Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Well no not that I know of, I'm using the fox farm nute package, and the solubles as well. But I don't think any of them are considered hormones.


Well-Known Member
Thats great Iloveit, it has always been one of my favorites. I was never aloud to get any of the toys though.


Well-Known Member
Lol, thats hilarious crackerjax. I'm not riding a train around cus my mom would let me have toys, I just grow weed to make up for it! It would piss her off way more if she knew, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hehe, thanks man! As far as I know she doesn't even know I smoke. I used to come home blazed, and have to talk to her, but I don't think she knows.

So I forgot to mention it earlier, but my grain got here today, so thats pretty cool. I'm still waiting on the new syringes, and I have to make up a syringe of KS here in the next couple days. I'm hoping to get to shot the bags up by the middle of next week. I think I'm going to be able to make 1 tray from each bag. I might use a little of each of the bags to myc transfer some more jars. I need to find out how much of the syringe is recommended to be used in this size bag. I'm hoping to have extra so I can just shot some jars too. I don't want to take a chance on loosing these new strains. I need to get spore prints off all of my strains except the KS right now. I only have taken a couple for some reason, I guess I just didn't think about it. Well I'll talk to you guys later, TC


Well-Known Member
OH ya, so I also forgot to mention this. I havn't been eating any of my full size shrooms for a couple weeks, but I did have a pile of aborts I had collected off these last two flushs. Ended up being like 4.5g. So I ate those last night, and it was a pretty sweet ride. I had some of the most elaborate visuals I have ever had. At one point that really stands out, I looked down at my bedroom floor, and it looked like a swirling paisley pattern. It was fairly bright red, and green designs with a destinct paisley pattern like I've never seen on shrooms before. I can only remember one ofther time I tripped last year when I had visuals that intense. It was sweet any way, once again, I love the Koh Samoi!! They have never disapointed me!


Well-Known Member
d-a-m-n-'t m-a-n . . .

wish i had some freag'in free time. i'd love to not only grow but actually have time to ingest some nice shrooms. it feels like i have 3 full time jobs sometimes. Literally no extra time to speak of between growing and working a 40 hour gig... and dog breeding and such... like right now one of my bitches just had pups... not a drop of milk on the bitch, so i have to keep feeding them. s.i.g.h.



Well-Known Member
Man that does sounds like alot of work. You've got a big ass garden, which I'm sure takes a ton of time, and I hear you on working the 40hr gig. Thats one reason that as my garden gets bigger with my next grow, I want to set things up to be as simple as possible, so I don't have to spend tons of time, and can enjoy doing other stuff too. If you do get the time to grow em man, I say do it, cus its been life changing!!!


New Member
Nose to the grindstone...I hear one point when i started a business...I didn't look up for 7 years. It was worth it though.... keep going :peace: You'll get there.

Hmmm, Ive never tried to raise shrooms and haven't done them in years, but it always bring back fond memories. Maintain good attitude in a good space and you will have a really GOOD time.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yep set and setting are the most important part. Thats why I don't usually like having abunch of people around or anything. I like to just chill, watch movies, and smoke a couple blunts.