stuck out of town


Well-Known Member
Both kittens

My grow buddy go to check our water schedual

kitten - "looks like it's a nutes day. I'll check".

Yes, the jug is almost empty.

I'll mark it on the cal.

Me - "Thank you, I'm stoned dude."


Well-Known Member
Today the girl kitten is my helper. She is 6 mounths older then the other black cat. The older is the girl that is how you tell tem apart. oh and the boy has the fluffy tail.

Kitten "Look they are taller then I am.

Kitten - you know if they were lower i could prune them with out stretching.


Well-Known Member
After a day of watching our plants it's time to change the timer.

Kitten - I see it it's way in the back. Do you want me to get it?

me - No, let's move stuff out of the way.

Kitten - I'll get this one as soon as I snack on this leaf.

me - ok, but remember just prun the old ones.

Kitten - let me get this dead leaf out of here.

Kitten - I see you fixed the lights. I'll check the big ones in back for water. Ok looks good close it up and let take a nap. meow.



Well-Known Member
I think I saw a light leak.

no it was lower

Do I have to just do it my self, it's here.

then look you droped a leaf. I'll pick it up.



Well-Known Member
only legal herbs for the kitties....... mine get a shotti er two every once in a while..... or they willstart getting depressed.. no lie. Pe@ce..

Leo Kitten Grower

Well-Known Member
I helped my hunan put up cardboard for more light proffing. My job is to inspect after my human tapes it up.

next it's time to pick up this stuff.

Finally I go back to see what we can do about the phone Line. I think MrsRocket wants this hooked back to the fax.
