Smoking Salvia


Well-Known Member
ive heard you can use the leaves in the same way chewing tobacco is used and the trip is suppost to be less intense but last longer, around 30mins.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i would be more willing to try that first or you could keep some potent extract under your tongue maybe that would work. or possibly dissolve the extract in alcohol and drink a small amount if that is it is soluble in alcohol.


Well-Known Member
i would NEVER want to trip on salvia for 30mins even if it was less intense. i would kill myself if i was trippin hard on salvia for that long. just the thought of it scares me.

ive heard of using only the leaves like that. i would be very careful with the extract that is very strong stuff.


Active Member
All I can say is FUCK THAT SHIT!! I had gotten prepared and everything with some ohm peaceful music and the light right in my room and everything.. I hit that shit once hard like I was told to, then after I felt nothing, I decided to hit it again, before I could take that second hit my hand felt like it was a thousand pounds.. I dropped the pipe and the lighter.. Then all the sudden the wall to my left turned black and stuck to the left side of my head and body... I thought that the person (who will remain anonymous) who had given me the substance had played an evil trick on me, and as I ran out of my room yelling it felt as if a zipper of "hahah bitch you are getting zipped into nothingness and you will be stuck forever lonely away from the rest of the world" was consuming me.. I eventually reached the perp who had given me the substance and held on to them for dear life.. I was like alright, well if its taking me its taking you too... After about 2 minutes after telling them that "I feel like I'm half of the fucking wall" I came back to my senses to find myself sweating and telling myself I never wanted to touch that shit again... Anyway, I heard from an aquantance that he had fun, but I still say he didnt do it right.. LOL.. Anyway be careful - this is nothing to play with.. I never got such harsh visuals from acid or shrooms... Not even close..



Well-Known Member
All I can say is FUCK THAT SHIT!! I had gotten prepared and everything with some ohm peaceful music and the light right in my room and everything.. I hit that shit once hard like I was told to, then after I felt nothing, I decided to hit it again, before I could take that second hit my hand felt like it was a thousand pounds.. I dropped the pipe and the lighter.. Then all the sudden the wall to my left turned black and stuck to the left side of my head and body... I thought that the person (who will remain anonymous) who had given me the substance had played an evil trick on me, and as I ran out of my room yelling it felt as if a zipper of "hahah bitch you are getting zipped into nothingness and you will be stuck forever lonely away from the rest of the world" was consuming me.. I eventually reached the perp who had given me the substance and held on to them for dear life.. I was like alright, well if its taking me its taking you too... After about 2 minutes after telling them that "I feel like I'm half of the fucking wall" I came back to my senses to find myself sweating and telling myself I never wanted to touch that shit again... Anyway, I heard from an aquantance that he had fun, but I still say he didnt do it right.. LOL.. Anyway be careful - this is nothing to play with.. I never got such harsh visuals from acid or shrooms... Not even close..

haha... man i totally understand the horrors you went through. my trips are different but just as bad.

i really think it depends on the person, cause some trip good and others always trip really bad.

and when it gets bad its fuckin scary.


Well-Known Member
bicycle racer i would say just try it atleast once, but just smoke leaves no extract. if you like it great, if you dont its only gonna last 5 mins. i think its something everyone should try once. just dont underestimate the power of salvia.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah i know this plant is not for the faint of heart. after you use it how long until your back to normal because fro me after shrooms or acid im kinda screwy for a few days.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i got some salvia zone red - visionary quest. its quite the experience although i have no real desire to try it again, im glad i did it a couple of times for the experience, but ive had enough. the other gram of it will just be a rememberance of what was legal during a time when MJ isnt legal. over time it will be the other way around.


Well-Known Member
i got some salvia zone red - visionary quest. its quite the experience although i have no real desire to try it again, im glad i did it a couple of times for the experience, but ive had enough. the other gram of it will just be a rememberance of what was legal during a time when MJ isnt legal. over time it will be the other way around.
hah... i feel you on that. i still have a bunch of salvia sitting in my freezer and its not coming out unless someone comes around who hasnt tried it.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know this plant is not for the faint of heart. after you use it how long until your back to normal because fro me after shrooms or acid im kinda screwy for a few days.
youll be back to totally nomal in 5-10 mins max, but ive only smoked the leaves so i cant say for the extract.


Active Member
i dont think you smoked it right...
I have to agree with darkdestruction there. When I tried 20x extract it was really short and powerful, kinda like nitrous on growth hormones. It felt like I kept waking up from a that dream within a dream feeling, except for 10min straight. Was really friend sat on the ground and tried to steer the earth, so idk who had it better between the two of us.

As a side note: the third person with us smoked twice as much as we did and felt nothing, so the experience can be highly subjective.


Well-Known Member
"he tried to steer the earth". ..... hahaahahahahha
lol that's the best one yet:mrgreen:bongsmilieive got about half a gram left maybe ill save it. they have salvia legal bud illegal now both probably,hopefully next year that bill will go through then we will be down to one again:twisted: