Is Growing Shrooms Indoor Hard?


Well-Known Member
Itsso easy it should be illegal, wait,it is....

Lol, go over to shroomery for some beginners help.


Well-Known Member
If you want the easiest thing to do, buy this:

It takes a couple months, from start to finish, but it doesn't get any easier than that. I use these kits because I enjoy mushroom trips just a couple times a year. I'm not in it to make extra money, so the yield that i get off one of these kits (bout an oz. give or take) is plenty for me my wife and a couple of friends.

Now if you're looking for mass production/perpetual harvest, then you should look into other methods such as PF tek.


Well-Known Member
PF tek is a joke...
Better not to talk about prices, but my friends sells for $20-25per 1/8. And i agree with you Anc, bulk is the best way to go, so much return for your effort if you are good at it.


you hardest part will be being very clean about what you do


Active Member
an ounce lasts me moments, by the time i touch it... i got 5000 people calling me for it.... 2 o's one afternoon... half pound.. usually a week or so... lol... personally though... only about an 1/8 a week is what my brain can handle


Active Member
Yeah, few people sell them so when someone has them for sale they sell quickly. The one time I produced them, one guy bought them all off me. They just weren't my kind of experience and just not worth the criminality.


Active Member
PF TEK is for those interested in studying the biology of mushrooms, and are not really sure what to expect. It is simple, and you harvest within a month of innoculation. Also, all the materials can be had from any hardware store (rice flour, vermiculite, jars)

The problem is obtaining spores.

The real fun is in the casing techniques and is definitely more enjoyable for the hobbyist.


Active Member
and like someone mentioned, contamination is the biggest problem. mushrooms begin with mycelium (network of hyphae). The mycelium colonizes substrate (in PF TEK it is the Brown rice flour and verm), and then when introduced to blue light and air begins to form primordia, primodria form the shrooms. The mycelium however is also part of common moulds - it is not a distinct biological feature of "mushrooms". What I am trying to say is, the environment for mycelial growth of magic mushrooms is also the environment for unwated contamination (like bread mould). Once contamination occurs you cannot really save it, especially if its not colonized. You CANNOT eat a contaminated mushroom, it is just plain stupid to do so.

you will need a pressure cooker/autoclave if you want to actually experiment and develop "sterile technique".

when you fruit the mycelium, contamination is not as big of a deal since the mycelium has already got a firm hold on the substrate. Lack of fresh air is usually the biggest problem, and really dirty environment around the mushroom. There are several TEKs on the net that alleviate this problem.