changing from hydro to organic soil... first time! help appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Those don't look 1 week away from being done, bro! They need ATLEAST another 2 weeks, I'd say just by looking at the pics. The majority of the hairs are still white. A good "rule of thumb" is 70% brown hairs, and you are good for harvest, but this is just a very primitive reading. When they are ready to harvest the majority of the hairs will be brown and die back, the calxyes will swell, and she will just look DONE. To truly tell you would have to look at the trichs though. I'd say atleast another 2 weeks. The worst thing to do would be to chop too soon, after you put all that time & effort into it. To chop now would greatly reduce your quality.
well... that may be... but the trichromes are already about 50% cloudy... and I personally like to harvest when the trichromes are only about 20% amber... if not sooner.

Today... sorry, no pics today... ladies are already sleeping... there are about twice as many red hairs as yesterday. The calyxes have started to swell a bunch over the past few days, the buds are packing on weight, and today I am seeing the first REAL signs of an end-of-life N deficiency. Looking good.

FYI (and i am not sure if this is right or not) i usually use the amber hairs' first appearance as the indicator that it is time for the final flush. By the time 2 weeks has gone by... they are perfect! (two weeks from the flushing start would be a week from this thursday)... or a week and 2 days from now. Should be a big change by then.

So, in summary... I agree with you. They will probably not ALL be ready a week from today... but I would expect them to ALL be done in probably 1.5 weeks from now.


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome billdo. those buds are huge!!!!!!!!! +Rep to you as well. I didnt read the beginning of your thread but how long did you wait before you flowered?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, dude!
3 weeks of veg... then they got bushmastered... then they got transplanted from my DWC cloner/veg tub to my dwc/drip flower tub. After a few days of that, I tired of trying to maintain a constant pH with organics in hydro and transplanted them to soil in week 1 of flower. Waaaaaay too late to be doing that... but Mary is a tough old bitch... and she loves the organics I have been throwing her way. (those calyxes are swelling by the minute the past few days, it seems!). I fucking LOVE this hobby.

Thanks again for the compliment!


Active Member

I have been growing organic soil for the last 7 years and may have a few suggestions for you. First off a good ph for the fertilizer is between 6.0-7.0, i prefer right around 6.2-6.3 peronally, but have found best results below 6.5 with well established plants. If the pants are just rooting or have just recently been re-potted around 6.5-6.7 is good. Have you used any mychorzea(not sure how to spell)? This stuff is awsome for clones or watering into plants in the veg cycle. What fertilizer are you using for bloom? I use a mixture of stuff. Canna Bio-Flores every other watering(watering every other day so 4 out of 8 days until last 2 weeks and a half weeks just water), roots organic trinity once a week, Canna Bio-boost for the first 2 weeks of flower every other watering with bio-flores, budswel bat guano tea every watering, emerald traingle gravity 1.0 last two applications of ferlilizer(LESS IS MORE!!!!!!!!!), sometimes i will through in some alg-a-mic the first couple of weeks if they look like they could use some nitrogen.

when you are planting make sure you use plenty of worm castings. I can't express how much of a difference worm castings make. when you are mixing your'e soil(even if you bought pre-made bags of soil you should still do this) the final product should consist up to 20 % of the final product. wow i am out of it and rambling........well i have alot more advice and experince if you would like to hear it, if it happens to you i can almost guarantee that in my 7 years of indoor growing and 18 years as a master garderner i have taken care of it.


Well-Known Member

I have been growing organic soil for the last 7 years and may have a few suggestions for you. First off a good ph for the fertilizer is between 6.0-7.0, i prefer right around 6.2-6.3 peronally, but have found best results below 6.5 with well established plants. If the pants are just rooting or have just recently been re-potted around 6.5-6.7 is good. Have you used any mychorzea(not sure how to spell)? This stuff is awsome for clones or watering into plants in the veg cycle. What fertilizer are you using for bloom? I use a mixture of stuff. Canna Bio-Flores every other watering(watering every other day so 4 out of 8 days until last 2 weeks and a half weeks just water), roots organic trinity once a week, Canna Bio-boost for the first 2 weeks of flower every other watering with bio-flores, budswel bat guano tea every watering, emerald traingle gravity 1.0 last two applications of ferlilizer(LESS IS MORE!!!!!!!!!), sometimes i will through in some alg-a-mic the first couple of weeks if they look like they could use some nitrogen.

when you are planting make sure you use plenty of worm castings. I can't express how much of a difference worm castings make. when you are mixing your'e soil(even if you bought pre-made bags of soil you should still do this) the final product should consist up to 20 % of the final product. wow i am out of it and rambling........well i have alot more advice and experince if you would like to hear it, if it happens to you i can almost guarantee that in my 7 years of indoor growing and 18 years as a master garderner i have taken care of it.
First off... thanks for the interest.

Not to be a dick about it though... it is fairly obvious that you haven't read any of this thread whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
nice looking girls iam making the switch to bmo myself. those girls of yours look like they should taste real sweet.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man!!!! how did you find the time difference from hydro to soil>>>>?? was there any difference??? they all look really crystally and healthy. Did you flush them for a good amount too>>??? How long did it all take in the end??


Well-Known Member
Looks good man!!!! how did you find the time difference from hydro to soil>>>>?? was there any difference??? they all look really crystally and healthy. Did you flush them for a good amount too>>??? How long did it all take in the end??
They are taking a bit longer... the full 7 weeks (they are pretty much 7 week strains) of flowering this time... whereas in hydro i was harvesting in 6 (with BushMaster). I suspect that the extended time has more to do with the stress of transplanting from hydro to soil so late (week 1 of flower).


Well-Known Member
and yes... they were flushed VERY well... and dosed with FloraKleen a day or two after the plain water flush.