This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.


Well-Known Member
I think he was just referring to keeping a lower profile in regards to obscene amounts we really don't need to discuss.

It's one thing to tempt fate..... Its another to kick it in the face, cover it in gasoline, light it on fire, extinguish the flames with your own urine, then then poke at it with a stick while giggling like a little schoolgirl.


I am however quite anxious to see photos of these setups. Keep the info comin'

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea man snap some pics i want to check it out sounds like your going to be having fun over there looking forward to the update


Well-Known Member
Setup sounds very nice an 4 of them sounds great.. Just a comment though, the water cooled fixtures, I am cooling about the same wattage (400w less) in about the same space and I am doing so with a 450cfm fan/carbon filter through my air cooled refelectors. I am sure you could keep those rooms cool without going the water cooled route but there could be other reasons for doing this what were yours?

Oh and about the CO2. Useing tanks means your going to be filling those tanks every week during bloom. When I had tanks I sort of felt funny going to the one and only welding supply shop here every single week to get 1 tank filled. I am useing a generator that runs on propane now and I only have to fill that every month or so. I feel alot better about it as well as there are more than 10 differant stores here I could swap my empty propane for a full one at. I also have a chiller but my chiller is on a closed loop with just water in that tank and it is what cools my water cooled CO2 generator. Switching from tanks to a generator might be something to think about and if your going to be running a chiller allready to cool lights then adding a water cooled generator on that same chiller system is also an option.


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, good luck. All I know is, I'd never tell the world I just bought that much equipment and hope for the best. Can't understand why anyone would risk it. Smaller grows are no big deal and probably not something most cops give much of shit about, but that's a pretty sizable investment and if the worst were to happen, there'd be no talking your way out of that one. If you can make it work and help a lot of people through your journal though, more power to you.


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, good luck. All I know is, I'd never tell the world I just bought that much equipment and hope for the best. Can't understand why anyone would risk it. Smaller grows are no big deal and probably not something most cops give much of shit about, but that's a pretty sizable investment and if the worst were to happen, there'd be no talking your way out of that one. If you can make it work and help a lot of people through your journal though, more power to you.

Yep. He could be medical though, hope so. If not at least look into it.

You guys have mmj in nevada according to NORML but I didn't research the details. They're right here:

If you care to look...

You guys have some marijuana tax stamp thing that I've never heard of before though, I did notice that.


Well-Known Member
Yep. He could be medical though, hope so.
Even if it was medical, it still seems like an unnecessary risk. IMO, most modern day LEOs aren't as stupid as they come off on shows like COPS and MOST probably don't give two shits about weed. The one thing they don't like though is when people flaunt their defiance. I've unfortunately learned that the hard way, although luckily, it never had anything to weed. Just my two cents.


Yep. He could be medical though, hope so. If not at least look into it.

You guys have mmj in nevada according to NORML but I didn't research the details. They're right here:

If you care to look...

You guys have some marijuana tax stamp thing that I've never heard of before though, I did notice that.

the tax stamp is nothing... it dates back to like 1937.. the "marijuana tax stamp act"... it was effectively the first legislation making pot illegal


Well-Known Member
Syriuslydelyrius: The reason for the water cooling is to avoid higher a/c bills thus reducing the electricity bill as well as more efficient lighting due to placement/heat. Elec is 0.13/kwH where the growing setup is. The active cooling setups are really going to help since its sunny and hot year around.

BongJuice: That's pretty much the system I was thinking of.

OregonMeds: To further again clarify the USA part, I dont live in the USA, and the system isnt setup there, the vegas in my username is just because its my fav city. =) So medicinal or not, the laws here do not matter whatsoever with respect to that.

To a few: With respect to yields, please discuss. Pricing doesnt need to be discussed, this isnt the place for that, and I'm not "moving" this stuff. :) However any suggestions or thoughts on yield maximization is always appreciated. This system was setup with the intention of being "too much" as its CHEAPER to buy FOUR tents and only use 2 and keep rest as spare parts than to buy two and need to buy more or replacement parts later.

On the electricity side, we're figuring about 6000kwH/month of usage. Anyone concur?


Well-Known Member
On the electricity side, we're figuring about 6000kwH/month of usage. Anyone concur?
Now that you've clarified how much of that equipment is going to be used, and how much is just "spare parts" LOL, your estimate doesn't seem too far off. If you were to use all that equipment though, your bill would be ridiculous. Where I live, our power bills aren't set at just one rate for KWh. If you go above a certain amount, at least in a residence, your rate will go up exponentially beyond a certain amount of KWh. I'd check with your energy supplier to see what kind of situation yours is first. Last thing you want is big surprise.


Well-Known Member
Damn, just remember to not cut coroners on curing and trimming. that is a lot of work so make sure you have lots of friends!


I was about to say atleast 6k kwh but in south america im not sure if they charge per watt or kilowatt hour...easily over 250 usd a month.


Well-Known Member
He's got too well thought out of a system there with too many parts listed for this to just be a hoax though, so I believe it.
Good luck man!

What have you done for electrical service and all the wiring and timers? You're going to need an electrician and a good excuse. :)
yeah i believe its real too!


Well-Known Member
guys he said he's from south america he didnt say which country so its a decent possibility either the cops dont care or he can do it legally. but im not familar w/south american marijuana laws and if he's in a different country the american cops wont be running down to bust him, they have almost all their resources working on mexican smuggling cartels, so as long as he doesnt try to smuggle it he will be fine plus the south american law enforcement guys are much more worried about coke than mj


Active Member
That set up sounds like you just got your offical growers permit.... let me be the first to tell you, we ALL strive for that set up... Good luck


Well-Known Member
nothing gets you busted faster than greed, trust me, been there own the t shirt
nothing in life is accomplished without drive and vision.

people who know this dont own t-shirts, they rock armani and silk jammies....and live in S america vacationing in Vegas.:hump: