Sulphur Plasma


Active Member
i looked one up it said it was 56,000 lumens and 700 watts thats weak considering that my 40 watt hps is 55,000 lumens, it doesnt seem as efficient as the site said it was
I'm affraid you have misunderstood the figures, this light chucks out 62000 lumens per square metre. this equates to over 300000 lumens. I would also like to know where you purchased a 40w hps that outputs 55000 lumens seeing as a 1000w mh only outputs 120000 and the equivelent sodium around 140000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
Plasma Halide is out. It's expensive but it's right at HPS levels with much better spectral output, watt for watt. The bulb is the size of a tic-tac and the ballast is the size of a flashlight, and it's an all-in-one unit. Can be run with or without a reflector, and even in enclosed fixtures.

EDIT: Downside, it's only available in 250 watt or lower for now. At that level, you're better off with T5HO. HID lights beat out the T5HOs at about 250-275 watts and higher.


Active Member
If the light puts out 62K lumens - how does it equate to over 300K lumens?
Another one that doesn't understand what they read- per square metre! they do an area of 6sqm so do the math. If you put your hand under one of these it nearly becomes invisible due to the intensity of the light. I am posting under my sons user name (expect to see my coming q&a under the monika Bush doctor - on this very site) - and in nearly 30 years of growing using every type of light available, mh, hps, mercury vapour, t8's, t5's, LED and now sp I can honestly say I have never seen anything like these. The second I fired this thing up I realised that the world of indoor growing had changed for ever. Oh! by the way I am on the verge of starting a company with the provisional title of quantumponics, I believe I have found the answer to the problems with aeroponics and hope to get the first commercially available system available within 2 years. If iI am correct hydroponic garden is about to undergo the biggest overhaul in 50 years.


Well-Known Member
Another one that doesn't understand what they read- per square metre! they do an area of 6sqm so do the math. If you put your hand under one of these it nearly becomes invisible due to the intensity of the light. I am posting under my sons user name (expect to see my coming q&a under the monika Bush doctor - on this very site) - and in nearly 30 years of growing using every type of light available, mh, hps, mercury vapour, t8's, t5's, LED and now sp I can honestly say I have never seen anything like these. The second I fired this thing up I realised that the world of indoor growing had changed for ever. Oh! by the way I am on the verge of starting a company with the provisional title of quantumponics, I believe I have found the answer to the problems with aeroponics and hope to get the first commercially available system available within 2 years. If iI am correct hydroponic garden is about to undergo the biggest overhaul in 50 years.
Lumens do not add up like that - just as a note. You can't go 65Klumens per square meter x 6 square meters = so many lumens output - that's not true and that is not how lumens are measured to begin with.

And I've done the research on the sulphur plasma lights - they are inefficient and they do not compare.

Not very good spectral output, and highly inefficient if you're using the plain sulphur plasma. Now, a Sulphur/calcium bromide lamp would do better, as the chart indicates. However, this still would not compare to primary color T5HO lighting. Plus, the power conversion loss because of multiple steps (HID lamps go main>ballast>arc tube whereas your sulphur plasma light goes main>ballast>magnetotron>bulb and the extra step in energy conversion creates more heat output and inefficiencies.

The Plasma Halide lamps I just mentioned, in theory, at 700w would do double what your current sulphur plasma lamp does. They only have 250w versions until they can enhance bulb strength for higher wattages.


Well-Known Member
I'm affraid you have misunderstood the figures, this light chucks out 62000 lumens per square metre. this equates to over 300000 lumens. I would also like to know where you purchased a 40w hps that outputs 55000 lumens seeing as a 1000w mh only outputs 120000 and the equivelent sodium around 140000 lumens.
omg im sorry i forgot an 0 its a 400 watt light and i was just reading off a website selling sulfur plasma lights, it was 700 watts and it said the lumens were 56.000, my 400 watt hps is 55,000 and three or four times as cheaper. so if you have the money by all means buy sulfer plasma. i just dont see it as being that practical


Active Member
Lumens do not add up like that - just as a note. You can't go 65Klumens per square meter x 6 square meters = so many lumens output - that's not true and that is not how lumens are measured to begin with.

And I've done the research on the sulphur plasma lights - they are inefficient and they do not compare.

Not very good spectral output, and highly inefficient if you're using the plain sulphur plasma. Now, a Sulphur/calcium bromide lamp would do better, as the chart indicates. However, this still would not compare to primary color T5HO lighting. Plus, the power conversion loss because of multiple steps (HID lamps go main>ballast>arc tube whereas your sulphur plasma light goes main>ballast>magnetotron>bulb and the extra step in energy conversion creates more heat output and inefficiencies.

The Plasma Halide lamps I just mentioned, in theory, at 700w would do double what your current sulphur plasma lamp does. They only have 250w versions until they can enhance bulb strength for higher wattages.
Sorry Kalikitsune I should have stated this is mean per square metre. Of Course lumens don't add up like that the only light source capable of that at exponential distance is the Sun. Lets face it, the light from that has already travelled 93 million miles and no Earthly distance is going to change that - only the angle that light strikes the atmosphere at. Your damn right about the bromide doping, in theory this is going to enhance these lights 2 fold once the associated problems of increasing the wattage with the doping agent are overcome, but we are still getting away from the fact that these lights are at the moment the best solution to the age old problem of not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb to the ever watchful authorities. As you are no doubt aware there are many exciting new developments on the horizon as regards new sources of light, not least of which is the possibilty of being able to cover the walls, floor and ceiling with a light emitting diamond mylar type material. As I stated in this thread earlier the spectral output of these lights is in need of improvement, but at the moment this system offers the best alternative to the high running cost, high UV/IR visibility and heat problem, and the low yeilds that so called energy efficient cfl's produce - lets face it they really are not up to the job. I have my fingers crossed that the companies that are working on producing a simillar light to the 400w hps - which burn only about 12w of power consumption for the same lumen output finish their r&d quickly, get these lights on the market and hearld in a new era where we can all produce huge quantities of bud for just a few pence/ cents running costs.


Well-Known Member
One thing you might wish to look into is primary color T5HO lighting - going by the same principles of LED grows, if you can find single-color red and blue tubes that have good focused output in the right ranges (you can't do a narrow bandgap like an LED but you can cover a slightly wider waveength range without much loss of PUR with proper phosphor doping) and top top it off it's ungodly frigging bright since all that energy is going right to just those colors.

That might be something for you to look into. Those sulphur lights are rather expensive and a lot of energy is wasted producing in the green and yellow ranges.


Well-Known Member

I want pics of that damned light and its green spawn!

@ kali, is it okay if I outright dislike you? It seems everyone else does :)


Well-Known Member
just sounds interesting. a tic tac sized bulb.... def. need some pics of your op before anyone beleives anything.. Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
just sounds interesting. a tic tac sized bulb.... def. need some pics of your op before anyone beleives anything.. Pe@ce..
The tic-tac sized bulb is correct: turns out the University my fiance attends uses these for their central road street lamps. I got to watch as one got replaced and learned another thing - they're not too reliable in a downward-facing position like what we would use for growing, if in an enclosed fixture. Too much heat build up wears the components out faster. They have to be mounted horizontally or shining up in order to work at their rated lifetime.

Ah, well. If they could ever fix that, it might be a good light.

Till then I'll stick with my T5HO and HPS combo.

Attached pic taken two minutes ago.



these plasmas work well, provided you have enough headroom as they are massive also they pump out alot of hot air so you'll need a big extractor, in a small to medium room go with something else as its not practical, but ive used them from start to finish and they are good if you have a big room but you'll need more than 1 as the light spread isn't great and i wouldnt risk it on a lightrail as its almost 20kg and you wouldnt want £800 worth of light falling on your babies, for now i'm going back to sunmasters, i know they cost alot more to run but these plasmas are just not practical at the moment, but im still happy with the results, i'll wait till they make em smaller and in the correct spectrum too, 1 thing i will say is that its 1 intense light, if you put your hand 10 inches under it you cant see it, it turns into a white blur, if your a rich bastard with a sizeable room then go with these but if you live at home with mummy, avoid,,,,,,,,,pe@ce


Active Member
Mr. Ganja, i would love to see that study...I too have also heard HPS is standard the best.

rughead... everything your talking about though sounds like a great advantage.. I too have a read a book about how lumens, foot candle, lux stuff only relates to the human eye...but is still useful numbers somehow..i don't know it's all confusing to me ;/. but penetration..and no stretching...MORE BUDS! i thats everything you want... but more on your electricy??/ how much...?

