First Ever Grow:)


Active Member
Good goin',Brutal!

Knew an old lady where I grew up, she would compost egg shells and used coffee grounds. Then put it in her house plants...??? Don't know why exactly but, she had shitloads of goodlookin' plants.
Yeah I heard about the coffee grounds as well, I'm not a coffee drinker...
But that's good to hear about the bomb plants!
I'm planning on using the egg shells as a foliar spray mostly, I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Tried to get you a pic of the "INCREDIBLE HULK". I don't have a digital camera yet (it's on my list) all I have is an old mini dv that takes still pics. Software is windows 98, wont load on my xp. RATFARTS! Will try to hijack my daughters cam but, will have to make sure I delete later. lol


Active Member
Well I put my babies into some larger homes, a garbage can, a bucket, and a 2 liter, very classy!!!
I added some organic fertilizer beneath each peat cup before repotting them, and I also added some eggshell water to the soil for calcium.
Hopefully the eggshell water will spread down and be available to the roots as they grow longer and deeper. The fertilizer should encourage root growth etc.
I need to figure out a better lighting setup but that can wait a bit.
Vegetation officially starts tonight! 18/6 began at 1AM and the lights will return at 7AM.
The plants all look pretty healthy, there was a little curling of leaves but I moved the lights higher and the plants looked healthier.
Can't wait to see the results after a day or so of new homes and added growth factors.


Active Member
The third set of leaves is coming in on each plant.
One of the plants looks bigger than the rest and I'm excited to see how that one turns out, all of them look healthy though.
need more spring water so I'm gonna have to make a trip tomorrow!


Active Member
My plants all seem quite healthy and I've been spraying water with egg shells powdered and mixed in, there is a little white showing on the plants and i assume that is just from the egg shells drying, looking good though.


Active Member
I lost my smallest weakest plant but I'm not worried about that because my favorite plant is doing GREAT!
I still don't have a camera to post pictures but it looks very healthy! The second plant is looking good to but not as big leaves or bright color.
I'm really excited to see this plant tomorrow because its roots should stretch out and get some good water tonight.
Can't wait for Heavy Petal to get into full swing!
I named my favorite plant Veronica, not for any particular reason, I just like the name.


Active Member
Haven't updated this in a while so here we go!
My favorite plant out of the two is well into its first set of 5-pronged leaves and the next set is budding! She smells really nice already, skunky if you get your nose right up to it but other than that not noticeable.
The second plant is having some trouble standing on its own so I have rigged some supports for it down below. I don't have room for a fan but I think we'll be fine.

Quick question: There are small pistil-like growths shooting off the nodes on plants, no big hairs or white hairs, just small green pistils. Are these the beginning of female hairs?

Sadly I still have no camera, but they are bright and green and growing bigger by the minute!

Love you RIU!


Active Member
Also, if anybody is still reading this....

When your plants trichromes show up, is foliar watering out of the question?

I foliar spray my plants all day about every hour, will the water mess with the trichromes and should I only be pouring in the water for the roots??



Active Member
Here are the first ever posted pics of my babies!!!

The first plant is named Clementine and I'm not seeing any hairs yet but damn she looks fine (cross fingers for she)!

The smaller plant is Veronica

Veronica doesn't look as good as Clementine, she's much smaller and had some trouble with a few gnats :( But they are still both growing at a fast rate and I plan on topping both plants fairly soon.

Clementine will get one more ful set of fan leaves and I will top her using Uncle Ben's helpful tips!

Veronicamay have a few more nodes before topping.

Can't wait to hear what everybody thinks!!!

Smoke hard. WoW hard.:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:


Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Lookin good.
I like to wait until they are 5 nodes tall and then top right above the 4th. That gives you 8 budding shutes to pick from but, not all of those will be dominant as per the U.B. method. 2 or 3 will always be kinda weak. I cut these off about 3 wks into flower putting the energy into ones I think show the most potential. Everything seems to fatten up better.


Active Member
Lookin good.
I like to wait until they are 5 nodes tall and then top right above the 4th. That gives you 8 budding shutes to pick from but, not all of those will be dominant as per the U.B. method. 2 or 3 will always be kinda weak. I cut these off about 3 wks into flower putting the energy into ones I think show the most potential. Everything seems to fatten up better.
Good to hear some topping info, I'll remember that. I really want to utilize my space and i missed out on lst so the more oclas the better. I can't wait to see what happens!


Active Member
I topped Clementine tonight right before turning off the lights. It was after the 4th node of 5-fanned leaves so I think it's an ok point. Pics tomorrow, too tired now.


Active Member
Clementine is growing strong and looking good, she has a few yellow spots on the upper leaves but overall is doing great.
Veronica I am not so sure about, she was doing much better and is once again starting to look shriveled :( But either way they are both still growing every day!
Clementine has two new shoots from where she was topped.
Here are some pics!

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!!


Active Member
Cmon now I need some feedback!
Can anybody tell the sex on either plant?
It's been a while now and I haven't been able to see any sex....

Clementine is healthy and Veronica is doing ok, please please please let me know what you guys think!

Please let me know how they're doing! Thanks!:hump::hump::hump:


Active Member
what kind of lights are you using? because to me it looks like an incandescent bulb which wont work. at-least try to get a hold of some cfls if possible. don't want you to be disappointed when you don't come out with anything to smoke. just my advice. wish you luck


Active Member
what kind of lights are you using? because to me it looks like an incandescent bulb which wont work. at-least try to get a hold of some cfls if possible. don't want you to be disappointed when you don't come out with anything to smoke. just my advice. wish you luck
Thanks, there are two CFLs and the incandescent is just extra for kicks, the real light is right above each plant.