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Well-Known Member
Seems this is the only place to get an answer from someone and I won't complain ( as long as it is the correct answer)..:blsmoke:

FF Soil , end of veg, 5 gal buckets

Had to flush them since the pH was at 5.5 due to not checking the pH of the water/nutes before adding. I let them almost dry out completely and then added FF Grow Big (1/4 tsp gal), 1/2 oz pulverized lime, 3/4 tsp gal epsom salt, 1 tsp gal molasses. Sound OK or not? The run off is still at 6.0-6.2 but hope it will raise once the lime settles in a bit and after another water. I guess my question is will the epsom salt and lime hurt anything ?


Well-Known Member
two questions.

1. how do i determine light spectrum of light if i lost the box. It's white light, not red. It can range anywhere from 5k to 6700.
2. is there any cheaper ways to neutralize smell besides carbon filter.

thanks a bunch


Well-Known Member
g'day iv;e got 3 growing they look healthier then any i had before and there about 6 weeks in and they don't smell at all! and they are not at all sticky do you know why?


Well-Known Member
Had a plant on 12/12 for about 3 weeks to determine the sex...after it had pistils growing and the start of a bigger flower on top I took 5 clones and put them in a vegging dome on 22/2 cycle. I then put the mother back into the 22/2 veg room. Will it eventually go back to veg state (the flowers left seem to be growing)? :-|:cry:Will I be able to continue using it as a mother or should I just throw it back into flowering room and use one of the clones as a new mother???:dunce:
usually you grow a mother, take clones, root em, throw a clone from each mother into flower to find out sex, if male kill clone and mother, if female take more clones from mother to either flower or grow as a new mother
i think going back and forth between light scheduals with a mother is stressful to her, id personally flower her, but thats me


Well-Known Member
been asking this around without response.
is it safe to use a juice container for a growing pot? im talking about 960 mL oasis containers, basically a super-sized juice box. i think theyd be the perfect size for a SOG in a tight space, but im wondering if they contain any toxic materials?
iv grow in soup tins, youghurt containers, cardboard juice jugs (the ones with plastic lining), even those folgers coffee tins and my plants didnt complain, i wouldnt recomend the coffee tin seeing as it started to rust but the rest where fine.
your saying you juice jug has a metal lining, thats probly lined with some plastic so id say your good...and besides its for juice that you drink so i doubt theyd use something toxic


Well-Known Member
alright heres my question. i have a white mold problem. i have 35% humidity, have done ohsos sulphur boil tip,neem oil, bleach, and it keeps coming back in my brand new grow room. temps never go above 82 f and humidity highest is 45% after watering.
so i ordered a sulphur burner and it will be here friday.
can i burn the sulphur all through flower, and will it stick to my trichs.and will it really kill it.
also how long does the dust have to sit on the leafs? can i clean it off after a certain amount of time. any help will be greatly appreciated.
for mold i think you should go and take care of the problem instead of making or buying a solution, the humidity doesnt have to be that high as long as the air is sitting around mold will form, do you have enough ventilation and air circulation?


Well-Known Member
Seems this is the only place to get an answer from someone and I won't complain ( as long as it is the correct answer)..:blsmoke:

FF Soil , end of veg, 5 gal buckets

Had to flush them since the pH was at 5.5 due to not checking the pH of the water/nutes before adding. I let them almost dry out completely and then added FF Grow Big (1/4 tsp gal), 1/2 oz pulverized lime, 3/4 tsp gal epsom salt, 1 tsp gal molasses. Sound OK or not? The run off is still at 6.0-6.2 but hope it will raise once the lime settles in a bit and after another water. I guess my question is will the epsom salt and lime hurt anything ?
all the people on this forum that have talked about epsom salt for whatever problem have said that if that wasnt the cause of the problem then the salt wont hurt the plant, as for the lime, they say use lemons to change ph if you cant aford the actual shit so i doubt lime will do anyting bad, and yes, ph doesnt chage instantly but when i had a ph prob i kept pouring ph's water through my plants till i had the right ph coming out the bottom but it took 2 more waterings after that to get it to ballance completely


Well-Known Member
two questions.

