GOING camping tonight!


Well-Known Member
im going camping tonight and i bought a fuckload of weed so me and my mates can smoke it all and then look at the stars...im pretty pumped we gotta have some food tho


Well-Known Member
Haha im doin dat 2 dis weekend gonna have a fire and shit and explore the woods high as fuck


New Member
Bring a fishing rod...nothing better than open fire fish with a joint. Bring a can of peas...bluegills can't resist them.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yumm i cant wait were going to go explore and get lost in the woods while were high as fuck! god its gonna kickass!!!!


New Member
If you urinate on each other, the animals won't bother you while you sleep. :mrgreen:

yah, peas work like crazy on panfish.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha funny shit what u need is a fort in the woods daz da shit shit i even grow back der


Well-Known Member
well its my friends place who has alot of acerage so we gonna get lost but i grow my shit on the back of my dads cattle pasture speaking of which i just realized its getting close to grow season for me!!!!!! YAY!!!