
New Member
I don't know what I'm doing for dinner, my mom is away on an elderhostile thing and when I asked my daughter what she was doing for dinner...she said, " being a whore"...I don't even want to know...8)


Well-Known Member
hey guys looking for some help on a plc controlled growroom. anybody got any experience along the lines of I\O cards and sensors please let me know


Well-Known Member
cant wait to have kids, weird as it sounds haha, cant be any thing better then punking your daughters boyfriends :mrgreen:


New Member
[quote="SICC";2331394]cant wait to have kids, weird as it sounds haha, cant be any thing better then punking your daughters boyfriends :mrgreen:[/quote]oh yeah.....:clap:


Well-Known Member

Good one .. Looks like Im having pizza for dinner

Mmmm I had pizza last night.

My boyfriend told me about this place called Little Ceasers pizza downtown so I drove over there and it was only 10 dollars for a big pepperoni pizza, a liter of pop, and this stuff called crazy bread or something, but since they were all out we only paid 8 dollars for the pop, pizza and we got a free thing of cheesy bread and me, my boyfriend and a couple of our friends totally smashed on that shit [[our munchies were brutal yesterday]].

Ah, I love pizza :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2332066]haha you never heard of lil ceasers pizza :lol:[/quote]

Lol of course I have, but I personally haven't been there in ages, and I forgot there was one downtown.


Well-Known Member
its ok if you eat it fresh, but if you let it sit in the fridge for a couple hours it turns into cardboard.
Ew I've never let it sit out, I always have people to smash it down with...

But basically I had the cheesy bread, because it's bomb... and I made them stay away from it. lol.

[quote="SICC";2332248]oh haha i was gonna say :mrgreen:

good cheap pizza :weed:[/quote]

Ah, have you no faith in me? D:

Ha, just kidding.
Mmm I haven't been there in so long and now I'm craving their cheesy bread.