9 million homes in foreclosure?


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2386999]you guys are all pathetic :lol:

grow weed and sftu already, idk why we have this stupid political sub forum, half you idiots just come on here trying to act smart, who gives a fuc, and this fool correcting peoples grammar, thats disgusting :spew:[/quote]


1.) At least I can "act" smart which is more than I can say for your "pathetic" post.

2.) I did NOT correct ANYTHING.

3.) If you do not like the Political forum, I suggest you stop posting in it.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you smoke another one bro, and get your head out your ass haha :lol:

do you even grow or what? what the hell are you doin on this site anyways . . :roll:


Well-Known Member
If my house doesn't sell by Christmas, I am walking...........I will be a statistic.
And no I didn't take a loan I could not afford...I simply bought a house that is going down in value everyday. I have set my price to sell it where I will be losing over 100k. What else does a person do? I know, walk....which is what I will be doing if it doesn't go. This foreclosure crap is effecting everyone, not just the irresponsible people. I am an example of that.


Well-Known Member
If my house doesn't sell by Christmas, I am walking...........I will be a statistic.
And no I didn't take a loan I could not afford...I simply bought a house that is going down in value everyday. I have set my price to sell it where I will be losing over 100k. What else does a person do? I know, walk....which is what I will be doing if it doesn't go. This foreclosure crap is effecting everyone, not just the irresponsible people. I am an example of that.
it's my buddies fault, him and 8,999,999 of his friends. he messed it up for all the honest people. :cry:


Well-Known Member
It just goes to show the true and sorry state things are in these days. At this rate, we're heading for another full-blown depression, nevermind a "longer than expected" recession.


Well-Known Member
we need a depression, put some of these people back in line. most people couldn't grow a potato to save their own life. they can reprogram an Ipod though. :roll:


Well-Known Member
it's my buddies fault, him and 8,999,999 of his friends. he messed it up for all the honest people. :cry:
I really don't blame people like your buddy. I blame the institutions that let him borrow the money. They are the ones that should of had a professional responsibility to tell people like your buddy they could not afford the loan. They didn't, they encouraged this....It is pitiful and wrong. Now, people like me have to compete with these foreclosures in order to sell. Oh but wait I could always refinance! NOPE! Because of this mess my house won't appraise enough to allow me to refinance....It is a lose lose for me.


Well-Known Member
I think these banks should be FORCED to work out arrangements with the folks in foreclosure! Instead they are clogging up the court dockets and doing their thing. They need to be forced to take responsibility with the borrowers and come to some sort of settlement.


Well-Known Member
I really don't blame people like your buddy. I blame the institutions that let him borrow the money. They are the ones that should of had a professional responsibility to tell people like your buddy they could not afford the loan. They didn't, they encouraged this....It is pitiful and wrong. Now, people like me have to compete with these foreclosures in order to sell. Oh but wait I could always refinance! NOPE! Because of this mess my house won't appraise enough to allow me to refinance....It is a lose lose for me.

he knew he couldn't afford it. all he had to do was look at his paycheck. he could have bought half the house and still been there.


Well-Known Member
they haven't had to be responsible before.... so why start now? that's the kind of vibe I'm getting from this whole thing. The banks need to be better regulated... but I'm not all that sure if I'm in favor of the government taking over the banks. Kinda leaves you between a rock and a hard place.


Well-Known Member
he knew he couldn't afford it. all he had to do was look at his paycheck. he could have bought half the house and still been there.
I understand but, the bank also knew....Don't you think the bank should hold some sort of accountability on this? I do! Your buddy is just an idiot that wants something for nothing, the 'bankers' are representing themselves as being financial advisors...So I blame them moreso then your buddy.


Well-Known Member
I understand but, the bank also knew....Don't you think the bank should hold some sort of accountability on this? I do! Your buddy is just an idiot that wants something for nothing, the 'bankers' are representing themselves as being financial advisors...So I blame them moreso then your buddy.
"my buddy" is 9 million idiots. can't blame the bank. they got all his money, he got nothing. sounds like a win to me.


Well-Known Member
"my buddy" is 9 million idiots. can't blame the bank. they got all his money, he got nothing. sounds like a win to me.
Its not a win win for the bank. In many cases, the homes the banks are getting back are not worth the loan amount. These are the people that have homes that are depreciating daily at no fault of their own. And the problem now is the banks won't lend any money for people to buy to free up the market. They are dominating the market, atleast down here in the South, with their foreclosures. They have ALL the people in the housing market up against a wall...But, yeah your right they don't deserve any blame...:roll:


Well-Known Member
Its not a win win for the bank. In many cases, the homes the banks are getting back are not worth the loan amount. These are the people that have homes that are depreciating daily at no fault of their own. And the problem now is the banks won't lend any money for people to buy to free up the market. They are dominating the market, atleast down here in the South, with their foreclosures. They have ALL the people in the housing market up against a wall...But, yeah your right they don't deserve any blame...:roll:
they're just doing what banks do. you should know this before you walk in the door. how come i saw it and he didn't? how can you blame the bank? they are "salesmen". they "sell" loans. he should be a little smarter.

if i front you an ounce knowing you don't have the money, am i to blame when you don't pay me?


Well-Known Member
they're just doing what banks do. you should know this before you walk in the door. how come i saw it and he didn't? how can you blame the bank? they are "salesmen". they "sell" loans. he should be a little smarter.

if i front you an ounce knowing you don't have the money, am i to blame when you don't pay me?
Yes. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
they're just doing what banks do. you should know this before you walk in the door. how come i saw it and he didn't? how can you blame the bank? they are "salesmen". they "sell" loans. he should be a little smarter.

if i front you an ounce knowing you don't have the money, am i to blame when you don't pay me?
You don't see that this effects more than just the people that don't pay their mortgage. It is effecting a lot more than just the people that took out bad loans and to lump them all in the same category is just wrong.


Well-Known Member
You don't see that this effects more than just the people that don't pay their mortgage. It is effecting a lot more than just the people that took out bad loans and to lump them all in the same category is just wrong.
i see it. i said it 20 posts ago. my buddy screwed it up for all the honest people. i've been trying to say this. no one listens.


Well-Known Member
well..all the homeless could go start up obamavilles.
all they need is some cardboard box's a few boards
a good over pass to live under is handy also. by the looks of things under the over pass's might get little crowded with all the obama voters living there and all.
i thought obama promised to pay everyones mortgage? i guess he lied.
whats so funny about it is him and the dems spent enough money to issue every family in this country a check for about 130K dollars so far..and counting.