is this true??

i was just talking to a buddy about my plant, about how the biggest leafs are wilting and dieng away but the new incoming leafs look good. he told me not to be worried, that my kinda plant takes all of its energy from the bigger leaves and puts it into growing the new leafs. is this true?


Well-Known Member
you gotta make sure that most leaves stay as healthy as possible, but with my plants, sometimes the bottom most leaves will sometimes yellow and die a dry away, so i cut them off so the plant doesnt waste energy trying to make those leaves better, and instead focuses more energy on growing new leaves. only prune leaves at the bottom third of the plant, if any leaves are dieing higher then that, then i would say you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
do not give it nutes. thats nute burn right there bro. flush it with RO water immediately, and put it under 24 hours light, and it should perk up. leave the humidity dome off for now. and get some air circulating around it. thatll help.
you gotta make sure that most leaves stay as healthy as possible, but with my plants, sometimes the bottom most leaves will sometimes yellow and die a dry away, so i cut them off so the plant doesnt waste energy trying to make those leaves better, and instead focuses more energy on growing new leaves. only prune leaves at the bottom third of the plant, if any leaves are dieing higher then that, then i would say you have a problem.
okay, well its a clone, should i cut off the one dieing?, its the very bottom. like i said all the big ones that were on it when i purchased it are yellowing/withering/dieng away. my friend was saying since its young i need all the leafs i can get. but its dieng anyways. will it put it into shock? the other reason the second pic looks so bad is because the dome i put over it, which i learned was a mistake. hopefully she looks better at the end of the day.
do not give it nutes. thats nute burn right there bro. flush it with RO water immediately, and put it under 24 hours light, and it should perk up. leave the humidity dome off for now. and get some air circulating around it. thatll help.
aww my buddy said its was good to give it now, as long as the soil was dry. its was about to die without it, im pretty sure. this thing came rooted already, it already has calyxes with orange hairs. it was looking good last nite. should i really water it down, and take it inside, like you said? everyone tells me, it needs to be outside, no matter how weak it looks its the best place for it. i bring it in at nite to give the extra four hours of light. i dont have good enough lights to run 24 hours. just one cfl bulb
okay i brought it inside not under the lamp, i trimed those two droopy dieng leafs, now though the upper and sum smaller leafs are turning brown inside and turning into themselfs, sum of the new baby ones are getting browinsh in the middle. i think putting the dome over it outside, suffacated it, and it is now dieing. what can i do to save it thats cheap and can do at home??? someone help, i really dont wanna start all over again.


Well-Known Member
i think putting the dome over it outside, suffacated it, and it is now dieing.
when you say "outside" do you mean outdoors in full sun ? if so you cooked it as it can extremely hot inside an unvented dome in full sun. It might still survive if the growth tip survived.
when you say "outside" do you mean outdoors in full sun ? if so you cooked it as it can extremely hot inside an unvented dome in full sun. It might still survive if the growth tip survived.
yep, thats exactly what i mean. and im pretty sure your correct, it looks cooked. should i just take it back outside? i sprayed it down after taking it off. but nothing, it looks horrible. whats the growth tip?


Well-Known Member
put it outside no humidity dome, and make sure you keep the soil moist. flush it out so the roots are nice and cool. itll prolly be alright. just make sure it gets plenty of light and have patience. i find that tracking my plants every little most make growing a lot less enjoyable, and getting paranoid over every little thing and trying to fix everything can lead to even more problems and hassles. stick it in a nice big pot and put it outside. water her every other day to keep the soil from drying out. give her nutes in another 2 weeks when there is more new growth. nutes can do just as much to kill a plant as it can to help it.
alright well i changed the soil out, to sum miraclegrow, and put it outside. i also watered it a little. hopefully she pulls through.
i bought a new clone, i was pretty sure the last one wasnt going to survive. this one looks 100 percent better no affected leafs, and tall, rooting already, this time im using miracle grow. i have it inside now under light. should i give it an 18/6 cycle?? and still put it outside tomoro? its not a baby, and its already rooted. this time i knoe what not to do in the beggining.


Well-Known Member
You've learn your lesson *thumps up*

I hope your first clone makes it through and your good luck on your second child.

This is what happens when mother nature takes it toll


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
heres pic from last night, after nutes, standing taller

heres a pic now, i also made the mistake of putting the dome over it outside for about 10 min, so dumb. so now back to droopy,also sum of those dieng leafs

think it will be normal in a week or two?, i gave it nutes yesterday afternoon, cuz it was close to dieng also.
Flush it coz it looks like you have given it too many nutes and its burning it like crazy.
my neww one looks fantastic, new soil, better condition, looks great. should i put it outside since its already rooted and has been inside all day under the lamp?
another problem now, the new one is outside and looking good, except sum leaves are turning brown and sum are getting yellow at the very very tips already, yesterday it basically got light all day, inside. what could be causing this? i have good soil.. and havent added or done anything to the plant. helpp before i fail on this one to!!