I'm sorry Great Britain.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
They have 4,000,000 cameras in the UK doing surveillance on cities night and day. He may get thrown in jail over a small amount of bud, but at least there wont be premature intervention based on over zealous police who have nothing better to do than spy on the populous.
im all for it, its stoped a lot of crime if you are not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about do you? CCTV was introduced in london so much because of the terrorist threat from the IRA when they were active and always bombing london the CCTV is used to catch the people who planted the bombs and act as a deterrent to stop them and its very effective.

thrown in jail for a small amount of weed or CCTV? i take the CCTV and keep my freedom and walk the streets feeling safer at night knowing they are there.


Well-Known Member
im all for it, its stoped a lot of crime if you are not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about do you? CCTV was introduced in london so much because of the terrorist threat from the IRA when they were active and always bombing london the CCTV is used to catch the people who planted the bombs and act as a deterrent to stop them and its very effective.

thrown in jail for a small amount of weed or CCTV? i take the CCTV and keep my freedom

So you give up liberties for freedom? Those are two contradictory viewpoints.One cannot live in freedom without basic civil liberties. I'd rather live with shitty marijuana laws than have every waking moment in public videotaped. At least here I can rest knowing that I have to be negligent to get caught up in some shit, and not because I was caught on candid camera.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
So you give up liberties for freedom? Those are two contradictory viewpoints.One cannot live in freedom without basic civil liberties. I'd rather live with shitty marijuana laws than have every waking moment in public videotaped. At least here I can rest knowing that I have to be negligent to get caught up in some shit, and not because I was caught on candid camera.
its only in the City's not in your street where you live:roll: where would you feel safer Washington, DC the murder capital city of the world or in London? every city has CCTV have you not ever watch the america cop shows? and the amount of crime they have to deal with? makes london look like an infant school.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Wow!not here to American bash at all,far from it.America has some truly great qualities,mainly patriotism.Herbal maybe you should fuck off to America coz Albion doesn't need people like you,Our American cousins could teach you a thing or 2 about national pride man...You outta be ashamed of yourself.

I'm out too!.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
England is no longer English.

out. :blsmoke:
you are correct its turning in to America more and more every day!= American TV shows, films, fashion,plastic surgery, big mac's, kentucky fried chicken ect., blair then and now brown so far up Americas arse "Brown" is the correct name for the scotish one eyed arse licking cunt!

the truth is the u.k is little America!

an englishman's home is not his castle anymore its his fucking condo


Well-Known Member
you are correct its turning in to America more and more every day!= American TV shows, films, fashion,plastic surgery, big mac's, kentucky fried chicken ect., blair then and now brown so far up Americas arse "Brown" is the correct name for the scotish one eyed arse licking cunt!

the truth is the u.k is little America!
Heh,lemmi tell you something..When the tide turns and it's time for a new superpower,the U.K will be the first to jump ship...We've been round a long time and know how to play the game...All these "PUBLIC" shrug-offs will never be forgot!...Not by ANY global leader...The truth is America needs it's allies just as much as we need them..Public opinion right across the world is low on America through no fault of its people...This is when things go drastically wrong,History has proved this

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Heh,lemmi tell you something..When the tide turns and it's time for a new superpower,the U.K will be the first to jump ship...We've been round a long time and know how to play the game...All these "PUBLIC" shrug-offs will never be forgot!...Not by ANY global leader...The truth is America needs it's allies just as much as we need them..Public opinion right across the world is low on America through no fault of its people...This is when things go drastically wrong,History has proved this
I never said there was anything wrong with american people? all i said the u.k are following in the foot steps of America i.e our life style is changing to that of what Americans eat, drink, the clothes they ware ect.. nothing wrong with that.


New Member
I never said there was anything wrong with american people? all i said the u.k are following in the foot steps of America i.e our life style is changing to that of what Americans eat, drink, the clothes they ware ect.. nothing wrong with that.
if you have ever eaten british food you know why...........;-)

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
if you have ever eaten british food you know why...........;-)
hay mate you cant beat a full english breakfast after a night out on budwiser! LOL

id take a sunday roast over a big mac any day!. by the way the national dish is chicken tikka masala:mrgreen:

what would you go for?



New Member
hay mate you cant beat a full english breakfast after a night out on budwiser! LOL

id take a sunday roast over a big mac any day!. by the way the national dish is chicken tikka masala:mrgreen:

what would you go for?

that's some nasty looking shit...I'll take the big mac...but england has McDonalds too........


Well-Known Member
if you have ever eaten british food you know why...........;-)

Its no wonder they like Fish and Chips[slab of bland fish w/french fries]They eat some really wierd shit over there.I'm not gay but aren't Princes supposed to be good looking?That is one ugly MF Almost looks Inbred.1776 baby:mrgreen:


New Member
:lol: so what exactly is American food.... is there such a thing? All of our food comes from somewhere else, no? :mrgreen:

Besides Englands saving grace is Shepards Pie...MMMmmmm.

out. :blsmoke: