Nutrient Lock in Hydro


Active Member
My Purple Kush in my hydrogarden stopped drinking water. 4 weeks into flower, 4 1/2 ft tall. Any ideas???????????????


Active Member
how do you know its nute lock? do you have any pics? i ask because i am right with you. i gots a purple kush 4wks into budding. its my weekest plant. and i have brown lines in between the margins of the leaf. you got anything like that


Active Member
how do you know its nute lock? do you have any pics? i ask because i am right with you. i gots a purple kush 4wks into budding. its my weekest plant. and i have brown lines in between the margins of the leaf. you got anything like that
I was having to replentish my water every day the last couple of weeks. Suddenly, it just stopped drinking and the water level has barely changed in 3 days.


Flush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!your!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rez!!!!!! If your sure its nute lockout


Well-Known Member
Nutrient lock doesn't mean they quit drinking, just that they can't access the nutes in the water.

If the plants look fine don't worry. They have phases of being very thirsty and times of not drinking.


Well-Known Member
normal for flowering plants to drink ALOT of water weeks 2-5 in flowering than will slow considerably. consider rechecking your humidity levels, air circ and temps. they should be drinking some water at all times. if you havent flushed the res in a while may be a good time to do so, just make sure you refill with balanced nutes.


Active Member
Thanks all!! Every thing appears to be fine TEmp/Humidity wise. I gave her clean water the other day for 2 days and replaced that with a half strength nute solution. I'll give it a couple of days and see what happens.