Im going camping but wat to do


Well-Known Member
i went camping with my best friend and 2 girls. i was on antibiotics but still drank a shitload of beer. i got to make love to a fine ass chick but started to feel like shit in the middle of the night. at 6 in the mornin i had to run out of the tent and into the woods to shit water out my ass. i then had to wipe my ass with my socks. our other friends dropped us off so i didnt have a ride out of there. feeling nasty as shit and needing a shower i didnt want to lay in there next to that fine chick so i layed sick as shit on the ground outside the tent til everyone woke up and they were like why are you out here lol. i forget my point now....??


Well-Known Member
If your just camping and not hiking then you pretty much sit around and drink, bring some fishing gear ans maybe some pyschedelics and your golden. Not to mention get some good food, my buddies and I always get some steaks when we go camping


Well-Known Member
bring some food like potato salad, burgers, franks, stuff like that. bring a fishing rod or 2. maybe some paintball gear. extra clothes. some bud. and some brew. bring some smore supplies. aand some stuff to make a fire. cant forget your tent and sleeping bag


Well-Known Member
there's only two of you? two dudes? i think you already know what you're gonna do

haha brokeback mountain ...


Well-Known Member
I AM SAM lol two dudes can have completely heterosexual fun in the woods. But for your supply list you might want to consider picking up some female hitchhikers. Nothing like pussy in the wilderness