1. how do i determine light spectrum of light if i lost the box. It's white light, not red. It can range anywhere from 5k to 6700.
2. is there any cheaper ways to neutralize smell besides carbon filter.

thanks a bunch
what kinda light is it
MH, MV, CFL, incandescent, halogen???

make a diy carbon filter, you can pick up small amounts of activated carbon to make a filter for around 25 bux, use the activated carbon pellets they sell in aquarium stores used to refill water filter packs


Well-Known Member
my buds are 6 weeks in and they dont smell and not sticky what could be some reasons cause i should have the opposite problem


Well-Known Member
my buds are 6 weeks in and they dont smell and not sticky what could be some reasons cause i should have the opposite problem
lets get some more info on your setup
what strain, what light, what medium, 6 weeks old into flower? (how long in veg)
you could be getting imune to the smell of the buds or your plant just doesnt have that pungent of an odour, as for stickiness, when the trics start to for the plant starts getting also would help


Well-Known Member
their in grow wool,600w hps,4-6weeks in veg,can't remember(i know now thats to long)their in ther 6th week of flowering,i dont know what strains they are 2 different one's but last year outdoor they turned out good.i'll try and get some pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
from the looks of it they are doing good, the pics are not good
some fat buds forming, i dont know why it wouldnt be sticky, it looks sticky to me and like i said some strains just dont stink a lot


Well-Known Member
thanks ganja. i'd say its more plastic, but its got that metallic sheen aha.

my plants are nearly done but dont stink nearly as much i wish they would :P and a month isnt too long to veg really. id say its the perfect time if you want a decent sized plant, and you can accomodate it. your nugs look very nice tho in pic 2, but trichomes arent apparent anyways due to camera quality :P


Well-Known Member
thanks ganja. i'd say its more plastic, but its got that metallic sheen aha.

my plants are nearly done but dont stink nearly as much i wish they would :P and a month isnt too long to veg really. id say its the perfect time if you want a decent sized plant, and you can accomodate it. your nugs look very nice tho in pic 2, but trichomes arent apparent anyways due to camera quality :P
glad to help
and thanks for taking a looksy, ill either borrow my friends pro HD camera and snap some super macro close-ups of the trics or make a diy lens for my camera, but ill do that at harvest :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i'll try to get some better close ups of the buds but all i got to use is a camera phone,and yes the buds are nice a fat and chunky.does no smell mean it will taste like shit?


Active Member
Thanks for the offer to help, I started out with rockwool in aero garden, waited until they got a good root system and placed them in a rockwool 4' cube in a home made ebb & flow, they seem to doing good just a little slow to grow. I ran out of money for distilled water and had to start using my city water. I am worried about the city water, I let it sit over night before I poured it in my res. I added vinigar to adjust my ph, and I added gh nuts, mirco and grow. I also added h2o2 hydroperoxide so if there are impurties that might take care of it. I have a long bubbler stone in there as well....(sorry, I am a first time grower) I let the ebb & flow run two times a day - should I do more or is this enough? The plants are three weeks old and so far so good, just wanted to check with someone with experience to see if there is more I can do. I have a fan on low 24/7 and cut if off for breif times to run homemade co2. shake bottle, and leave the room. I go back in 20 mins to turn fan back on. I'm going to leave for 4 days next week, what should I do in preperation for them to be on their own for that length of time? Also, I put one teaspoon of molassas in the res. for carbo buster. Any advice would be greatly appericieated!!!

Thanks again for the offer to help!!!


Well-Known Member
for mold i think you should go and take care of the problem instead of making or buying a solution, the humidity doesnt have to be that high as long as the air is sitting around mold will form, do you have enough ventilation and air circulation?
ganajboi. i have two large osc fans,an 12,ooo btu a/c \ dehudifier, a 8000 btu a\c. and my intake is blower fan from one of those blow up jumpy houses. when it turns on the air actually blows the plants a little bit. my exhaust is mid sized fantech can fan.
i had left the manual fvor the ac\dehumidifyer in the romm for about a weak while dialing it in. then i noticed the manual had mold all over it so i think it came from there but have removed it.
i need to get it permanently stopped amd sulphur seems the answer.