Magnesium?? (pics)


Well-Known Member
Im sure it willl go away just keep an eye on it and thats always a good note NEW HAIRS.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so its been a couple weeks and things are looking worse. I have been adding 1tbsp cal-mag, big bloom, molasses, and 2 tbsp tiger bloom to every 2-3 waterings. I have also added the cal-mag and molasses to regular waterings. Probably a total of 6-7 waterings only. Now upper leaves are showing a brown spotting and many of the lowers have died. Nute burn? What should I do?



Well-Known Member
Cut off those lower leaves and the dying leaves. How much nutes did you add?
Added 1 tbsp cal-mag, to every watering and 1 tbsp FF big bloom, and 2 tbsp FF tiger bloom to every 2-3 waterings. the first couple waterings were about half strength. I added cal-mag every time bc i was deficient at first. this was only over about 5-8 total waterings.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Added 1 tbsp cal-mag, to every watering and 1 tbsp FF big bloom, and 2 tbsp FF tiger bloom to every 2-3 waterings. the first couple waterings were about half strength. I added cal-mag every time bc i was deficient at first. this was only over about 5-8 total waterings.
1tbls to how much water? It doesnt look like nute burn coz the whole plant isnt showing the signs. A PH tester and a nute meter are a good investment when growing. You can buy cheap ph test kits online or at an aquarium shop.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Added 1 tbsp cal-mag, to every watering and 1 tbsp FF big bloom, and 2 tbsp FF tiger bloom to every 2-3 waterings. the first couple waterings were about half strength. I added cal-mag every time bc i was deficient at first. this was only over about 5-8 total waterings.

You are adding so much stuff that you're making matters worse. Find a decent food that has all essential 16 elements, Walmart plant food is fine, and use it at no more than 1 tsp/gallon. You've added stuff the plant doesn't require and caused an antagonism element effect. What is the NPK value that the plant "sees". Do you have a full array of micros?

Don't worry about pH. Cannabis is very pH tolerant.

If you're still in the veg stage, using a Bloom food is the worst thing you can do. The high P and/or K has blocked the uptake of N. Keep using it and you'll have no leaves left which is the very unit that produces bud. It is NOT normal to lose alot of leaves prior to harvest.



Well-Known Member
those are nutes/gallon. following FF chart as others have recommended + cal-mag with micronutes bc they looked deficient in the first week of flowering. they are a few weeks into flowering.


Well-Known Member
I tested the runoff pH and it looks like its somewhere between 5 and 6. Is this very bad? I use tap water that is basic but I've been letting it sit out for the chlorine to evap. After that its pretty neutral.


Active Member
I tested the runoff pH and it looks like its somewhere between 5 and 6. Is this very bad? I use tap water that is basic but I've been letting it sit out for the chlorine to evap. After that its pretty neutral.

That's pretty low, yes. The optimum pH in soil is 6.8, and if you could be as low as 5 that would definitely give you some nutrition uptake problems.


Well-Known Member
I would add some pH up to the water to try and even things out. You need to keep testing the runoff water so that you can see what pH water is needed for your plant to thrive

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
How common is low pH? I usually hear about it the other way around.
Usually when you add nutes it lowers your ph. Everyones tap water is at a different ph depending on your area. For example my tap water ph is 7.6 but once I add A and B nutes it lowers it to about 6 depending on the strength of the mix.