Stems and Hash in bubble bags


Well-Known Member
I just got some bubblebags to make some hash with, but I also read not to put stems in there as it might damage the bags and poke holes in them.

Whats your guys experience with this? I kept all my stems, even the huge trunk ones. Should I just cut them small into 1 inch pieces and stick them in there anyways? I dont really want to throw away the stems cause theres supposed to be resin on them, but I dont want to damage my new bags


Well-Known Member
take your stems, put them into a wooden box, shake it like crazy.

Collect the powdery goodness and enjoy. :)


Well-Known Member
you just paid good money for a set of bags...why chance ruining them.

stems have very little resin on them anyway. mine go into the compost heap.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I wouldnt want to grind up the stems... All I want is the trichomes on the stems
This is why you're putting stems in the bubble bags, just like you put leaves in the bubble bags. You don't want the plant material, but you use it to extract the trichomes and then discard it. Grinding it up and adding it to your "mash" can't hurt anything. Use a kief box first if you want, but what are you going to lose by grinding up the remaining stems? As long as they aren't pointy (hence ground up) they should contribute SOMETHING to your hash.


Well-Known Member
ahh, thats what your talking about. I thought u were talking about grinding it up and compressing or something. dumb of me


Well-Known Member
Hmm, what about putting the stems in a blender with ice and water to grind them up, and just dumping them into the bag with the rest. Think that will work too?


Well-Known Member
Throw the fucking stems in the garbage! Dont even bother with them. I personally would never put debris like that into my bags. Buds and sugar leaf only.


Well-Known Member
Heh, im more of the save everything if it can be used type. If it has trichs, why not harvest them. Same amount of work almost