Im going camping but wat to do


Well-Known Member
so me and a buddy are going camping the others flaked out so i have some weed and we are gonna get some BBQ but what the hell is there to do?


stays relevant.
Barbeque, fishing, bring a couple guitars and jam, hike into the woods and scout some spots for guerilla grows (remember to tag em on your GPS), climb trees, talk about bullshit, get shitfaced drunk, bring the guns and just shoot...

there's lots of fun stuff to do camping. lke relax for once


Well-Known Member
yea brings some cans and a battery operated sterio you in the biggest play ground in the world when your camping!!


Well-Known Member
one time i shroomed with just 1 other guy and we went to this camp spot jus out of town and tripped out and we were supposed to smoke hella weed but were tripping to much allready and didnt smoke shit and then went home late that night still tripping and right after i layed in bed my friend called me like dude i left my weed out there (a half ounce fronted for like 140$) and i have no gas tto get back if i go out there come with me i dont have a cell phone but i was like tripping way to hard(was the whole night) and hung up on him and then the next day we went to get it and it was .basically i had alot of fun with just me and another guy basically doing nothing but build a fire and besides that we didnt smoke weed or drink which we planned to do,i dont even remember doing anything that made any sense it was great.

just dont loose your weed


Well-Known Member
muther fucker said broke back mountian...........................LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg, u set urself up for this bruh, i wouldnt of even said i was goin with another dude. LMAO


one time i shroomed with just 1 other guy and we went to this camp spot jus out of town and tripped out and we were supposed to smoke hella weed but were tripping to much allready and didnt smoke shit and then went home late that night still tripping and right after i layed in bed my friend called me like dude i left my weed out there (a half ounce fronted for like 140$) and i have no gas tto get back if i go out there come with me i dont have a cell phone but i was like tripping way to hard(was the whole night) and hung up on him and then the next day we went to get it and it was .basically i had alot of fun with just me and another guy basically doing nothing but build a fire and besides that we didnt smoke weed or drink which we planned to do,i dont even remember doing anything that made any sense it was great.

just dont loose your weed
Shrooms in the woods is fun anyway you do it. haha