Thundercat's Groooooooow


Junior Creatologist
Yeah, TC is a pretty cool hombre - its me thats a serious prick :fire:

But yeh TC, youd reall just need the two adapters, the 8 to 6 n the 6 to 4, n to be honest for 40 bucks thats a sacrifice that id be makin in a heartbeat, if i were faced with havin to shell out 150-250 for a inline blower. But its like you said man, you wont need it seriously for another few weeks still, so im sure that your McGuyver ass will figure somethin out. If i were you though, i WOULD make like 10 of those home made carbon filters man, i had a Growbright Jr filter for my last grow, n it did eliminate SOME of the stank, but my entire apartment still fuckin reeked of fresh ganja for somethin like 6 weeks man. Thats why i sprung for the Active Air filter this time, n if i need to get another one i would in a flash, but i think i might just get a couple odor socks from the Moon. Theyre actually pretty reasonably priced, cuz they dont sell many of them.

-As for the Mungus dude, im gonna be callin in that favor from your ass in a month or two when i get all this shit sorted out n got my method down, im gonna wanna get into some spore action dude :D Im glad you got that shit down to a science, so you can baby step my ass through the process, hehe. N smart move on keepin the factory goin while countin the days down to 420fest man. I dunno if ill be there on the 20, but ill be practically livin up there from june onward..thats when the fests get really good, in case you havent checkked out the schedule for this years events ;)

Anyways brudda, this week ill be partitioning the room off into three parts, so i can start flowering by friday, and have my tables full and vegetating at the same time. Even if i dont have my clone game down, i got shitloads starting from seed right now, n i put everything into grodan plugs so if i need to i can transplant onto my tables without having as many problems as i did last time i tried, lol. Ill do an update when the panda film gets here, and take you through the process of setting it all up, pics n all. N then ill let ya get a peek at the ladies before they go in for the long stretch :D

Panda film is 100% light tight right?? i got 50x10' of the stuff, n im sectioning off a 12x12 room into either 3 or 2 parts, depending on how much panda i have left, lol.


Junior Creatologist
oh yeah by the way, lol When i say TABLES, its because the fuckin moon fucked up my order. I couldnt pick a 4x8 table up from the store ( i dont got a pickup n i damn sure aint tying a flood table to the top of my Cadillac, lol), so they had to figure something out for me, n have it dropshipped out to me. So it got here the other day, and its 2 fuckin Econo Trays. I got 40 bucks back and an apology, because they said that it woulda cost me $100 bucks for dropshipping to get the 4x8 table here. So im pissed, but ill work wth it. I got a 500gph pump, got the tubing, delta blocks, hydroton, and im goin to pick up the flood n drain fittings n the slabs on wednesday i think, so i should be able to throw down my Taiga, White Dwarves, Blueberry, n Black seedlings down by the weekend, n be well on my i just need to figure out what the fuck im gonna fill my rez with, and do alotta reading on how ppm works, n how to lower it to a level that wont make my plants die, lol.

According to Gypsy growing Ebb n Flow is the easiest method in the world, so im takin his word for it, even though i cant find his ass to save my life now that i need a tutor, lol :D

if he hits you up(n this goes for you too Weedman), tell him to turn his PMs back on n to message me. Or hell, if anybody else with experience flooding wants to sit down n dialogue over the next month or two n put up with 1000 questions from my ass on how to get it done right, lol, just hit me up. More than happy to make new friends ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey King sorry I didn't post sooner, been kinda busy the last 2 days. You just say the word man, and you know I'll get you hooked up in the spores bro!! Glad to here things are finally getting situated for ya man. As far as filling your rez goes bro, I just found some water at the drug store down the street that you fill the jugs yourself, and its only like 1.50 for 5 gallons. Still sucks to haul water, but not a bad price. I don't know if you can find a place like that near you, but I figured I'd mention it. The water isn't at 0ppm, but 90 isn't bad I don't think. Also now that I think about it, I havn't heard from gypsy in a while either. If I do, I'll let him know to get ahold of you man. Any way hit me up, you know how!

Well I got the fans in place, and the ducting, the 400w is in the tent, and all the plants are officially in flower as of yesterday. I had to raise the kush, and I'm gonna have to raise the mango to get them closer to the lights, but thats no big deal. They all seem nice and happy today, and the sativas actually look like they have some buds forming without getting real close, lol. I've still got to get the fans wired, but I don't think that will take long, I just gotta get wire. So once its done, I'll get the pics up! I've been fighting the gnats, and I think I'm winning. I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with all these clones still. Some are starting to get kinda big. Unfortunatly its not the WW that are getting big, its the sativas, but its all good.

The newest tray os KS finished its first flush today, it was honestly kinda weak, and I'm not sure why. I'm hoping the next will be better. The other tray is about done 2, its gonna be an ok yeild from the both, but not great, I'm thinking maybe around 20g dry. We'll see in a couple days. Any way, enough rambling, I'll talk to you guys later on. TC


Well-Known Member
Well I got my vent fans hooked up, and they are running as we speak. They seem to be ok, I'm hoping its enough to push the air through the carbon filter. They are supposed to be 250 cfm each, and they are in a line. I've got a few pics of the tent, with both lights, and all the girls. I also took a couple of a few plants. You can see at the tips the nodes are getting tighter on the sativas, and I think you can kinda see the buds starting to form. I'll post up some macros when I water, and do a full picture update in another week prolly, so they have some time to grow between pics. HOpe you guys enjoy.

These are my three males, awaiting their fate!!

THis is the Kush in the front, with the PP #1 behind it.

The rest are pretty self explanitory!

Latta guys!! TC


Well-Known Member
Well I mixed up the labels on the second and third pic. The third is the Kush with the PP behind it, the second is just a group shot, I think its a PP in the front, skunk in the back left, PP in the back right, Kush to the right, WW is in the middle, can't really see it, and the other skunk to the left.


Well-Known Member
Lol, its the first thing that came to my mind too littlegrower! Great minds think alike I guess.

I wasn't thinking crackerjax, I should have posted up the symbol on the first page. I'm actually gonna be getting a full sleeve tattoo of the thundercats. I'm gonna put the symbol up on my shoulder, and then all the characters down my right arm. Should be sweet when its done. I'm hoping to start it before the end of the year.

Thanks for stopping by Hookedoncronic, and everyone else as well. I'm really pleased now that there are buds forming. Its gonna be a long wait though thats for sure!


Well-Known Member
So I just looked at my electric bill. It has gone up 13 dollars since I put up the 1000w, and a total of 26 dollars since the begging of the grow. Not to bad I don't think for 1400w, and the floro light I built which has 8 bulbs, as well as the box fan, and the air pumps.


Well-Known Member
So I just looked at my electric bill. It has gone up 13 dollars since I put up the 1000w, and a total of 26 dollars since the begging of the grow. Not to bad I don't think for 1400w, and the floro light I built which has 8 bulbs, as well as the box fan, and the air pumps.
dam my 300w seems to be costing more electricity then that..


Well-Known Member
might have to do with where we live, I'm not sure. I do know that I have to pay a "fuel adjustment fee" that is usually about half of that the bill is. Its complete bull shit. My actual bill was around 70 bucks, but with the fee and taxes it was 129.


Well-Known Member
So I just looked at my electric bill. It has gone up 13 dollars since I put up the 1000w, and a total of 26 dollars since the begging of the grow. Not to bad I don't think for 1400w, and the floro light I built which has 8 bulbs, as well as the box fan, and the air pumps.

gotta make sure it was a actual reading, here they estimate one month .. and actually read it the next :cuss:


Well-Known Member
They do that shit with the gas here, but not with the electric. They screwed my gas bill up real bad last winter, over charged me like 200 I was pissed when one month I had a 100 bill, the next was over 300 I flipped out. lol, I still havn't payed it, but that was at my last house.


Well-Known Member
So I just potted up 2 more WW clones, and my first 2 kush clones. I've got about 5 more of each still under my dome, I'm hoping to see roots in the next week.