I am trying to figure what lights to buy now so some questions I also got which I think will help everyone are

I got really big room 10 ft. wide by 12 ft. wide by 10 ft. wide... number of plants i start out with will all depend on what i hear. no more than 6 for first yield...but want 18 within first couple yields and from there on out.

what kelvin to is best for veg vs. flower..and why???

3 400w bulbs...or 1,000w bulbs... or like 4 1000w bulbs...i could do that...:)

and isn't per sqaure ft/meter/unit of measure the only thing that matters. ( i really wish i knew the metric system better...)

could anyone maybe say like this kelvin.. and why...this light for veg...and why...this light for flower...and why...and heres where you could get it!!! that would be sweet lol :)


Active Member
bayatou...could you expand...not following 100 %...thanks bro.

i don't have to worry about an eye in the sky... i will be legal...but less energy, less watts, and covers more area...sounds good hearing nothing but good stuff from you rughead, i would love to see if you would be interested in collobarting...i am going to be growing here soon for patients. first grow...but got lots of knowledge i think...i can see through 60% of the content on this forum and see that is i'ts bullshit... and have lots of skepticism and desire to do more research on the other 40%... i want to grow ALL ORGANIC. free radicals def. better not be apart of my newborn son sleeps right above my set up and we were planning on making his bedroom be the room next door to our set up. anyways if your interested that would be cool. but even just for as far as these readers and rollitups forum is concerned... i will keep reading on throught the rest of this thread...but it doesn't look like it's going to be resolved...

looks like we need a detailed comparison...and like rughead is saying...won't really know until he's got the pics of his yield. i mean the end result is all that really matters right? if your not growing to grow the best, the healthiest, and most potent while obviously yeah still trying to be conservative on your costs then what the hell are you growing for???

i have now finished reading lol...and after reading it all i def. agree we need pics now! any stage and you can see a difference... and i don't know who is right, most of you seem to have about a 10 to 30% increase in level of knowledge over me...but I just started learning...maybe a week or so...actually two or three weeks ago. I AM EAGER! looking for detailed explanations.. as far as the lights go..i hear a lot of numbers...understand where your all coming from... dont fully understand it...but don't need to know that now( at the moment, i first just want to get what's best up and running) and then i can sit back and see first hand the affect it has, and then try a comparison. I will have soem really good stuff for people after a few yields. I am going to be attempting to implement some biodynamic gardening techniques... I am going to grow soil..well soil(less) I guess you could say.. lots of compost. guano, worm juice...but the right recipe is still needed.. and then introducing some biodynamic theories into ALL THREE STAGES! germ, veg, and flow!


Well-Known Member
Can we do away with having to trust on theory and words and just see some damn pics already?! I'd be willing to be that people that doubt the technology would have a lot less to say if we could all just see some proof. What about shielding from the microwaves? Also, how about a link for the actual product being touted FOR SALE, not just youtube video of an R&D firm testing the equipment? I scoured the net for a good couple hours and couldn't find one site that sold them. Thanks.


Well-Known Member this is where i got mine dude but you have to ring them for more info
Kinda what I thought I'd find...

"Where do we start with this one? We are not going to fill this box with all sorts of false claims and promises - nor are we are going to write loads of articles in the press telling you that everything else is s**t in comparison. What we are going to do is un-complicate it all. They are here, they are ridiculously expensive (as is all new technology at the start), but they are ready to try. We have sold some already, so please ring the office on 01274 865985 and we'll talk you through it !!"

Is that enough for some of you? If it is, great. Just POST YOUR PICS ALREADY so the rest of us that have questions about it can make some sort of DEFINITIVE determination. After all, it's proven scientific results that will inevitably sway which way people go anyway so why not do that? Pics, pics, pics, thanks.