using sugared water


Well-Known Member
alot of you probably have at least heard of adding molasses when watering your plants. i was reading a high times the other day and someone asked jorge cervantes about using dr. pepper
he explained that while it wont make your weed any sweeter, the plant uses the sugar as food. so in turn he says it can make your buds up to 20% bigger when done right. he explained also that he has tried using different sources of sugar: dessert wines, actual sugar (probably from canes) and so on...

i just want to know if any of you have tried doing this (most likely molasses) at all, and if you liked the results

also couldnt you use honey? i mean thats kinda organic isnt it? if you raise honey bees or know someone who does shouldnt you use that?


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude i use SUGAR IN THE RAW. its free from starbucks or bought at the store. its pure cane sugar grown in Maui Hawaii. Natural volcanic soil gives the Cane an extra sweet taste and a tint of brown, Natural molasses. I cant give you my regimen. but it works great!--

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
dont use refined sugar it is stripped of all nutrients besides the carbohydrates themselves it wont hurt anything but better results can be had with other sources as they have minor and major nutrients besides just the carbs. use mollases or un-refined cane sugar or any other simple carbohydrate that is not processed or some of the commercial products available such as sweet or carboload which are an amalgem of carbohydrate sources. also soda is carbonated and contains various ph affecting acids and preservatives.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i agree with bicycle dont use soda, full of flavoring and perservatives that will hurt the plant, and lots of sodium which is torture for plants. Use cane sugar or molasses honey would work even corn syrup. In the past we used to think roots couldnt absorb large molecules like sugar but we are now findng out they can just very poorly. Its actually more effective to foliar feed with a light sugar solution then spray with water later to get off the residue.

Providing excess sugar to a plant will force a plant to stop growing vegatativly and make it produce fruit or buds. Everytime i use molasses water i see a swelling overnight everytime. Lamp

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
also if your growing in soil microbial action will be enhanced when using proper sugars which is very important for nutrient uptake root health and overall taste finish weight and general quality of the finished product.


Well-Known Member
so id bet either honey or molasses would be a wise choice, possibly molasses do to it being more soluable in water? and yeah soda i thought was silly when i read it , you might as well use corn syrup and skip the nasty crap

can you use honey/molasses along with nutes without problems?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i cant imagine honey would hurt anything i love the stuff plus high in some of the b-vitamins. b-1 in particular is valuable for plants mollases is probably best as it has many nutrients besides the carbohydrates like magnesium etc... most people use about a teaspoon to a table spoon a gallon but dont use it in most hydro setups it will cause various problems.


Well-Known Member
and yes you can use it with your normal ferts and other supps as it has little impact on n.p.k.
One more tiny thing, also every now and again dont use sugar, to get some of the stickiness out of the soil. I just use molasses with every other watering. Lamp


Active Member
I use Advance Nutrients Carbo Load and have had great results. I use it in my res but I also spray it directly on the buds with my fert right on through late stage flowering. I've heard that to really take advantage of carbo loading you should actually use it as a foliar mix. I got incredible results last time. It brought out all these delightful fruit flavors and allowed the plants to develop an outstanding lime/citrus flavor and aroma. I'm growing a Maui/Chem Dog cross: Maui Super Dog and Mango Haze.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yes carboload is a good product contrary to what people say it is not all mollases and contains an important carbohydrate source called deoxy ribose which is rapidly available to plants and microbes as well as mammals many athletes use it for energy good stuff.


Active Member
I'm using liquid karma right now... is that doing the same sort of thing that molasses does? Or would I benefit from adding it as well? I'm almost at week 3 of flowering.


Well-Known Member
the brand domino makes organic sugar, which has a tint and mild tast of molasses. i havent used legit molasses, but it seems to do the trick

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
if liquid karma is a carbohydrate based product its probably doing the same thing i have not used that product so i cant say for sure. i have used mollases sweet by botanicare and carboload and sweet leaf by advanced nutrients. sweet and sweetleaf are flavor enhancers but do contain carbohydrates along with amino acids etc...


Well-Known Member
I am using organic sucanat. You can get it from most health food stores for 8-9 dollars a bag. I use 1 TSP per gallon of water, every other watering. Since I have started using it I have seen alot more resi production.


Well-Known Member
Soda does have a good bit of phosphoric acid though, which should give some P value.

I like to use 100% naturally sweetened apple juice in my water. Start at about 1/4c per gallon in the first two weeks, gradually increasing to 1c per gallon for week 7-8. You can even use it in the flush period. And always use molasses! :mrgreen: