Just an idea on legalization

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
OK, there has been more talk this year than ever about legalization and decriminalization. I have an idea, and was wonderin how popular it might be. So, I am asking ppl to PLEASE let me know what ya think. Ya have no idea as to wat power the written word has on EVERYTHING, and hopefully enuf support will help get certain gears a rollin. So, here I go. . .
It has been estimated that if California were to legalize and tax marijuana state wide (using Ammiano's proposal), that the first year alone would bring $50mil in tax revenue. To be perfectly honest, I believe that if that is "their" estimate, than in this case, it would be a gross UNDER estimate! I believe that many closet smokers who wud not answer honestly to even a private poll, would then come forward to start paying these taxes. Of course, being in the building trades, and not an accountant, I have no numbers, but I think y'all know wat I mean there!
Next, w/the passing of that I believe that the states that have a minumum drinking/smoking age of that ABOVE the minimum age of enlistment into the US armed forces, shud have to DROP their age limits to meet that of enlistment, or RAISE the minimum age of enlistment!
I do not agree that it is OK for my brother to defend my country w/his life, to only come home to that country on leave and told I cannot buy him a shot @ the bar to say thanx!
But, on that same coin, I think that PUNISHMENT fer abusing those drinking and smoking priveledges (ie, drunk driving), shud be increased between the ages of 18-24. But that only goes w/the afformentioned.
I just had to throw this out there. Tell me wat y'all think, please.


Well-Known Member
Why tax pot? Just legalize it and leave the people alone.


The notion of taxing pot to save the economy is our best argument right now. When it becomes legal, there will still be growers and imports from other countries that are illegal, but the consumer that gets caught with it wont get busted, and thats a step forward.


New Member
But they want to tax it at an amazing rate, like $150. / OZ tax. That's some steep fucking tax.

I wonder why they don't slap a tax that steep on booze. $150 / bottle or something like that, is it because the lawmakers are a bunch of worthless drunks?


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean about the minimum drinking age.I turned 21 in the middle of the Indian Ocean,nearest beer was probably 1000 miles away.Im with VI on the tax,they should be able to make their money in the use of hemp in industry,but taxes make our government nut on themselves so Fuck it.


Well-Known Member
Just the benifits of not having to enforce pot laws would be enouph to justify legalization finacially. The Government could save like 7-10 billion a year just by not enforcing pot laws anymore. I think it should be sold in cans like pipe tobacco 1 pound for say $150-$300 bucks that is what I think the price should settle to. $10-$20 dollars an ounce. Now it probably wouldn't be awesome stuff but OK outdoor bud I could see it going for $150-$300 a pound. I know I could make a pound last like half year myself, I'm a lightwieght. 6 hits I'm gone for about an hour and lit for another 3. Then the hunger sets in and I must feed... then I smoke some more. But I digress.

As for tax just on what is sold in stores a sales tax is all they need or a set tax in states with no sales tax. I wonder how much bud you could get off a 10 acre plot. Grower sells at $2 dollars an ounce hmmm would it be worth it? I know middle men would get alot of it money as well.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean about the minimum drinking age.I turned 21 in the middle of the Indian Ocean,nearest beer was probably 1000 miles away.Im with VI on the tax,they should be able to make their money in the use of hemp in industry,but taxes make our government nut on themselves so Fuck it.
Yea, I was just tryin to get inside the mind of those who argue for legalization for taxation. They would save so much money from not fighting pot in the drug war and make so much money from paper that they really dont need to tax it. And for all this time, all the ppl here have kept it between them and their grow closets. I dont think taxes/legalization will change that.:lol:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
The ppl that do not support taxing marijuana are the ppl holding us bak from trying to get the decriminalization process started! None of us enjoy paying taxes, however, wen the ppl that are able to get the laws changed only LISTEN to money, then only an imbecile wud NOT support legalization thru taxation

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
But they want to tax it at an amazing rate, like $150. / OZ tax. That's some steep fucking tax.

I wonder why they don't slap a tax that steep on booze. $150 / bottle or something like that, is it because the lawmakers are a bunch of worthless drunks?
If I cud make a bottle of booze last as long as an OZ of bomb, I wud be 1 happy guy :-P
I do not agree w/how high the tax is on some of the proposals, and I do believe that once it is legalized and taxed, it really will not be as high as we are expecting. We shall see where it ends up, tho.
We are closer than ever, and we can get there!


Well-Known Member
The ppl that do not support taxing marijuana are the ppl holding us bak from trying to get the decriminalization process started! None of us enjoy paying taxes, however, wen the ppl that are able to get the laws changed only LISTEN to money, then only an imbecile wud NOT support legalization thru taxation
To be real i dont care if they tax it bro/sis.I wont need to buy it anyway.My 200 amp 100 volt fence will need alot of upkeep though.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It isnt the taxation ya SHUD care about, its the LEGALIZATION.
Precisely.I was saying if it were legal every swinging dick would be trying to gank my supply.Taxing it is a plus for them and a helper for us,but i see no reason for me to go to the corner store when i will have 2 acres of Indica.


New Member
I've heard one proposal where it would cost $5000 for a license to be able to grow your own and then said license would cost $1000 per year to update.

Now if they want to slap this upon home personal growers, they need to slap the same license on home beer and wine brewing. The rate they want to tax marijuana at is way above the rate that liqour is taxed at and we all know that drinking kills way more people than smoking pot does.

It needs to be taxed in a more fair manner. If it's going to be classified like alcohol, it should have the same rules and regulations as alcohol, clear down to home production and tax rates.


Well-Known Member
I think that if its legalized the tax wouldn't effect us much,considering the market will open and everyone will be selling therefore the price per oz would be much lower with all the competition.As far as the growers tax per year i can make that in one weekend right now so i figure with the drop in price i can make that in a month.I don't think i would want a tax evasion charge on a ganja farm though!In fact i would gladly pay that low of a figure in taxes.


New Member
Do any of you see taxation as theft as I do?

Look, if you put one foot into a bucket of ice water and the other foot in a bucket of boiling water ... on the average you feel comfortable.



Well-Known Member
Do any of you see taxation as theft as I do?

Look, if you put one foot into a bucket of ice water and the other foot in a bucket of boiling water ... on the average you feel comfortable.

I do Vi i will settle for it if it makes it legal though.Fuck it we are taxed on everything else except food{Texas}.Do you really think they would pass a carcinogin without taxing it?Besides i think that the tax is what we have made clear as an exchange for our freedom to smoke and grow legally. :peace:


Well-Known Member
To be real i dont care if they tax it bro/sis.I wont need to buy it anyway.My 200 amp 100 volt fence will need alot of upkeep though.:blsmoke:
lol at that. the first step is federal decriminalization here people. if is becomes delisted as a level one substance states will follow with their own decriminalization and begin taxing it so they can pay for roads and shit so they no longer have to beg obama for money, bottom line. if they wanna tax it fine. just grow your own


New Member
I do Vi i will settle for it if it makes it legal though.Fuck it we are taxed on everything else except food{Texas}.Do you really think they would pass a carcinogin without taxing it?Besides i think that the tax is what we have made clear as an exchange for our freedom to smoke and grow legally. :peace:
Well, my point was ... taxation is NOT freedom.

If pot remains illegal and you want to smoke, possess or grow, the government owns you. If you want the government to back off of this type of ownership of your person, but in exchange, tax you ... the government still owns you.

The only way liberty, the government and pot can coincide would be for the government just to bow out of the drug war and declare defeat.



New Member
^WTF is that supposed to mean?
A foot in a bucket of ice water = government declares pot legal.

A foot in a bucket of boiling water = government taxes the shit out of pot (you).

On the average you feel comfortable ... while the government regulators still have their hooks in you.

Look at it another way ... The Good Lord, or the God of Nature if you prefer, gave us a gift called cannabis. This gift helps us sleep, lifts our mood and eases our pain. Gifts are free. Government has no roll in the equasion.

See? :)
