Kind of awkward but idk what to do..


Well-Known Member
bad news.. I woke up this morning with my mom like trying to wake me up..she was like "Doobiee, there's lights and plants in your closet!, you're lucky this house hasn't burned down. I don't know if they know if its MJ but I have them sittin out now with lights on em, I just say there ferns, I also have tomatoes and peppers to play it off,what should I do?lol(my dad knows its MJ)


Well-Known Member
bad news.. I woke up this morning with my mom like trying to wake me up..she was like "Doobiee, there's lights and plants in your closet!, you're lucky this house hasn't burned down. I don't know if they know if its MJ but I have them sittin out now with lights on em, I just say there ferns, I also have tomatoes and peppers to play it off,what should I do?lol(my dad knows its MJ)
Go back in time and not grow in your parents house.....besides that nothing but apologize for risking their freedom and property.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to live there for a while, you might just convert to growing all legal plants since you already have all the gear.

The experience that will give you will mean you are ready to grow some nice plants when you move out.


New Member
Their house, their rules. I don't know how old you are, but this would be a good time to show your maturity and have a calm and truthful conversation with them.

Now I grew up in a more tolerant period of the US (70's) and my folks realized I was going to smoke pot since it was everywhere, so they let me do it at home rather than on the streets. My friends were in disbelief until they walked into my room and the bong and bowl of weed were in plain sight right next to some newly folded clothes left by my Mom. "Dude, your parents are so cool". "yah, and they're smart as well". :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah, respect yr parents space, protect their freedom... only grow at yr own place
I'd probably try and move the plants to a very far remote place and guerrilla grow them. No way I would keep them in my parents house though. Smoking is your choice and your risk, involving your parents is just shitty.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys thanks for the advice, I will try and find a place other than here. If not they will be destroyed.


Go back in time and not grow in your parents house.....besides that nothing but apologize for risking their freedom and property.

just because its their house doesnt mean if he gets caught he cant take responsibility for it. i mean yea they can get his parents for maintaining a drug house IF they can prove she knew, if hes smart and a real man, he would take all the blame and the cops wouldnt prosecute anyone else:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeh I just talked to my dad, I can grow but I can only have a few plants.My mom still thinks there ferns.


Well-Known Member
just because its their house doesnt mean if he gets caught he cant take responsibility for it. i mean yea they can get his parents for maintaining a drug house IF they can prove she knew, if hes smart and a real man, he would take all the blame and the cops wouldnt prosecute anyone else:peace:
if hes a minor his parents take the blame. sorry buddy.


Well-Known Member
Wow. you're quite lucky your mother was oblivious....

If I was not already taking the risk myself and you were my son growing in my home without permission I probably would have kicked the shit out of you and thrown you out on your ass.

Serious stuff man, never grow in your folks house. They've worked their entire lives to provide for you, they don't need you taking it all away from them.

However...... if and when you DO move out.... Go nuts, and be safe!