props for finding someone to test it for you. theres always stupid(er) people out there...


Well-Known Member
upon more testing 2 seperate people have confirmed it to be nothing, or at least very mild, from snorting it.


Well-Known Member
so how small is a nickel bag of anything? SMALL

that is so ridiculously stupid to do... you didnt. funny read though

P.S if you melt it down in a spoon and shoot it, make sure the liquid is clear


Well-Known Member
P.S if you melt it down in a spoon and shoot it, make sure the liquid is clear
It doesnt have to be clear to be a Horse or SpitSpeed m8.

Ive seem em do pitchblack Tar smack. - Who wants pure when you can sit back and enjoy some fucked up alka mixed heroin shots.


How white was the powder? It could be coke , meth and speed additives...

But could also be 2Cs :P


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Guys.. what part of
"confirmed it to be nothing, or at least very mild"
didn't you read?

Let's stop with the it could be's.. for all we know it's salt. Unless this dude does some flame tests, smells the shit, does reagent testing, gets it GC/MS tested.. we don't know and he doesn't know.

Thankfully, no one is injured.