you just took an American ship .............


Well-Known Member
wow i cant imagine how happy his family is and how thankful he must be. dont fuck with the navy and the seals.


New Member
I guess I must have missed the realistic alternatives.

Everything Obama does will be considered a test. obama orMcCain that would have been the same..

One of the few things I really did not agree with in the was the lack of backbone in Somolia and we are paying for that now. Every president makes mistakes. Some presidents like Bush, well history will remember him as a buffoon that did as he pleased and didn't give a fuk about what the people wanted. Clinton, mostly for inappropriate use of a cigar on an intern, and Somolia. What he did for the budget will probablly be swept under the rug or chalked up to economic times. While bush will be deemed a victim of the times (even tho the vast majority of his office was good economic times...).

I also agree that there was only one real outcome to the hostage situation. But why is there bitching when the guy was saved. Someone went off about his press conference where Obama said, hey im talking about the economy now, and how everyone got their panties in a bundle. THIS IS STANDARD PRACTICCE IN WASHINGTON! It has been for years. If you ask a question in a press conference that is not on the topic at hand, your told to stfu or made to leave. Otherwise NOTHING would ever get done.

I guess its just really easy to bag on the new guy because he is not part of the white establishment...

P.S. to FDD I believe I am still on topic if that is what you are commenting about..


Well-Known Member
we are talking about PIRATES not PRESIDENTS. jeezus. :roll: :wall:

try to refrain from mentioning presidents and see if you can just focus on CRAZY PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

apparently pot does make people stupid. lolololol :)


Well-Known Member
glad they finally showed those poor ass pirates whats up and freed the captain.

THATS how you disincentizive (make it look not to appealing) piracy.

Of course now everybody will have to start capping the pirates before they start capping hostages when the deadlines for ransoms aren't met...


New Member
apparently pot does make people stupid. lolololol :)
Thats pretty uncalled for.

The second post in this thread starts the president talk. And you are calling them crazy for trying to take an American ship, inferring that the US is going to stomp the shit outta them. This has to do with policy and what the president will do about the pirates.

True we did get into other presidents, going back to the history of how other presidents actions have emboldened the current pirates actions. (Blackhawk down..)

Basically I was responding to posts that were largely on topic.

I know your one of the "Big" guys on this site, but you are wondering why the site is getting so hostile... And you post hostile stuff like that.. Hmmm


New Member
Maybe take it off of the politics forum...or is that an insane idea... political threads attract political posters.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
maybe stick to the suggested thread topic, the one with the specific request to refrain from turning discussion into something other than what was suggested?

pirates got what pirates deserved.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty uncalled for.

The second post in this thread starts the president talk. And you are calling them crazy for trying to take an American ship, inferring that the US is going to stomp the shit outta them. This has to do with policy and what the president will do about the pirates.

True we did get into other presidents, going back to the history of how other presidents actions have emboldened the current pirates actions. (Blackhawk down..)

Basically I was responding to posts that were largely on topic.

I know your one of the "Big" guys on this site, but you are wondering why the site is getting so hostile... And you post hostile stuff like that.. Hmmm

even after i ask politely "please don't say president". :roll:
how is lololololol :) hostile? you wish it was hostile. sheesh.

pirates, try to stay on subject. thanks. :)


New Member
Well I took it to the PM's and FDD showed what a nice guy he is. FDD will you let me post it and not ban me?

Keeping on track, only talk of "modern" pirates, not politics, IN THE POLITICS THREAD. Somali pirates are bad, and I think thats about all that can be said with out getting into politics. FDD i would delete every post after your first and just put, Pirates in Somolia r bad m'key and close it?


Well-Known Member
Well I took it to the PM's and FDD showed what a nice guy he is. FDD will you let me post it and not ban me?

Keeping on track, only talk of "modern" pirates, not politics, IN THE POLITICS THREAD. Somali pirates are bad, and I think thats about all that can be said with out getting into politics. FDD i would delete every post after your first and just put, Pirates in Somolia r bad m'key and close it?
can you talk about pirates without turning it into a debate about who is a better president? the whole Bush vs Obama vs who the fuck ever is reallly, really boring. like last year boring.

got anything about pirates that doesn't involve a US president? maybe a story where the pirates are the "subject". not the president. you do understand the word "subject" don't you. (hint) it sounds like "pirate".



New Member
politics is the process by which a group makes decisions. -

such as "negotiating hostages".

who's stupid?

round table, sausage and pepperoni. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

3rd sentence down that you did not quote,

It consists of "social relations involving authority or power"[1] and refers to the regulation of a political unit,[2] and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.[3]

And who formulates the policy?? You guessed it, the president! He is the authority and power. (We elected him and he makes decision for the group, just in case I had to connect the dots for ya..)

And what is with your need to call people stupid? Insecure?

FDD - I think too many people have kiss-ass, and now you think your shit don't stink and your always right..

I'm out of your thread now. :peace:

And a pic to keep it on topic:



Well-Known Member
see, pirates take ships. then they demand funds. they don't care what country. their country has little policing so they can easily get away with it. they are all ballsy and live free. i wonder if they hold to a true "pirate code".

here, lets go to the UK so as to avoid US "politics".
"They wed the most beautiful girls; they are building big houses; they have new cars; new guns," he says."

some people have nothing to do other than argue the same dead argument. then the rest of us eat. :)

dude said "presidents", AGAIN. lololol

Big P

Well-Known Member
and the thread complexities have reached mythic propotions

Obama as pirate:

As you can see these new and troubling photos have recently surfaced which portray President Barack Obama dressed in his Pirate attire during what are seemingly private moments and events when he was unaware he was being filmed

as you can see this childhood photo of Obama shows that this pirate "thing" has not been just a one time occurance but a seemingly disiplined way of life since Obama was a child.

Could there be more to the story behind the Pirate attacks of 2009???????

Could it have been an.....

Inside Job!!!!????????

Barack obama. Are you sure hes not a pirate???