Super Lemon Haze for a first timer.


Well-Known Member
dude that SLH is gonna be huge. my girls are over four feet three weeks in flower...:bigjoint:
wow. well im guna chop her down and clone her then throw the clones into floewring as soon as i can, so they wont be as tall as yours, but yah thatnks guys for reading update with good news coming up.


Well-Known Member
omg i just clicked something and destroyed my whole post. qq. well here it goes again.

(song that I love and this kid pulls it off pretty good. I was supprised to see it this year on american idol)

Ok So my first idea in the pink bucket was a pice of shit and thankfully i broke it accidently before i sabotaged my plant. Then My old buddy called me up I hadnt talked to him for a couple years and he said he was laid off so he would give me a ride if i need it. (he has a very fast car it made the trip go a little quicker.)

I got there and they had the perfect buckets with lids that had net pots built into them. I got one of those and some hydroton and a mh bulb and did the prep and transplant that day. The roots have exploded everywhere and look healthy. The tap root is side ways but looks fine. I layed it across a layer of hydroton I hope it works its way into the bucket fine.

The day I moved it the middle blade on a pair of leaves curled in and the leaves kinda drooped. They look pretty healthy except for that they curl back. I tried to take a picture of it.

I also took a picture of some more of that god aweful red stem and some of the black too. The black is fading, but some leaves still have really red stems.

Other then those color problems she seems to be doing fine. Once I figure a way to hang my 400w and she gets her roots in my bucket I think she will shoot up and produce tons of clones for me.















Well-Known Member
Dude, your plant looks great... don't worry about colors and stuff, from the top all you see is beautiful green.

Glad you got to the hydro shop, good your buddy called you.

Hope things are well, or at least better.

Make sure you hang the light good... no more killing plants. :?


Well-Known Member
Dude, your plant looks great... don't worry about colors and stuff, from the top all you see is beautiful green.

Glad you got to the hydro shop, good your buddy called you.

Hope things are well, or at least better.

Make sure you hang the light good... no more killing plants. :?
thanks for the advice and the reminder! lol. dont worry im scarred from killing the first one idk what im going to do if another dies at my hands. Ill feel like a cereal killer.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice and the reminder! lol. dont worry im scarred from killing the first one idk what im going to do if another dies at my hands. Ill feel like a cereal killer.
Yeah... they're just plants... you can keep killing them. Maybe just switch to cheaper seeds, haha.


Well-Known Member
nice lookin girls there! i wanted to get some super lemon cuz i was impressed with the greenhouse alaskan ice. they seem loved keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
thank you guys for stopping by my journal and the nice words. She is loved very much, and soon she should be flourashing in her bucket under a 400w mh. I need more room though. I am thinking about moving, so I have some more space once everything is going. I will be fine for a while, but I dont really like my current location so hopefully soon I will be out of here and in a bigger space.

The humidity is hitting 30% sometimes during the day. It goes up between 60-80% when i spray her, but drops soon afterwards. I do not have a humidifier, I am going to try just putting a bowl or 2 of water in there maybe that will fix it.

well ill keep in touch and eventually she will produce many flowering plants.

anyone know how long I should wait before I clone?


Well-Known Member
happy 420 to everyone!

make sure to blaze a bowl for the celebrative day of drugs. pop a cap maybe evan snort a line just do your do, and do let the doing do you

Peace & Love RIU


Well-Known Member
allright well my camera is gone and my plant isnt looking so good. Im also moving soon. I think I might just call it quits for now. Ill start a new one soon.


Well-Known Member
sorry guys i really wanted to keep this going, but im moving into an appt and my landlord said specifically "dont grow marijuana" so I think I might take a year break then move somewhere its legal. Not like my lights are going anywhere. I think Im guna stick my girl outdoors and see how she does. If I get a camera in the future ill take pics and post them

sorry again guys. Ill see yah in the future.


Well-Known Member
damn dude...bongsmilie
no worries i just found a local buhddist group. non profit and they collect money to bring in munks from tibet and india. I think im going to spend the next year working on my meditation. and saving for the big move to canada.